Friday, January 8, 2010

Personal Advice? Should i ditch this friend?

I have a friend that I cinsider a close friend. He tells me that i Know him better than Most people. We atlk about almost everything and we have a lot in common. We both have similar pasts ( somewhat traumatic). I have known him since 2004. I am not in the same country as him(imoved in 2007).

1.Here is the problem.Between August and October he stopped talking to me, when he re-added me on MSN he said that he was going through some personal issues and that he wasnt just ignoring me but other ppl and that he was sorry.

2. A while back we were talking online and he told me that sometimes his ';best friend '; signs on to his account and pretends to be him. I was really angry about that cuz sometimes are conversations are very personal..

3 When i went home for Xmas i invited him to a houseparty. he didntshow up but he uploaded facebook pics of himself at a difrent party the same night.

when i was leaving the country i got this text ';sorry we didnt get to hang out';Personal Advice? Should i ditch this friend?
I think it would be best to ignore him for a awhile and if you do go back to talking to him do it only through phone that way you know that its him for sure but it seems that he's being a liar so talk to him tell him what's bothering you and then unless he apologizes ignore him. he obviously doesn't deserve your friendship.Personal Advice? Should i ditch this friend?
Yes. He is another waster.
From personal experience i had a similar problem. My ex-bf was very hurtful but was to naive to notice until i left him. You should do the same because like the saying says';You don't know what you got till its gone'; Sometimes it takes a massive blow to the heart to fully understand.
yea u should
I think you should, looks like he doesn't seem to be acting like one..Ignoring you, and not showing up for a party and going to another party, atleast he could have told you that he was going to another party that night.

Just move on, it could seem hard leaving someone but don't bother if the person doesn't seem to care much.

That's what happened to my friend, she hung out with us for a year and was our best friend and when we called her the next year she stopped responding and so did the other friends she introduced us too, we are much better off with her now as she wasn't even a good friend.

I'm sure you'll find a better friend.

Personal advice needed about an ex that i am now pregnant by?

ok so i was dating this guy for about 4 yrs and i thought everything was really get until one of my so called best friends started coming around. i really trusted her i told her everything, she was even the first person i told when i found out i was pregnant. well about a week later my boyfriend at the time kicked me out and i didn't have anywhere else to go but to my moms house (which lives in a different state) then later i found out that my friend had told him that i was trying to get back with one of my ex's and a bunch of other lies, and she ended up getting with my ex boyfriend, so a month went by and he broke up with her and i start talking to my ex again but didn't get back with him (the guy i am pregnant by) and i forgave her and started being friends with her again and i put my trust back in her she told me that it wouldn't happen again and she don't know why she did that and everything and she was really sorry, well it happened to me again with the same girl... and this time im not forgiving her and don't know if i should even talk to him unless it has to do with the baby.... what do u think i should do? Personal advice needed about an ex that i am now pregnant by?
Good for you believing the best about people, but she proved she's not your friend, so that's that. As for him. Do you forgive him? Don't think about the baby for a are things between the two of you? If it is still good and if you would have stayed if not for your ';friend';, try to work it out. If you still love him, give your baby the best chance you can to know both its parents. Don't spend your life wondering if you could have made it work. If he is willing to work it out, try. Better to know what would happen instead of wondering ';What If?'; Good LuckPersonal advice needed about an ex that i am now pregnant by?
dont talk to her anymore, and only talk to your ex if it has to do with your kid. sorry about that, ppl are idiots.

hope i helped!
say it's your teachers baby. Sue him for sexual abuse, get money, and muy your baby a lamburguini.
Be more careful about choosing friends and once they screw you don't go back for more.
Even though it will be hard for you, it will help if you do forgive her and him. That doesn't mean you have to like them, it simply means that you're not going to let it eat away at you like a cancer. I think you are right in that you remove her out of your life, but when it comes to the father of your child you should really consider some things. For one, he is your child's father(good or bad) and there's nothing anyone can do to change that. He's going to be a part of your life no matter how minute because of legal stuff, you know....child support and possible custody issues. I would talk to him and see if he actually wants to be apart of the child's life first. As far as the romantic relationship between you and him goes, that's completely up to you. People do change, but it's is very rare. I wouldn't depend on him for support because of that unfortunate fact. If he does show some interest in the child, it might be good for the child later on. There's not really any way of knowing unless you try. Be careful and God bless!

Personal advice on army physical fitness?

I want to be at 300 by the time I ship out...which is a little over two months from now. I'm in terrible shape. As a 25 year old male and I need to do 75 army style push ups in a single set, 80 army style sit ups in a single set, and run 2 miles in 13 minutes flat. After testing myself I did 30 army style pushups in a single set, 20 army style sit ups in a single set and ran a mile in 7 minutes. Can I do it with the time alloted, and if so, any tips or advice?Personal advice on army physical fitness?
Check out this website for military work outs and tips.鈥?/a>Personal advice on army physical fitness?
My advice is to work out and trust that the Drills will smoke the everliving hell out of you, and you will pass.
You don't have to do it in a single set, really... there are authorized rest positions. You can use the entire two minutes.
  • stella mccartney
  • Personal advice desperately needed?

    ok so its like this im 19 years old i have been with my husband for 5 years married one. we just had a daughter about 2 months ago and since i got pregnant it seems all we do is fight. he does avidly work on music he is an up and coming rapper and i have always pushed his music dream i dont have any issues as far as that goes my problem is he seems to want to be away from the home more than ever i mean no matter what i do it seems i have to fight to get him to stay home i know he isnt cheating but he just refuses to stay home. i basically need some advice on what to do t fix our relationship. i do not work so i know alot of my anger deals with being coopted up in a house all day but i need some advice on what to do to better myself within so i could be good for me and my daughter and advice on how to fix things in my marrige.Personal advice desperately needed?
    Obviously you married too young, and are not emotionally mature. WAY too young and now a Baby already?

    And, married to a Rapper (wannabe) whom is not obviously mature and committed to you.

    These are all the ingredients for failure and unhappiness. You really don't have a true marriage.

    Go and get a job anyway! Why won't you? Because of Welfare or something?

    You have a man that may never see any money for years as a Rapper. Does that sound like financial security to you?

    Get a clue! This has disaster written all over it!Personal advice desperately needed?
    I'm sure you've had this same conversation with your husband on more than one occasion and he still refuses to listen. So what you need to do is be prepared to be the responsible parent that thinks more of your daughter compared to running the streets like your husband does. You need to let him know he's not needed by you like he thinks he is.

    One person cannot fix everything that's wrong.

    I have met lots of ';up and coming rappers'; and the one thing they all have in common is NO JOB. Grow up. You chose to be a mother way too young. Support yourself and your kid or even go to school and make something out of yourself. By the time you finish schooling your husband will still be rapping in his mom's basement probably where his ';studio'; is right now.
    mostly u feel angry bcz of the hormones from yr pregnancy and he prefers to stay out the house to avoid the fights just relax and dont push him whenever he will see u relaxed he will be glad to come to the house i hope things workes out for u too gl
    you need to go to college and earn a decent degree. This is the best thing you can do for your daughter and for yourself.
    hard to fix. married too young. i did similar mistake

    but try to see a marriage counselor and maybe it will work
    If one is able to diagonalize any problem then I thing one is 75% done the job. As you have told that your are continuously tiring to withhold him at home for none reason and you know he is not cheating you and you are not helping him to realize his dream.

    So all you have to do opposite of it and the situation shall be under control. You must have heart - Behind every successful man there is a gentle woman. That gentleness you have to attain to get your goal.

    Try to encourage him to attain his goal. Do not pressurize him for unnecessary things. Take interest in his life. Simile is a best medicine for all ailments. Keep your face smiling , the life will change itself.
    yes, i agree with angel, it's ur hormones. u have to relax and try to pick a fight . i'm sure he doesn't wanna fight with u that is why he is away .

    true enough maybe u are just bore being in the house. why don't u get together with ur friends. maybe invite them over. so that u can release some tension and stress that is accumulating in u. it's not good for the baby. why don't u discuss

    with him how u feels. maybe he doesn't know cos u don't give him a chance. try it will work out for the best. The best remedy in the world which free is Patience
    At an early age of marriage sometimes it goes that way BUT don't allow it to happen. Be good always, pray that everything will be under control and support this like: understanding his need, serve him as your husband, fix yourself always, love him and his chosen career, take good care of your daughter, if there's a problem (hope none) talk it over before you sleep in a win-win situation without arguing each other. if his on top of his voice, tone down yours. avoid argument. one thing stop nagging.

    support each other. God Bless you.

    Personal Advice- Serious?

    This is a little tricky, so be open minded. My sister Sherah just got married to Scott, I was the maid of honor. I go to my sisters all the time! Mostly when I need to hide away from my family; you know, if me and mom get into a fight or I need a real shower (We no longer have running water in the house, Dad ';cant afford'; to get it fixed). Or I go over to babysit their two kids wile they hunt. I absolutely adore my nephew Charlie!

    It must've been a week or two ago, shortly after I hooked up with my current bf Max. He's awesome! Anyways, I'm a very lovable person. I love to cuddle and hug. I dont know what was so different about this time than any other time I'd cuddled with Scott, but he was sitting in his chair wile we were watching a ball game. Sherah went to tuck the kids into bed and I went to cuddle with Scott until she got back- I was cuddling with her before she left. I'd done it several times before and she never said a word about it. Sometimes she even picked on me telling me how comfy I looked. He's big and cuddably ^^. Well, she came in and sat down on the couch, but looked different- something very odd that I'd never seen her like before. It took me a wile to figure out what it was, but then I got up and sat back next to her. Why the heck would my sister be jealous? Ew, I didnt really like like Scott! He's a cool person and all, but too old for me and so not my type! Nor would I attempt to steal another woman's husband, especially not my sister's. And even more- why would I cheat on my bf? I didnt bother hiding how completely into Max I was, why did this change anything? I even cuddled with Scott before they were married. It makes no sense.

    Ok, this is probably where I messed up. The next night I sat in Scott's chair since he wasn't there, then Sherah came in and sat on the couch. ';Scott's going to make you move'; She told me. I grinned and told her, ';No, I bet he'll sick somewhere else';. Sherah just shook her head, but he did- he sat next to her. I hate to admit it, but their not real lovable to each other. So I should expect Sherah would have been overjoyed when Scott even cuddled up with her. I offered Scott his chair back, but I think he was comfy. Now that I think about it, maybe that was why Scott was being so nice- he realized too she'd gotten jealous and was trying to make it better. If that was the case, she blew it off completely. She left and Scott was educating me on football, then one of those presidental advertising things came up and Scott mentioned that he would run for president if he was a little older. And I'd always thought of Scott as old and then in another split matter I always thought 35 was young to be able to be a president. So I told him that I just realized how young he really was. Odd. Scott's like 30-31.

    Sherah was in the bathroom. I was cold and asked Scott if I could join him on the couch. He whispered and told me to wait until Sherah went to bed... I nodded and asked back in a whisper if he thought she was jealous. He nodded and didnt say anything else. Sherah went to bed after a wile and Scott told me I could. He scooted over and I cuddled up next to him. I faintly thought that maybe I shouldn't, but I knew that there was no real harm to it. Sherah was just being paranoud. Well, suddenly Scott nudged me and told me in an urgent whisper to get up. I did and plopped back down in his seat, just as Sherah came into the room. I freaked, she really was paranoid- crap what did I do? Sherah asked kind of harshly if Scott was headed to bed, he kind of nodded, then she asked again more urgently. He nodded and got up. The whole time I couldn't face her. I wasn't sure how to explain that kind of a thing.

    I slept on the couch (as usual) and Scott came and sat down by me before he went to work. He whispered and told me that he told her that I asked if we could cuddle and that he'd told me no, and that was supposed to be our story. I nodded- I would avoid the situation from now on and if she really wanted I story that would be it. Right after he left, the lights flicked on in the living room and she came in. She demanded to know what was going on. She was really taking this far! Of course, she's always been the kind to like to start ****... but never with me before. We've been long time friends- of all the people she talked **** about I never even thought she'd do it to me. And I knew she would- she'd ruin my name like a thief like she did my other brothers. I loved her and I'd never do anything to really hurt her, but when I told her the truth of what happened and that I was sorry for pushing her once I realized her distrust- she called me a liar and broke everything. The nights of locking my older brother out of her room so me and her could decorate her little christma's tree, the hunting we did together, and every moment I ever spent raising her kid wile she was off drinking meant nothing now! And I wasn't me who ruined it. Maybe I didnt do justice to it, butPersonal Advice- Serious?
    鈾?Your sister is not comfortable with you cuddling with her husband, she doesn't like it, so don't do it. And he shouldn't be sneaky about things, and lying to his wife. If a man is being sneaky and lying about that, makes ya wonder what else he will hide and lie about...

    Basically, you should tell your sister that your sorry for making her feel uncomfortable after knowing it was bothering her, then give her some space. And don't snuggle with her husband anymore.. and in the future if your having to lie or be sneaky, against your sister or any loved one, then its probably NOT the right thing to be doing... hope things get better with your sister... good luckPersonal Advice- Serious?
    Whoah, this was really long. It sounds like you are making moves on your sister's husband, and she is justifiably pissed. You don't cuddle with a married man. That's a very intimate thing to do. Not only that, you hurt your sister on purpose. You knew she was jealous of what you were doing with her husband, and you did it anyway. I think you should just f**k Scott and screw your sister some more.
    Is Scott cheating on her? Why would you cuddle with her man anyways? Don't you think that is odd? you have a man, cuddle with him not hers. You need to remember they are married, that is not your man. Get over it. You want a honest oppionin? I would not be suprised if you and Scott are cheating on your mates. You need to stop what ever it is. HE IS TAKEN BY YOUR SISTER!! YOUR HURTING HER! Dam, I can't believe some one would seriously do that!

    It's definitely not normal to cuddle with your sister's husband(not for most anyway), and it's obvious that she doesn't trust someone.. whether it's you or him we can't tell.

    You need to give your sister some room, and stay away from her husband for a while. She'll need time to cool off before you can really talk about what started her feelings of jealousy.

    I need some personal advice stat!?

    heres the deal (sorry long):

    im 20 years old, and ive never had the pleasure of being in a relationship. now im not saying that i want some long lasting forever thing.. but at least i would like to experience it. anyways i am very much so your typical girl next door.. and i am always being asked if i have a boyfriend.. or hearing.. i just dont understand why you dont have a boyfriend and all i can really say is i dont know when really i do know why i have never been able to get a boyfriend. the reason is that even though i seem to be a pretty good catch (in my opinion anyways) my friends around me in comparison seem better catches... for example same kind of personality but better looking, etc. Now obviously i do not want new friends.. but i mean i really dont know what to do to get myself a boyfriend.. i dont really like to bother about this.. but i do get kinda lonely you know, and i obviously cant change who i am and i dont want to anyways, i like who i am! I just really need adviceI need some personal advice stat!?
    Is it possible that you just haven't met the right guy yet?

    I didn't have a boyfriend until I was in my late twenties. Why? Who knows? I really didn't know how to behave around boys and I had been somewhat sheltered growing up, so I guess I was awkward. I also didn't have much self-confidence.

    But there is no reason why you can't date. At the age of 20, why not join a dating website or a church singles group?

    Also, ask yourself what kind of boy you;'d like to attract and then sit down and ask yourself if you are the kind of girl that particular kind of boy would like? This may sound like a silly exercise, but it is not and in fact is very eye-opening. Sometimes we can be guilty of focusing too much on what we want and not enough on what we have to offer a relationship. I'm not saying that you do this, but it is a consideration.

    Remember, life is a gift and rejoice in what IS going well in your life. Don't think too much about what you don't like or (spiritually) you'll just attract more of it. :-)I need some personal advice stat!?
    be happy with you for now, the right one hasn't shown his face yet... you will know him when you meet him... you have lots of time..

    having a bf isn't the end all be all, it is nice to date, but 20 is young to settle just one guy........
    have some fun while you're young, but if all else fails try one of those dating sites advertised on the sides of websites.
    You just need to put yourself out there.

    Ask yourself honestly how many new guys have you met in the last month. A guy isn't going to magically appear at your doorstep. And make sure people know that you are single and interested

    Need personal advice?

    im in a relationship thats had a lot of ups and downs, a lot of downs on my girlfriends part. she hurt me a lot in the beginning, shes 4 years younger than me, and we started dating when she was 16. so she was on the immature side when we started, and she made a lot of mistakes. the outcome of all of it has made me a bit on the controlling side, but i want to change and im just not sure how to. anyone with any suggestions would be a great help. its the only way i can think to save this relationship.Need personal advice?
    Well ask her what she'd like to do once in a while. Take her opinion, leave it to her to set things up. The best way to not be in control, is to pass the controller. Neither of you should be in control, you should be equally involved. Do things for each other because you care, not because its about control or what you get in return. And don't change, that's a bad word. Improve yourself. Just do it better, better yourself. I hope this helps. Also, maybe step back a little. Not saying break up, but give each other space now and then. You want to be together, but you also have to live your life. Remember the closer you get to something, the hard it is to see it clearly, so don't take it for granted.Need personal advice?
    Maybe she is new at this if she is 16. Can you give her some time and try to be patient with her. She needs to act more maturely too.

    Personal Advice? help me?

    Ok i'm having trouble with a guy and well here is the whole thing: ( im not telling you people his name)i started liking him like 1 week ago and he i think i know that he likes me and he has brown eyes and we stare at each other and i usually look away and when i got off the bus i said happy birthday because it was his birthday and he was starring at me and i know i don't know what to do so please tell me what to doPersonal Advice? help me?
    Okay you are having trouble with a guy? What is the trouble? You think he likes you? You stare at each other? You don't know what to do?

    Take it easy kiddo, he isn't going anywhere and you need to slow the heck down! Enjoy the moment and wait for him to make that move - if you do then he will never get to the place where he realizes he wants to be with you... meaning he will always say he did it for you, not because he liked you as much as you liked him.

    Meanwhile, try to show him that he isn't all that, make him more anxious (not with other guys, just that you want to seem less preoccupied with him than you really are). Try not staring as much at the times when he expects you to stare at/with him. Try to stare only for 2 seconds then look away off to a door, then your watch, then by that time you should have had time to compose yourself. He will see that he is not all that and, in desperation, do something eager like... ask you out or something!

    If nothing happens in 2 days, go to him and ask him out! If he has reservations about going out with you then good, things are at least out in the open and you can begin to breath again - you were mistaken.Personal Advice? help me?
    Probably he was to surprised and he couldn't say anything , in this case don't worry, but if he didn't wanted to be seen with you, then you should be worried because he acted like he didn't knew you
    Just keep saying Hello to him. A conversation will eventually strike up and you are off and running.

    Need someones advice about a personal problem?

    I seen to be having a problem producing any sperm after i am done jerking off and it seems as though each time i do it nothing comes out but i don't want to take it to the doctors unless it is something that could get worse over time. Also I seem to be getting more pubic hair but my balls aren't getting any bigger and my voice is not getting any deeper. NEED ADVICE OUR HELP!!!!!!!Need someones advice about a personal problem?
    Well, if you masturbate too frequently, you won't produce much sperm (an example would be 5 times in 30 minutes or less). Don't worry about your testes getting bigger, the testes tend to grow slower than other primary male sex characteristics. Not everyone's voice gets deeper when they go through pubescent changes, mine never did... and therefore I can still sing very high notes. Also, your voice could be getting deeper without you noticing... it's not a completely overnight ordeal... changes that happen gradually are less likely to be noticeable to those who are in the vicinity of the changes as they occur gradually...

    And finally, do not listen to those who would try to convince you that masturbation is a sin, or try to convince you that masturbation is in any way bad for you: there are verses in the bible that condone masturbation, but do encourage cleanliness afterward (taking a bath or shower), and masturbation has been proven to even be of benefit to males.

    Hope this helps.


    DaveNeed someones advice about a personal problem?
    GO TO THE DOCTOR! How else will you know if it will get worse over time. If you are freaked out go to WebMD and ask them, somewhere on the site you can ask questions - they don't diagnose but they may have advice to offer.
    Just be a man and see a doctor its of utmost importance you see one! Who gives a **** if the doctor had to touch your nuts or stick his finger up ur ****!
    maybe you don't finish the job, get a girl friend it will be so much easier for you. but if you are very concern go see a doctor. good luck!!!
    You are committing mortal sin. Stop it and go to confession.
    Good grief!
  • stella mccartney
  • Becoming a personal trainer...advice?

    I may be moving overseas soon, in my last year in the states I want to get my personal trainer certification. I have been looking at programs online (NESTA, ACE as well as a couple others, there is also a course at a local university that I can take in order to become certified)-Is there any certification program in particular or advice that you can give me in order to accomplish this goal? Any info would be great! I just needed to speak with an actual person rather than just reading things online..thanks!Becoming a personal trainer...advice?
    The certification I would recommend is IFPA. I am certified by them and it has been a really good experience. My brother is also becoming certified by them and he is overseas in the military. They shipped the materials to him and he has no problem. If your interested in other certifications they have a bunch. I'm about to start their sports nutrition specialist very soon. I highly recommend them to everyone

    Good Luck choosing!Becoming a personal trainer...advice?
    I was formerly cert. by ACE. Now I am cert. by ISSA. I like ISSA better simply because they have a good resource board for their trainers By their trainers. They are also one of the original certifying agencies. Good Luck!
    Hi, ,ISSA would be your best choice. I actually am an enrollment specialist with the ISSA. If you want to talk to a real person please give me a call at 1-800-892-4772 ext. 120. Id love to answer any of your questions. Just ask for Bob and ill help you out!

    Good Luck!!

    Does anyone need free fashion advice from a personal stylist?

    I am in competition with a rival website and need 1000 hits by the end of the week! Does anyone need fashion advice???

    Can I post the website address??Does anyone need free fashion advice from a personal stylist?
    This is amazing (:

    I'm a littl e confused on the site, though. Haha i wanted to email YOU instead, but i wanted ton make sure i didnt email the wrong person.

    So i would LOVE some help on wardrobe planning. Especially on the first day of school. I kind of want a bohemian look, and im a big splurger, so that's why i prefer QUALITY over QUANTITY. That's why i have a lot of brand names, but not a huge closet full of Old Navy [[no offence to anyone]] crap.

    So any shopping advice would be sooo awesome! I also want advice on accessorizing. If i have a plain outfit, what is the bast way to accessorize?

    my email is in my profile page and it's also here:

    thanks sooo much!Does anyone need free fashion advice from a personal stylist?
    sure, can you give me some tips on my Polyvore drafts? You can email me at or send me the web address!

    Please post the website. Im 13 and I live in the Uk and Im a size 6. I just don't know what clothes to wear!
    Sure. I love fashion so any site about it is my kind of website!
    yeh sure...weres the website? 17 live in UK size 8 and need some new clothes tht are in at the moment :)

    I need some personal advice!?

    My hair seems to be falling out more than normal. Some people say that it is caused by stress but I have changed my habits so I have less stress. Any advice? It isn't drastic but it kindof worries me.I need some personal advice!?
    hey, i think that's just normal. maybe you're just thinking that. women lose about 100 strands of hair everyday, and men lose about 75-125.. don't worry about it too much.:)I need some personal advice!?
    as long as you can't see the hair missing from your scalp, i mean as long as it looks normal and you can't tell there is hair missing, i think you don't have to worry. we lose about 100 strands of hair a day, and seasonally even more, usually in spring and autumn.

    Need some personal advice?

    So I'm currently 24 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. I couldn't be happier about it. But things with the dad aren't so wonderful. We've been together for 8 months and it seems like 2 yrs. We fight all the time, I have no sexual disire toward him (may just be because im pregnant). And to top it off we've been having this on going arguement on where we're going to live.

    We're currently staying at his parents house. He's never lived on his own (I have,several times) and we've never lived together outside of his parents home. He wants to buy a house, which i think is a DUMB decision for someone to do when they don't know what it's like to live on their own. Plus the commitment of the loan,and the costs of the baby for the 1st year are going to be alot. But he somehow thinks we can do it.

    My idea is to rent for 6months to 1 yr and get used to being a family,and have the major costs of the 1st yr behind us. Then eventually think about buying. But we're at a stand still. HELP!!!!!!!Need some personal advice?
    I think if your not happy with him and you guys fight all the time, then you shouldnt be together... the fighting will just get worse over time.... If i were you, I would try moving out on your own and see if the space between you guys helps.. If you guys end up splitting up then just get him with child support.. I dont think he understands how much bills for a house/water/heat and a baby is gonna be...Need some personal advice?
    i think your sugesten is very good you guys should rent first
    Why don't you explain to him your worries and maybe write up a budget. I definately think that with a baby hospital bills and a mortgage will be reall tough. But hey that's my opinion. It also might be a good idea because if your fighting a lot and find him sexually unappealing that might lead to a break up and why have to go to the hastle of fighting over the house and child support. Get used to being parents before you make that big jump.

    - good luck
    I think you are right about the living situation. I personally moved out of with the father of my child about a month ago. I am only 16 weeks and at first just thought we needed some space and then could move back in after a little time. He was not being very understanding or caring of what my mind, body, and emotions were going through. Once we talked and I said I was moving out for awhile, he freaked out and yelled at me and treated me like dirt. He acted like a child and did several things to completely disrespect me. At this point, I live alone and love it and don't plan on ever going back.

    Not recommending doing what I did and hopefully he wont turn out to be such a jerk. He does sound like he is very immature though, to be a father. Never lived outside of his parents house? Put your foot down and do not buy a house with him! I would recommend signing a short lease and renting for awhile and see how it works, if it doesn't you aren't alone. : )

    good luck
    u are right!
    I think your idea is good.

    I'd talk it over w/ the husband first.

    If he doesn't like it then you should move out and leave him w/ his parents.

    If you guys fight all the time it could get worse after the child is born because of the crying and being up a lot!

    Hope you find an answer to your problem!
    Renting vs Buying is a hard choice especially depending on what state you live in, If you both can agree on buying something small just to start out, that way you won't throwing rent money away and you can make back what you put into it, renting is just paying someone elses mortage, as long as he has a stable job i wouldnt worry to much about buying as long as you guys consider what you can afford, good luck and I wish you well
    I agree with you -- buying a house is a huge commitment! (not as big as having a child but still...) Since the two of you are on rocky ground, I suggest renting for, like you said, 6 mo to a year, just to see if he can even handle living on his own, and if you two can stand to live together as a family! The last thing you want to do is bring a child into this world in a stressful situation. Renting would be your best bet for many many sounds as if you've got the right idea!

    Good Luck Hun!
    rent. %26amp;%26amp; **** the father
    well if you can afford it buying a house maybe even a smaller cheaper house would be the better idea. Just bc you will get somthing back when you sell the house. When you move out of the appartment you will leave with nothing. so if you can find one that you can afford that would be the smarter idea in the long run. As long as you dont get a big house or a run down house i dont think that there will be that much difference between renting or buying one for that first yr, as long as you arent constantly reparing stuff exc. You will still have to pay for the child in a yr or so and having some money already into the house could be nice later on, instead of haing to think about buying a house and having spent the last yr paying rent, instead of investing the money.
    I think the budget idea is the best idea ... get it down on paper and see what you guys can really afford.

    Buying is a little more than renting, but when you buy you're actually investing in something, you're lining someone elses pockets when you rent.
    I agree with you 100%.
    Well, you make a very valid point. Another thing to think of is that 8 months isn't that long, and you don't know if things are going to survive having a new baby. I know it sounds awful, but the truth is that no couple ever knows if their relationship can survive to family status, but the longer you have as a couple before hand the better your chances are.

    On the other hand, now is the time to buy. I know you hear things that sound scary, but the people who its scary for are the people who currently own and are unable to sell. People are desperate to sell and you could find yourself in a home for the same cost as renting. It makes sense to buy low and sell high. People who bought during the boom a few years ago are the suckers who paid more than the house was worth just because the housing market was booming and now they cant afford it. Now you can possibly buy a house for less than what its worth, and when the market goes back up you will have made a hell of a profit.

    My advice? Talk to a financial planner. A professional's opinion could be the thing that gets the two of you to come to an agreement. See how much of a home loan you can expect to qualify for and how much house that will get you in your area. You may find that the two of you cant qualify for much, and then buying a house will be off the table and you wont need to argue about it anymore. Or you may find buying will cost you the same as renting, so you might as well invest your money in your own equity, instead of your land lord's. If things don't work out between you and your boyfriend, you can sell the house later and split the profits, or one or the other of you can buy the other out and stay in the house.
    You should make a budget on paper. Diapers cost around 100-150 a month and formula 160. Add groceries, transit money (bus or car insurance and gas) Since you have lived on your own, you should be able to devise an accurate budget. You guys should look at it together and see what you can afford.

    Good luck!
    starting a family is a lot harder than new parents anticipate ( I know from experience). Especially if you have only been together for such a short amount of time. My suggestion is to take one battle at a time. If his parents are comfortable with you both staying there with the baby and they are able to help once the baby comes I say stay where the help is. If you are both comfortable with the new family dynamic once things settle down and you get a routine going, that would be the best time to think about starting out on your own. Take things slow and don't jump into anything!

    take all the help you can get!!
    Okay, what you should do just to get him off your back is get a mortgage calculator out you can find them on the internet....just to be on the safe side put in 7.5% interest because rates are going up and find out how much tax percentages are in your area per year take that times the cost of the house he wants to get and that's your annual taxes, add it all together. Trust me it will be more than what he wants to pay, on a $115,000 loan at 1.36% tax it's $1191.57 a month! That is a ridiculous amount to pay, plus he has no rental history which doesn't help the interest rate because he is higher risk, the lenders like to see 2 years rental history. And I'm highly doubting he's prepared to put 20% down which you guys will have to do being first time home buyers. I've worked in the real estate field for a long time and when you show numbers reality starts to hit pretty hard. The other thing you can do it go to a lender and see if you prequalify this doesn't hold you to anything at all, just see how much you can qualify for and the terms of the loan etc. Every place is going to be very similar, you will end up getting your way which is the best way.
    Your Idea it also depends are you married?

    Interviewing for a personal banker at Wachovia, any suggestions or advice?

    read everthing about the company- how it was founded and when ...who the head of it for the whole company and the division you are in...practice eye contact, smiling and knowing who they have merged with ect.Interviewing for a personal banker at Wachovia, any suggestions or advice?
    Don't think about it too much, be on time and be yourself. That's all you need. They like people with good personality.


    Show a lot of skin, offer him a muffin see if the guy falls for it... if he does tell him to wear a strapon while doing pushups counting backwards in a fast pace manner. If he doesn't like your offer tell him, that you've over qualified for the opening, and you would like to apply for a VP position, turn around and tell him that pretty girls do fart, constantly.Interviewing for a personal banker at Wachovia, any suggestions or advice?
    Wink sexually a lot.

    On-line personal advice?

    my partner is away, need some ideas for on-line nooky...he likes me to tell him what to do to himself....On-line personal advice?
    Then you know what he likes, just tell him it
  • applying eyeshadow
  • GIRLS I really need you personal advice!?

    Im 16 years old and a virgin I was wondering if im old enough to do the do if you know what I mean... thanks so much!GIRLS I really need you personal advice!?
    Don't just give your virginity away because of what people on Yahoo Answers say! The best advice I can give you is that sex is a special and intimate thing that is shared between two people that love eachother. It is not something that you have to do because of your age or because someone is pressuring you. If you're in a relationship, and you love the person you're with, you feel ready, and you know the consequences of what your sexual activity could cause, then it is possible that you may do it. But remember, having sex for the first time is not a question af age, but rather if YOU FEEL READY for it. Please take this into consideration and I hope this helps answer your question.GIRLS I really need you personal advice!?
    weLL, if you feel you are ready.

    but think of the consiquences.

    lets say you do get pregnant:

    %26gt;while all of your friends are out at aprties and having fun and things, there is a chance you may have to stay home and watch your baby.

    %26gt;if things do not work out between you and that guy, whoever you want to date may not want that responsibility of having a child.

    %26gt;you will always be known as 'that girl who got pregnant at 16'


    personally, i do not believe in pre-Marriage sex. but who am i to judge you?

    do what you think is right, but i would not do it.

    also, there will not be that magic when you DO get married (if you want to)
    well itll b pretty painful but if u dont wana end up wit a baby wait an somtimes wen u get prenet ur guy leavs yah not sayn urs wil but it hapens to a lot of people an protection dont always work an does this guy rely love u if he does he'll wait so wait a wile an if he asks tel him u want to wait a wile if he stays wit u hes proly a keepr wait til marage itl give him somthin to look foward to an dont do it just do it i think u should wait its ur choice think about it make the right answer u know wat it is
    no i dont think your old enough.....unless u wanna be a dad go ahead and do don't always work.........i think its wrong doing it before your married...u will have a tough time getting a wife or girlfriend....
    well, for one thing, way to go!

    congratulations, its hard to find people like that.

    then, is it legal in your state?

    otherwise, go ahead, just be rational
    Well? It's your call but I think a smart idea would be to wait that way theres no regrets or anything you are still young wait till you are older......Im not telling you what to do though good luck;)
    well yeah.. but you shouldnt.. i mean you maybe should think about waiting awhile.. just make sure you wear portection if you do. you dont want to end up a teenage parent... that would suck.
    Do you think you are ready? Then you can.
    That is up to you. If you think you are then do. If not then don't either way just be careful!!!
    uh yea wait til your married so u have something to look forward to when your married
    your old enough when you think your ready (:

    have fun (;
    Only if Your in love....
    NO YOUR TOO YOUNG!!! dont be a slut, theyll think your easy

    Really personal advice question?

    Ok the last serious question i have posted was about me and my then fiance well not anymore, well we went through with the wedding then turned around and had it annulled. He dissapeared 4 a few days and when he came back he told me he had been seeing sum1 since september. He has known her 4 a long time and they recently started dating anyway i tlked 2 his fam and they all kno hes confused and really cares 4 me but he just isnt sure what he wants to do. I ve done everything from begging him 2 stay (i kno how stupid it sounds now) to giving him distance to coming back 2 him 4 quickies and telling him that i could let him explore as long as he came bac 1 day. but now i wanna kno wut i should do cause i love him more than life itself, he was my 1st boyfriend and my high school sweetheart and im not ready 2 let that go just yet also our honeymoon flight was scheduled 2 leave tomorrow . It would have been earlier but due to training at work it had 2 be delayed so how do i cope?Really personal advice question?
    Oh my goodness girl! If I were closer I think I would try to shake some brains into you. Get some self respect and kick this wacko guy to the curb. He's outrageous!!! No one should settle for the arrangements that you have suggested. Share him with her? I don't think so! Have you heard of STDs and HIV?????Tell him this is Absolutely not an option.

    You will NEVER, ever, ever be able to trust a nut like him. You have to tell him to go straight to hell.......or go with her, or wherever the hell he wants to go just so long as he leaves you in peace. If he ever contacts you again you should call the police and report him as a stalker. Or you can just tell me and I will press charges on him your behalf. This guy is a leech, a creep, a moral degenerate, and he is not good enough for you to wipe your feet on his back. Dump him immediately!!! He has to go. You can and will get over him. The best way to get over him is to replace him as fast as possible with a better guy.

    You are beautiful and you can do much better than this. There are a lot of nice and sincere guys out there who would cherish you.Really personal advice question?
    Alright then!You know how you see them old couples together?It's because they where meant be from the beginning.You can wait on that guy and maybe you can stomach being a footstool but you won't be HAPPY.Girls are god's gift to men,and like wise.Don't settle for less than you want.
    time will heal those wounds. but for now take the honeymoon with out and do some prowling of your own maybe you will find someone else there or maybe you will forget your worries and just rest and relax and have fun.
    If you are ok with never being able to trust him, stick with it, because you obviously sound like you have no self esteem whatsoever
    so long i feel asleep in the middle
    leave him behind

















    You do not call or contact him. You gain some confidence in yourself. Do eveyrthing you can to get out of the house and be with friends. ABOVE ALL do not beg or tell them that you'll accept his ';exloring';. People are attracted to those who posess qualities that they would like to have themselves. Project an air of confidence and assure him that you will accept nothing less than a committed and serious relationship.

    Once you get over the honeymoon dates it will get a little easier but there is nothing that you can do to control the situation now. Do things to take care of yourself and unfortunately, once you are over him he will probably be running back to you. Hopefully you will say no.
    You should just leave him if hes that low to cheat on you for some tramp then let him, you are better than that!! You need someone that will treat you right, A REAL MAN. Not some loser.
    omg. marry him and i hope you got all the boinking out of your system.
    sorry I stopped reading when I read that you spelled ';someone'; like ';sum1';
    this is all a matter of how you feel due to teh trust violation. This is all how you feel emotionaly and no one else can really help you with this one....hope you make the right choice.
    leave his sry butt, he doesn't deserve you. you seem like a classy good looking woman who is intellegent, there is no reason you should't be able to find a new guy.... there r a lot of fish in the ocean, time for you to cast out another line
    I am going to be honest with you. I dont think you should marry him. I know that you love him so very much but from his actions he obviously doesn't feel as you do, even if he says so. I man that loves you will not cheat or be confused...he should no already and want to be with you forever. Dont beg him ever again, stay strong in front of him and let him live his own life without you...he does not deserve your love and you deserve sooo much better. I know that you have been together since high school but everything you said about him sounds so wrong. He does not love you or respect you enough and how can you trust him? Caring for you is not enough he should love you and need you in his life. Dont let him walk all over you!

    I hope you do the right thing...good luck!
    Sorry, this calls for a Dr. Phil moment. Love is too confusing, I'd rather try to figure out Calculus.
    WHAT are you trying to ask?? You need to improve your punctuation and spelling skills
    Girl love should never ever ever ever be this complicated. Love should be as naturally as breathing. Take it from someone who has been there and done that.
    go take your vacation, you deserve it after all the stress you have been through. but kick this guy to the curb asap! he is making a fool and his own lap dog out of you! he obviously doesn't love you, to do this to you! don't put up with this kind of sh@#! get yourself a real man!
    oh god i know exactly how that goes engaged to a guy at 16 bipolar guy wouldnt keeps his hands off his ex

    i still love him hun and im with someone else and its been years

    it doesnt go aaway and thats ok dont push him out of your life unless you feel thats the only option nut if you can be strong enough to see him just as a friend then i suggest that scott and i are close but he knows im not his and i feel better knowing that someone i cared so deeply about can still be in my life

    Good personal advice chat room??

    I've looked and there really is none. Thats why I was so happy when I came across Yahoo Answers.

    And there are actually alot of people who on YA! would be glad to help or chat though instant messaging or e-mail. You just gotta ask. :)Good personal advice chat room??
    sorry,but this question does not make sense.Good personal advice chat room??
    What do you need to talk about Megan?

    Fighting my sign over my advice or personal advice?

    My ex has never been in my sons life

    were talking like hes seen him 20 times his whole life...


    and my son is 2.5 yrs old

    I am getting married to someone in nov...and he wants to adopt my son...

    my sons dad is refusing ...

    however hes been saying if we give him 5k or 10k he will sign him over...

    i need advice please on how to do this...Fighting my sign over my advice or personal advice?
    If you have not already done so, file for Child Support. If he's the kind of low-life it appears, he'll be more than willing to sign over the adoption papers to keep from paying. Don't pay this man a dime, instead hire a good attorney.Fighting my sign over my advice or personal advice?
    Basically you only want him to sign him over because you are getting married and want your husband to adopt the child. The child does have a father and 10 times a yr (almost once a month) is better then nothing at all. At least he knows who his father is and its not your Boyfriend.

    If he does not want to give up his rights you can not make him. Plus, no judge is going to sever ties between father and child unless he hurt the child. Kinda hard to hurt the kid if you never see him. Judges always leave rights for fathers in tact because even if they do not visit a lot now he may decide to be a bigger part of his life later.

    Stop being manipulative your child will hate YOU for this later.
    Talk to an attorney.

    I know that in the state of Wisconsin, if the father is found to be unfit, or if they have done something that is deemed hurtful in the relationship, or if the father is not involved in the life of the child, one can get the parental rights of the father removed. An attorney will be able to help you out.

    Besides, what he is doing is called EXTORTION, which is not only illegal, but something that might reflect rather poorly on the ';love'; that the father has for his son.

    See an attorney.
    try to get it in writing / on tape that this POS of has basically agreed to sell his own child.............

    Personal advice/? parents and siblings?

    my mom was not a good parent. she was neglect ful always drinking she even threw a knife at my brother. im the oldest i was out of the house at 18 becuz i couldnt stand her. my dad passed away and my sis resents my mom becuase she thinks the wrong parent died. so neither my brother or my sister want to talk to my mom. She has been clean for 5 years but she is somewhat crazy about the whole thing. some things like the knife incident she claims never happened. which makes my bro mad cuz she wont apologize she just pretends it never happened. anyways my bro lives with me my mom calls and wants to talk to him. I dont know if shes mentally able to realize that hes pisst at her. but he doesnt want to talk to her. which i totally understand but ive been lying to her ---telling her that hes busy or not home when she calls. He wants nothing to do with her. should i tell her the truth??? should i try to tell her why he is angry ??? my bro say she ruin his childhood-cant remember certain thingsPersonal advice/? parents and siblings?
    Your mom might not be taking drugs, but she is far from recovered from drug abuse. Not taking responsibility for her actions is proof of that. I dont think that you should make excuses for your brother, just tell her that he doesn't want to talk to her or pass him the phone and walk away and let him do it.. Problem is that your mom seems to think that she is a martyr because she simply stopped doing something that was illegal and immoral. Problem is that she doesn't seem to want to live a truly moral life. If she did, she would apologize. Dont feel like you have to explain your brother's actions at all. If she asks you why your brother wont talk to her, just say,';I cant speak for him.'; and leave it at that. If she presses the issue, just tell her you will talk to her another time and you all will only talk about thinks that involve the both of you. Good luck.Personal advice/? parents and siblings?
    Tell her the truth.
    Maybe your mother is so ashamed of herself that she is in denial. She really could benefit from some therapy.
    If your brother doesn't want to talk to her he needs to tell her himself. Alcohol abuse can and will take a toll on the whole family. It's great your mom has been clean for 5 years but it's what happened before these past 5 years that is affecting her now. She must be able to except the things she can't change and sorry to say she may have lost her son to her abuse of alcohol. My heart goes out to your family, good luck

    Personal advice needed. (long question)?

    A person I know recently got evicted in very unusual circumstances by their former housemate. What happens as it was related to me is as follows. My friend decided to share a house with a friend of theirs and at first everything seemed to be going well then the person they were sharing with decided to stop paying rent. When the real estate agent called about this she (the person my friend was sharing with) said that she paid her rent and that my friend must not have paid. My friend decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and paid the outstanding rent thinking that her bank must have made some sort of error and that when it got investigated everything would be ok. After this everything went back to normal for a while and after 2 months the same thing happened again. My friend was naturally a little bit more suspicious this time but grudgingly paid the outstanding money and asked to be taken off the lease so she could move to “somewhere cheaper”.

    (continued in next post)Personal advice needed. (long question)?
    sounds like a small claims court case to me...i think that friend should be reinbursed for the times she paid the full amount.
  • applying eyeshadow
  • Personal advice please....?

    what is good to study since jose' and Rajiv have taken all of our jobs? Its not my fault that Habib is smarter, better looking than me, in addition to having 5 college degrees. Help me please.Personal advice please....?
    Try professional wrestling as a career.Personal advice please....?
    See if you can take a course in thermo-nuclear dynamics at the Univ. of Phoenix.
    You're dumb.
    Huh? Who? What? God Bless you.
    Well, what are you going to do if you don't study? Play video games? No money in that. Sure these guys are smarter because they are pushed from an early age. What they do not have is good old American grit. If America didn't turn things around in World War II, we would all be under Nazi rule right now. Show the world we still make a difference. Continue your studies Hon.
    what are you talking about??

    Who here needs personal advice on things such as dating, school, friends, etc?

    Well if you do please read more here here needs personal advice on things such as dating, school, friends, etc?
    Thanks Babydoll**

    Do you need personal advice?

    i'm doing a advice column type thing. its with email so its all private discussions. bottom line is I'm great at giving advice and i love doing it. ive been through so much experiences that i can help anyone. weather its love family friends ANYTHING and like i said it can be as personal as you want. NOTHING will get out and no one but me will be reading these. the more i know the more i can help. I'm not here to judge anyone and ill always be honest with you. so my email is so i look forward to hearing from you all =] thanks.Do you need personal advice?
    how'd you get into it? I'd love to write an advice column. HOOK ME UPDo you need personal advice?
    thats awesome! you'll be hearing from me :)
    awwe thats a really nice %26amp; cute idea!

    lol you are sweet!!! God bless:] I'll email you tomorrow

    I Need some Personal Advice?

    I am wanting to join the military and my boyfriend of 3 years told me that he would leave me if i went i need to know what i should do i need people from males to females tell me what you think i should do PLEASEI Need some Personal Advice?
    Here's what you do. Go to the mirror. See that girl looking back at you? Parent's, spouses, boyfriends, kids, friends, acquaintances, kibitzers like those of us on YA... we come and go in your life. That girl in the mirror isn't going anywhere. She'll change. She'll get older. She may grow some wrinkles. Her hair may turn gray... or white. But she's going to be there for the duration. She's the one you have to live your life for. She's the only one you really have to try to keep happy.

    Suppose you opt not to join because of your boyfriend. Suppose a few years down the road he's out of your life. Now you're miserable, and the reason you're miserable isn't a factor any longer... and there's no longer anything you can do about it.

    I can't tell you to join or not to join. Nobody can... and nobody should. If we did, we'd be just like your boyfriend -- trying to run your life. And the results could be just the same. Although I think our intents may differ.

    I think his intent is that he doesn't want to lose you. I think he's afraid that if you go into the military you might meet some people who will be more to your liking than he is. Now, there's a thought.

    Until you're about 30, three years seems like a LONG time. When you turn 60, three years is yesterday. When you turn 90, three years is just an instant, and you can't remember that far back anyway. ;-)

    Caveat: You can't always make the right decision... no matter how carefully you try. And almost every time you make a decision... especially an important one... after you make it you're going to have second thoughts. The deal is, you can't let that stop you from making your own decisions. I girl I dated in college said, ';You win a few, you lose a few, and a few get rained out... but you have to suit up for all of 'em.'; General George Patton said it thus: “The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That's the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead!” Just replace the word ';battle'; with ';life'; and you have it.

    Every once in a while, take a look in that mirror. If the girl looking back at you is smiling... most of the time... you're doing ok.I Need some Personal Advice?
    I had a fiance' do this to me, at first he was fine with me being on the military and I signed up for the reserves, so this meant after basic an AIT, I would come hoem to UT and my reserve unit, so one day he change shis mind and says he agree with my father that women did nto belong in the military. Thsi was a guy with one fake eye, and he was balding to, I was like WTFreak is your problem, well there are lots of guys in the military and outside of the military you can find if this guy drops you, they have to except you for who you are, the thing is you don;t find alot of men marrie dot military women, its usually teh other way aroundk, and it may kidn of make him feel less that you wear the military pants in the family and you go to war not him. So there you have it, Join or be the women he wants you to be. which is it?
    Leave Him, that is just wrong no matter what, if he really is a boyfriend he should be supporting you and telling you to explore the world. that is messed up.

    if someone said that to me i would leave them there and then. because that is just plain dumb. my advice, go out and explore the world:) there is better guys out there and he is a coward for not going to the military.

    your way to smart and mature to be going out with some guy like that. what he said was immature. don't even bother listening to his ';Pittiness';. well, it is your choice. you decide what to do, just remember my words.
    This is something you will have to give some serious thought to. The military is a great place to get ahead in life, with college money and a chance to learn a good trade. Also, it allows for a savings and to see the world. You have to think about what is important to you. And what are his reasons for not wanting you to join? What are your reasons to join? Compromise if he means a lot to you, which I assume he does because you have been together for 3 years. If not, that is the wrong way to have a one night stand.

    There are a lot of pluses to joining the military, but sadly, family life takes a hard hit. I lost my fiance when I went to Iraq, so that sucked. But, you will get the chance to meet new people, form the closest friendships you will ever have, and experience more things in a couple of years most people will not in their lifetime.

    There are ways to do it together. If you join together, you can stay together (for the most part). Both of you get married and join the military, life will be pretty good. Military couples understand eachother and experience more together than a lot of couples do. Just a thought, maybe its worth talking about.

    To these people who say get rid of him... might want to hold off on that. Love is about compromise. He may not want you risking the chance of going to war, or something like that. It would be best to find out where you are in the relationship, and decide if you are willing to sacrifice what you want to do for the person you love. If you make a decision based solely on your wants and beliefs, you have taken the other person out of the equation already. A good relationship is about compromise, not one person demanding what they want.
    from my perspective my fiance joined the marines last year.

    I was hesitant about it but i would NEVER EVER tell him ';No! Do not join the marines or else i am going to leave you!';

    That is such a selfish act on my part for me telling him to give up a dream that he has always had. And if i were to do that and refused of him going then i would deserve to be dumped because that would be so selfish for me to stop him from being in the marines.

    Honostly, i think you should dump his as*, tell him that he either supports you on your career and stand by your side, and if not then tell him he is gone because you wouldnt tell him to not have a certain career just because it means being apart for a long time and risking you life, depending on what the job is. I would really think about it, is joining the military what you really want to do? if it is something that you are highly considering and the only thing that is stopping you from joining is your boyfriend, then its not worth having him around. If he honostly feels strongly about you not joining because you are doing something with your life and you are doing something for the country then he is not worth it and obviously doesnt have the support you will be needing. I say if the military is what you want to do then dont let anyone get in the way of something that you will want to do because you will highly regret it later on, especially if in a year or so he dumps you (hypothetically speaking) and you look back being like, was it really worth it? should i have joined and done something with my life? if you feel like later you will regret it, then join! dont let a boyfriend stop you from your career, because obviously he isnt the support you will need while getting through the years in the military.
    1. This is a major life decision that will affect your boyfriend. Is he freaking out because its a big deal or has he always been the control freak the other posters think he is? Sometimes I say things in the heat of the moment that later make me laugh.

    2. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Will joining the military help you get there? If so, then you may need to ';sell'; your boyfriend on the idea.

    3. My mother had to ';sell'; my late father on the last house they bought, it was a good deal, they needed a house but she had to persuade my dad why it was a good idea. I say that to say this: it was a major decision that affected both of them. My mom had to show my dad why it was a good deal. If you do it right, he'll think it was his idea!
    This is your life! If you feel the military is what you want to do then do it. If he really loved you and was going to be a good partner for the rest of your life he would support your decision.

    He is trying to control the direction of your life with treats. Decide that the military is for you, then sit him down and explain why you made your choice. He has two options, support your decision and stay with you, or there's the door don't let it hit you where the good lord split ya!

    Any career choice should be yours, because you are the one who has to deal with the job, I don't want anyone telling me what I can and cant do for a living!
    The one thing the military can do for you is to provide you a step towards a successful life regardless of your back ground. The military can do A LOT of things for you: let you experience the world, offer you job skills, help you grow up, and the most important thing - PAY FOR COLLEGE or TRADE SCHOOL. The new GI BILL is coming out this August and it is awesome. 1,300 a month for tuition, 1,300 a month for room and board and a 1,000 a year for books. Thats plenty of money to pay for tuition, books and room and board at most state universities. At this time in your life you must take care of yourself first before thinking about taking care of the needs of someone else. If you come from money and already have your ticket for success or have other means to accomplish it, than dont join.

    There are too many people just sitting around making excuses of why they are not successful and 95% of them could have easily joined the military and got college or trade school paid for.

    I agree with another poster above. How else is he trying to control your life? If he has control issues now.... He'll be hell to live with after you are married... if that happens.

    As for him not wanting to be a part of military life and go along with you. There isnt anything wrong with that either. Being a military spouse can be VERY hard. Its not meant for everyone. The divorce rate in the military is 70%.

    With that said, take care of your self first in regards to education, life skills and maturity before even thinking about marriage, commitment or family. There are too many adults who make those things a priority first and before they know it their married have two kids and are poor looking for a hand out. Dont become one of them.

    ha, this reminds me when I first started out... I had just graduated from West Point and earned my commission as a 2nd Lt. in the Army at the time. I told my girlfriend my ambitions of becoming an 18A-Special Forces commander and she told me the same thing your boyfriend is telling you now. I was with her for over 7 years at that point so I was pretty crushed and felt like I had reached a fork in the road and needed to make a decision...I knew who I was, who I wanted to be, and WHAT I wanted to be. 3 years later, I sent in my packed for SFAS and shipped out for selection. We got married when after my graduation from the Q course. We were happily married for another 3 years until she finally left me because it was too tough on her.

    Bottom line, he is telling you this because he loves you very much and cares deeply about you and is scared to loose you. This is something you will have to confront with him. No idiot will leave you for doing something noble unless he's a complete liberal F***. My wife and I had no problems at all besides me be going on. Your MOS is obviously going to be way less demanding so that shouldn't be a problem. I'm sure he will turn out to be your best supporter.

    any questions, feel free to email me

    Good luck
    If the military is what you want then hey: There a billion fishes in the sea.. If you think that your boyfriend is more important then just stay with him.. I think that you all should just sit down and talk about the situation. Tell him how you feel because you all can get married while you're the military. I hope Ive helped.
    I am from a military family, my dad was in for 23 years and my husband was in for 17. If this is the life that you want to try, then do it. If your boyfriend really cares for you he will understand and would support you. YOU are the only one who has to live your life, don't live your life to make someone else happy
    Oh come on. No guy is worth allowing so much control over your life. You are in charge of your life...not him. The army could be the best thing you've ever done for yourself.

    My advice...join if you really want to. If he leaves you, then be thankful you didn't saddle yourself with this control-freak of a loser.
    Join the MARINE Corps. if your going to let others dictate YOUR life, why try at anything? You need to decide whats best for you, don't ever let anyone tell you what you should do, or whats best for you. do what YOU wanna do, its YOUR life. There are other guys in the world, no matter how pretty he is or, no matter how much you like him, you will always find someone else that is a good match for you.
    What other areas of your life does he want to control? If you are a couple you have to make choice together - if he has valid reasons why you shouldn't join that affect both of you and thus your relationship perhaps you shouldn't join. If there is no other reason than he doesn't want you to then break up now,
    You should do what you want to do, not what others tell you to do. You must ask yourself if he is worth throwing away your dreams for, and will you spend the rest of your life regretting it. Personal opinion.....Someone that cannot support your dreams was not meant to be your mate in life. There are plenty of other men out there that will support your career goals.
    I think that if this boyfriend of 3 years is not willing to support your decision he is not the one for you. Giving you an ultimatum like that is strike 2. Three years together and your not engaged ? Strike 3, dump this selfish control freak.
    If he is that big of a jerk, good riddance. My hubby was in for 20 years and our son is still in his first year in. The military, (Navy in our family) is a great way to go. Join up and meet someone worthy of you.
    You really want to determine the course of the rest of your life for someone who doesn't love you enough to support you in your decisions? Join up - if he leaves you, he leaves you and good riddance.
    Dump him and go in the military.

    It is your decision to make and if that is his first response, then he is trying to control you and is basically saying you are not worthy of at least discussing it.
    Boyfriends come and go. Do what's best for you. If he can't accept that then move on. Sounds tough, but it's the truth and you won't be the first person. It's your life, live it.
    When a man speaks of leaving his woman then she should ask him to leave now and not ever come back.
    i think he is a selfish in ur decision... go for it if u really want it then dont let him pull u down there r alot of other guys out there.
    if its wot you want to do get rid of him

    I don't think my parents take me seriously. Personal advice wanted!?

    Then perhaps this is a reflection of your own inherent immaturity. Analyze your actions over the past twelve months. What occured that made you think this, then take steps to rectify it. Ask your mom and dad why they don't take you seriously. Communication is essential, as failure to communicate will lead to you developing an increased sense of frustration and sadly incresaing isolation.I don't think my parents take me seriously. Personal advice wanted!?
    Hi dear!

    In fact, I am in your situation! I once was very depressed and I wanted to go to a therapist, but my mother thought I was joking! I couldn't go to my dad for help because he's not around anymore.

    I ended up writing her a note saying that I was serious about it. She took me to my pediatrician who prescribed me to a psychiatrist. Thankfully, I'm okay now.

    I think you should talk to a trusted friend or adult and have them talk your mom into taking you seriously. If not, try writing a sincere note to them like I did.

    Good luck honey!I don't think my parents take me seriously. Personal advice wanted!?
    You could kill them and collect the insurance money...

    ....I'm not advocating murder...I'm just can buy a lot of stuff with insurance money.

    I need personal advice...plz help!?

    Would it be better if i dropped my aa business and went to get my paralegal certification, then go back to finish my aa later since i want to get a paralegal degree or should i finish my aa now even though i have found a way to get my certification cheaper than my aa...? does this make sense...?

    I want to go into paralegal but i started my business first and now i dont know what i should do....plz help!I need personal advice...plz help!?
    its up to you, how close are you to finishing your associates? its interesting how flexible life really is :PI need personal advice...plz help!?
    Get the paralegal job and then finish your Associate's. That way you'll have a job.
  • applying eyeshadow
  • I need personal advice...plz help!?

    Would it be better if i dropped my aa business and went to get my paralegal certification, then go back to finish my aa later since i want to get a paralegal degree or should i finish my aa now even though i have found a way to get my certification cheaper than my aa...? does this make sense...?

    I want to go into paralegal but i started my business first and now i dont know what i should do....plz help!I need personal advice...plz help!?
    its up to you, how close are you to finishing your associates? its interesting how flexible life really is :PI need personal advice...plz help!?
    Get the paralegal job and then finish your Associate's. That way you'll have a job.

    Hello,is there any other web site to get the advice on personal problems?

    or any site from where i can i get some counselling plzHello,is there any other web site to get the advice on personal problems?
    try this http://psychologyforum.usHello,is there any other web site to get the advice on personal problems?
    It depends on what type of ';personal problems'; you're referring to. Could you be more specific please? :)
    I don't think so, but there are good people on this site, I always try to help people as best as I can.

    Is it ok for gym personal trainers to be giving out medical advice and dietitian advice?

    it depends how realiable they are. they can know a lot about the body and functions for health but about dietitian advice, i'd say the only advice you should take is what to eat before and after workouts to keep up energy and what workouts to do. don't listen to them giving out perscriptions for weight loss they can't do that. and somethings they say might make you fatter or something so you come to them more (that's unlikely though, just thinking outside the box)

    Friend's work/personal dilemma- advice please!!!!?

    This really is a 'friend' (ie not me). She has asked me for advice and I don't know what to tell her. So input from you would be welcome.

    She and her boyfriend were given the position as ';host management couple'; at a resort, but only as the backup couple in case the fullterm host couple can;t host for whatever reason. Her boyfriend supplements this income by being a tour guide. they live at the resort.

    They soon discovered that the full-time host couple are threatened by them and try to make their lives difficult. Furthermore, the head tour guide has been hitting on my friend from day one. As her boyfriend works under him, she took a long time before complaining. Now that she has laid a complaint, this guy is victimising her boyfriend by not giving him work. Also, the owners of the resort have demoted them as backup host couple ';until the situation is resolved';.

    They both really need the cash but are very unhappy and don't know what to do.Friend's work/personal dilemma- advice please!!!!?
    Document everything that's going on and take it to upper management or the owner. If that doesn't do any good then they're probably screwed. I think they shouldn't go in with ';not giving him work'; and ';are threatened by them'; but with concrete examples of EXACTLY what was said and done on whatever date, and what they've done to try to remedy the situation themselves. Unfortunately for your friend, they sound to be in a bad spot with little they can do about it.Friend's work/personal dilemma- advice please!!!!?
    The instant the head tour guide started hitting on your friend and then retaliating against her complaint by cutting back on her boyfriend's hours, he compounded the sexual harassment case she has against him.

    Your friend needs to talk to the owners and explain that either this needs to get resolved quickly, or she will be forced to pursue the sexual harassment allegations. If she can document what's happened, then this is a clear case of providing a hostile work environment.

    If the owners are dumb enough to fire either your friend or her boyfriend under those circumstances, she needs to take them to court.
    Try to find jobs in a different resort. Be professional and ignore all the ';politics'; until they can get out.

    Its not a nice situation to be in, but unless there is someone higher up in the chain that they can talk to then I would recommend finding some other work and getting out of there.

    A personal advice to atheists ?

    pliz do the right thing

    What if you are wrong and God exists? Aren’t you afraid of hell

    Atheists are human too, and so of course atheists are just as likely as anyone else to participate in many of the common social experiences which mark a society. One of them is, of course, weddings - both their own and the weddings of friends and relatives. Unfortunately, wedding ceremonies are commonly religious in nature - what is an irreligious atheist to do?A personal advice to atheists ?
    Belief just because you're scared of hell is pretty damn cowardly.A personal advice to atheists ?

    Ahh I have been looking for you Pascal...been a while since I saw your Wager :)

    There are thousands of gods thus Pascal's Wager which you are proposing fails because it assumes that there is only one true god. But you do not know that and basically you too are risking ';hell';.

    For example, you are assuming that Christ is the right god but on the other end Muslims think they have the right one and the Hindus and the ancient Egyptians and Greeks and the Mayans etc.

    Which is it?

    As for weddings: they are secular.

    Religion does not have a monopoly on marriage or wedding ceremonies.

    And I have been to plenty of religious events and I simply take them as social experiences.

    I go to weddings (usually ones that have a religious element to them), I have been to a baptism, I have been to funerals etc and whenever they prayed I didnt but simply observed silently.

    Would you go and pray to the Jewish god if you went to learn more about Judaism at a synagogue? I doubt it.

    Similarly I just dont pray to any of the religions that are being participated in at a particular event.
    There are no gods, Jesus is just a myth and heaven and hell are concepts devised and used by your religion to control you, not me, just you.

    It is for you to be scared of such notions and no others, that is how you are influenced and controlled in every aspect of your life.

    Those threats and a post death reward are the tools used by your religious leaders to make you do the things that they want you to do and they collect a tax from you for the privilege.

    If you wish to believe it is all true, so be it, but please do not worry about those of us that don`t.

    Weddings are legal ceremonies and marriages are contracts that bind a couple in law.

    The World is quite a big place and I know of no-one with anything other than nominal Christian beliefs and there is not one member of my friends, family or associates that goes to church.
    What if you are wrong and Odin exists? You will have a cold time in Hel.

    What if you are wrong and Osiris exists? Have you studied the book of the dead to learn the correct answers?

    I got married in a registry office (UK equivalent of having a judge perform the ceremony) No religious involvement at all and now my spouse and I have all the legal rights of a married couple.

    I bet they do not call you Flash for nothing.

    So, how much do you have to pay them?
    Oh well, hell it will be. Not afraid of it one bit.

    So the supposed God who personifies love would send one of his creatures to eternal torment? What crap! What a strange idea of what love is! Sometimes some of you believers really scare me - not with hell but with how twisted your reasoning is.
    How many questions are here?

    There are many number of Gods that could exist (probably don't), so why aren't you afraid? I just go one God further than you. You could be wrong too, and end up in some place you never heard of for practicing the wrong faith.

    I just went to a non-religious wedding, and I must say, it was really nice.
    Here we go again... *Drink*

    So your god would accept someone for FAKING that they believe just to get into heaven? Is that what you're doing? or are you just asking others to do so? Sorry, I have more respect for myself that to be a hypocrit and IF there is a god, I suspect he would respect my decision rather than lying, don't you?

    In the meantime, I'm not scared of something I don't expect exists, just like the boogy man...
    I got married in a civil ceremony. I wanted the legal benefits of marriage. As far as Pascal's Wager, I'm not going to fake a belief in your god just to try to save my own skin. I don't want anything to do with the kind of god that has to torture me for not believing in him.
    * Ohh No , You are Right !!! . . . NOT

    Hahaha , Are you for real ? What have you been smoking? Can i have some ?

    And if god Did exist would he accept me no mayyer what ?

    Pedo , murderers and Child abusers Belive in god so does that mean god will accept them nd not me b/coz i didnt belive in him ???

    Ignorance *
    I just want to wait and see your face when your wrong and you find out nobody is there to take you off to a magical place in the sky. Oh boy I cant forget my camera.
    Pascals wager rephrased. Answer no.

    We do not need a god, to marry. We can promise to love, honor, and in all ways be excellent to each other
    Pascal's Wager AGAIN?

    This poor excuse for an argument has been refuted many many times.


    Honestly, I'm tired of chugging down booze when I see this question!

    I'm switching to tea!
    Yes, the right thing is not to have beliefs for which there is no valid argument or evidence - religions fall into this category.
    Man! You are SO original!
    woohooo......pascal's wager again......*drink*.....
    what if your wrong and Thor exists?

    no i am not afraid of magic mans fiery place
    Is the world so scary that you cannot join it?
    If you knew the right thing, You wouldn't have asked this question. It makes me wonder, about people who ask me to do the ';right thing';.
    Fear is awful isn't it. It's so nice to be free of it.
    Why do you insist on doing things like this? Do you think that your God is going to look good upon you for scolding the Atheists?

    Read your Bible.

    Matthew 7:3 and Romans 2:1.
    An atheist was taking a walk through the woods. ';What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!'; he said to himself. As he was walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look and saw a 7 foot grizzly bear charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing in on him. He looked over his shoulder again and the bear was even closer. He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw the bear right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw and raising his right paw to strike him. At that instant the Atheist cried out to the Lord. Time stopped, the bear froze, the forest was silent. A bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky, ';You deny my existence for all of these years, teach others I don't exist, and even credit creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?'; The atheist looked directly into the light, ';It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps could you make the BEAR a Christian?'; ';Very well,'; said the voice.

    The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And then the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together and bowed his head and spoke:

    ';Lord, bless this food, which I am about to receive through Christ our Lord, Amen.';

    Does any need a personal advice person?

    my cousin is on the advice column in wayne stse university and he thought it would be great if he got 5-10 people to give advice to e-mail him at and he'll answer the rest of chargeDoes any need a personal advice person?
    i seriously would love some advice confused
  • applying eyeshadow
  • Personal advice on acne.?

    anyone who has had acne can you tell me a cure .. i have been on antibiotics for 6 months.. it has improved big time but i want some personal advice who have expericend acne.Personal advice on acne.?
    Use proactiv.

    It works =]Personal advice on acne.?
    i will suggest you to use a brand new product in USA: oslee sleeping masks, this is a good product that is new in USA, it calls sleeping masks, it has 5 different species: Whitening sleeping mask, Oil Controlling Sleeping Mask, Dark Circle Reducing Sleeping Mask, Pore-Refining Sleeping Mask and Clear Spa Sleeping Mask Advanced Formula. This sleeping mask is like a gel, you can put some of the sleeping masks on your face before you sleep and then wash it the next day. i used it and it really improve my skin problems like: acne and black head. The sleeping masks are a very fabulous product that can save a lot of time for women because you just use your sleeping time to take care your skin that why i share with all of you but the only way i can buy them are on ebay and also the are under $10 so they are very cheap, hopefully you will try them and solve your skin problems

    here is the link for the cheaper sleeping masks but she only have two species of the sleeping masks:;rd=1%26amp;item=250155866636%26amp;ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT%26amp;ih=015;rd=1%26amp;item=250155867248%26amp;ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT%26amp;ih=015
    6months antibiotics is not good and of course bad in your kidney, and liver.

    for me i just do the natural way,..

    sleep well like 8 hours every day, eat right. and proper hygiene. ( facial ).

    hope it will help.
    Urine. I know it's horrifyingly gross but it actually does work for a lot of people. Use your own urine, put it mainly on the problem areas, let dry and then wash it off with a mild soap. Truly, I have never found anything that works so well and I go for at least a year closer to two without havening to repeat.
    I am the same as you and I am so depressed for the past 5 years!!! it destroy my confident and self esteem and don't dare to go out with my friends. I tired many skin care solutions and products but none of them are effective :%26lt;%26lt;

    Till last month, I found this site and they recommend a book which I have get rid my acne within 3 days with the instruction given!! I don't believe it as the first place and tot it is a SCAM!! But come to think about it, what else can be worst!!

    So I give it a try and the miracle happen!! with the nature method provided in the book, I get rid of my acne which ';accompany'; me for 5 years!!

    You can get the review here and I hope it ready help you and turn you life to positive after a week, just like me.鈥?/a>
    Pro active works wonders, it is a bit pricy though. You can find it on qvc for much cheaper and you don't have to join the club to buy it. It really does work well though. You may also want to eat healthier, that may help some too.

    Personal advice and experiance please?

    Have you ever been with a guy were you love him when your not with him...and dont think you love him when you Are with him?

    ...and because of that reason couldnt let go?

    What did you do, or what WOULD you do if you were in this situation?Personal advice and experiance please?
    I believe that this could be quite a common problem. His name was brett. Brett was amazing, kind, funny, cute, protective, great right. Thinking about him was great, however when It was just on our own small things would annoy me about him that other people wouldent understand??? Like his breathing for example, I mean, really his breathing, how pathetic HOWEVER to cut a long story short, yes we are still together because I got over this, because when it comes down to it I love him for him and every part of him, even his stupid breathing :D xxx 3 years strong

    Personal advice question?

    what advice would you have for someone who doesn't kno if they are bi and wanting to figure it out, scared and lost and has no one to turn to? plz answerPersonal advice question?
    well, if you find yourself thinking that you like ';her'; and ';him'; or you say shes cute and hes cute. i would say youre bi. but im not in your shoes so its hard to tell.Personal advice question?
    Find another girl who's gay or bi and ask her if she would help you out.
    Ask any prisoner.

    I'm thinking of Officer's academy or enlisting, any personal accounts or advice?

    So, I'm a Junior in High school and got good grades, high test scores blah blah. Duke, Columbia, NYU, Blah blah. NSLC, Blah Blah. The current global atmosphere is sort of making me want to enlist in the army, go to Army or Navy Universities, and get and Officer Job. Can anyone give me a personal account of their time enlisting out of highschool? or Officer Academy, Specifically. Army sites are so biased.I'm thinking of Officer's academy or enlisting, any personal accounts or advice?
    Couple ot things you can do, talk with your school counselor about getting an appointment to one of the service accademies. They select top students out of high school to attend. If not go to college and attend reserve officer training course for one of the services, They will pay tuition and books, upon completion you wlll be made an officer.I'm thinking of Officer's academy or enlisting, any personal accounts or advice?
    Go to college first, but if you cannot afford to then just join, but make sure you get a job that gives you the most benefit such as being a Ranger or right in to the Infantry! lol

    You don't sound like to have the grades that you indicate! : )

    Who here needs personal advice on things such as dating, school, friends, etc?

    Well if you do please read more here here needs personal advice on things such as dating, school, friends, etc?
    Thanks Babydoll**

    Do you need personal advice?

    i'm doing a advice column type thing. its with email so its all private discussions. bottom line is I'm great at giving advice and i love doing it. ive been through so much experiences that i can help anyone. weather its love family friends ANYTHING and like i said it can be as personal as you want. NOTHING will get out and no one but me will be reading these. the more i know the more i can help. I'm not here to judge anyone and ill always be honest with you. so my email is so i look forward to hearing from you all =] thanks.Do you need personal advice?
    how'd you get into it? I'd love to write an advice column. HOOK ME UPDo you need personal advice?
    thats awesome! you'll be hearing from me :)
    awwe thats a really nice %26amp; cute idea!

    lol you are sweet!!! God bless:] I'll email you tomorrow
  • applying eyeshadow