Friday, January 8, 2010

Personal advice desperately needed?

ok so its like this im 19 years old i have been with my husband for 5 years married one. we just had a daughter about 2 months ago and since i got pregnant it seems all we do is fight. he does avidly work on music he is an up and coming rapper and i have always pushed his music dream i dont have any issues as far as that goes my problem is he seems to want to be away from the home more than ever i mean no matter what i do it seems i have to fight to get him to stay home i know he isnt cheating but he just refuses to stay home. i basically need some advice on what to do t fix our relationship. i do not work so i know alot of my anger deals with being coopted up in a house all day but i need some advice on what to do to better myself within so i could be good for me and my daughter and advice on how to fix things in my marrige.Personal advice desperately needed?
Obviously you married too young, and are not emotionally mature. WAY too young and now a Baby already?

And, married to a Rapper (wannabe) whom is not obviously mature and committed to you.

These are all the ingredients for failure and unhappiness. You really don't have a true marriage.

Go and get a job anyway! Why won't you? Because of Welfare or something?

You have a man that may never see any money for years as a Rapper. Does that sound like financial security to you?

Get a clue! This has disaster written all over it!Personal advice desperately needed?
I'm sure you've had this same conversation with your husband on more than one occasion and he still refuses to listen. So what you need to do is be prepared to be the responsible parent that thinks more of your daughter compared to running the streets like your husband does. You need to let him know he's not needed by you like he thinks he is.

One person cannot fix everything that's wrong.

I have met lots of ';up and coming rappers'; and the one thing they all have in common is NO JOB. Grow up. You chose to be a mother way too young. Support yourself and your kid or even go to school and make something out of yourself. By the time you finish schooling your husband will still be rapping in his mom's basement probably where his ';studio'; is right now.
mostly u feel angry bcz of the hormones from yr pregnancy and he prefers to stay out the house to avoid the fights just relax and dont push him whenever he will see u relaxed he will be glad to come to the house i hope things workes out for u too gl
you need to go to college and earn a decent degree. This is the best thing you can do for your daughter and for yourself.
hard to fix. married too young. i did similar mistake

but try to see a marriage counselor and maybe it will work
If one is able to diagonalize any problem then I thing one is 75% done the job. As you have told that your are continuously tiring to withhold him at home for none reason and you know he is not cheating you and you are not helping him to realize his dream.

So all you have to do opposite of it and the situation shall be under control. You must have heart - Behind every successful man there is a gentle woman. That gentleness you have to attain to get your goal.

Try to encourage him to attain his goal. Do not pressurize him for unnecessary things. Take interest in his life. Simile is a best medicine for all ailments. Keep your face smiling , the life will change itself.
yes, i agree with angel, it's ur hormones. u have to relax and try to pick a fight . i'm sure he doesn't wanna fight with u that is why he is away .

true enough maybe u are just bore being in the house. why don't u get together with ur friends. maybe invite them over. so that u can release some tension and stress that is accumulating in u. it's not good for the baby. why don't u discuss

with him how u feels. maybe he doesn't know cos u don't give him a chance. try it will work out for the best. The best remedy in the world which free is Patience
At an early age of marriage sometimes it goes that way BUT don't allow it to happen. Be good always, pray that everything will be under control and support this like: understanding his need, serve him as your husband, fix yourself always, love him and his chosen career, take good care of your daughter, if there's a problem (hope none) talk it over before you sleep in a win-win situation without arguing each other. if his on top of his voice, tone down yours. avoid argument. one thing stop nagging.

support each other. God Bless you.

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