Friday, January 8, 2010

Friend's work/personal dilemma- advice please!!!!?

This really is a 'friend' (ie not me). She has asked me for advice and I don't know what to tell her. So input from you would be welcome.

She and her boyfriend were given the position as ';host management couple'; at a resort, but only as the backup couple in case the fullterm host couple can;t host for whatever reason. Her boyfriend supplements this income by being a tour guide. they live at the resort.

They soon discovered that the full-time host couple are threatened by them and try to make their lives difficult. Furthermore, the head tour guide has been hitting on my friend from day one. As her boyfriend works under him, she took a long time before complaining. Now that she has laid a complaint, this guy is victimising her boyfriend by not giving him work. Also, the owners of the resort have demoted them as backup host couple ';until the situation is resolved';.

They both really need the cash but are very unhappy and don't know what to do.Friend's work/personal dilemma- advice please!!!!?
Document everything that's going on and take it to upper management or the owner. If that doesn't do any good then they're probably screwed. I think they shouldn't go in with ';not giving him work'; and ';are threatened by them'; but with concrete examples of EXACTLY what was said and done on whatever date, and what they've done to try to remedy the situation themselves. Unfortunately for your friend, they sound to be in a bad spot with little they can do about it.Friend's work/personal dilemma- advice please!!!!?
The instant the head tour guide started hitting on your friend and then retaliating against her complaint by cutting back on her boyfriend's hours, he compounded the sexual harassment case she has against him.

Your friend needs to talk to the owners and explain that either this needs to get resolved quickly, or she will be forced to pursue the sexual harassment allegations. If she can document what's happened, then this is a clear case of providing a hostile work environment.

If the owners are dumb enough to fire either your friend or her boyfriend under those circumstances, she needs to take them to court.
Try to find jobs in a different resort. Be professional and ignore all the ';politics'; until they can get out.

Its not a nice situation to be in, but unless there is someone higher up in the chain that they can talk to then I would recommend finding some other work and getting out of there.

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