Friday, January 8, 2010

Personal Advice- Serious?

This is a little tricky, so be open minded. My sister Sherah just got married to Scott, I was the maid of honor. I go to my sisters all the time! Mostly when I need to hide away from my family; you know, if me and mom get into a fight or I need a real shower (We no longer have running water in the house, Dad ';cant afford'; to get it fixed). Or I go over to babysit their two kids wile they hunt. I absolutely adore my nephew Charlie!

It must've been a week or two ago, shortly after I hooked up with my current bf Max. He's awesome! Anyways, I'm a very lovable person. I love to cuddle and hug. I dont know what was so different about this time than any other time I'd cuddled with Scott, but he was sitting in his chair wile we were watching a ball game. Sherah went to tuck the kids into bed and I went to cuddle with Scott until she got back- I was cuddling with her before she left. I'd done it several times before and she never said a word about it. Sometimes she even picked on me telling me how comfy I looked. He's big and cuddably ^^. Well, she came in and sat down on the couch, but looked different- something very odd that I'd never seen her like before. It took me a wile to figure out what it was, but then I got up and sat back next to her. Why the heck would my sister be jealous? Ew, I didnt really like like Scott! He's a cool person and all, but too old for me and so not my type! Nor would I attempt to steal another woman's husband, especially not my sister's. And even more- why would I cheat on my bf? I didnt bother hiding how completely into Max I was, why did this change anything? I even cuddled with Scott before they were married. It makes no sense.

Ok, this is probably where I messed up. The next night I sat in Scott's chair since he wasn't there, then Sherah came in and sat on the couch. ';Scott's going to make you move'; She told me. I grinned and told her, ';No, I bet he'll sick somewhere else';. Sherah just shook her head, but he did- he sat next to her. I hate to admit it, but their not real lovable to each other. So I should expect Sherah would have been overjoyed when Scott even cuddled up with her. I offered Scott his chair back, but I think he was comfy. Now that I think about it, maybe that was why Scott was being so nice- he realized too she'd gotten jealous and was trying to make it better. If that was the case, she blew it off completely. She left and Scott was educating me on football, then one of those presidental advertising things came up and Scott mentioned that he would run for president if he was a little older. And I'd always thought of Scott as old and then in another split matter I always thought 35 was young to be able to be a president. So I told him that I just realized how young he really was. Odd. Scott's like 30-31.

Sherah was in the bathroom. I was cold and asked Scott if I could join him on the couch. He whispered and told me to wait until Sherah went to bed... I nodded and asked back in a whisper if he thought she was jealous. He nodded and didnt say anything else. Sherah went to bed after a wile and Scott told me I could. He scooted over and I cuddled up next to him. I faintly thought that maybe I shouldn't, but I knew that there was no real harm to it. Sherah was just being paranoud. Well, suddenly Scott nudged me and told me in an urgent whisper to get up. I did and plopped back down in his seat, just as Sherah came into the room. I freaked, she really was paranoid- crap what did I do? Sherah asked kind of harshly if Scott was headed to bed, he kind of nodded, then she asked again more urgently. He nodded and got up. The whole time I couldn't face her. I wasn't sure how to explain that kind of a thing.

I slept on the couch (as usual) and Scott came and sat down by me before he went to work. He whispered and told me that he told her that I asked if we could cuddle and that he'd told me no, and that was supposed to be our story. I nodded- I would avoid the situation from now on and if she really wanted I story that would be it. Right after he left, the lights flicked on in the living room and she came in. She demanded to know what was going on. She was really taking this far! Of course, she's always been the kind to like to start ****... but never with me before. We've been long time friends- of all the people she talked **** about I never even thought she'd do it to me. And I knew she would- she'd ruin my name like a thief like she did my other brothers. I loved her and I'd never do anything to really hurt her, but when I told her the truth of what happened and that I was sorry for pushing her once I realized her distrust- she called me a liar and broke everything. The nights of locking my older brother out of her room so me and her could decorate her little christma's tree, the hunting we did together, and every moment I ever spent raising her kid wile she was off drinking meant nothing now! And I wasn't me who ruined it. Maybe I didnt do justice to it, butPersonal Advice- Serious?
鈾?Your sister is not comfortable with you cuddling with her husband, she doesn't like it, so don't do it. And he shouldn't be sneaky about things, and lying to his wife. If a man is being sneaky and lying about that, makes ya wonder what else he will hide and lie about...

Basically, you should tell your sister that your sorry for making her feel uncomfortable after knowing it was bothering her, then give her some space. And don't snuggle with her husband anymore.. and in the future if your having to lie or be sneaky, against your sister or any loved one, then its probably NOT the right thing to be doing... hope things get better with your sister... good luckPersonal Advice- Serious?
Whoah, this was really long. It sounds like you are making moves on your sister's husband, and she is justifiably pissed. You don't cuddle with a married man. That's a very intimate thing to do. Not only that, you hurt your sister on purpose. You knew she was jealous of what you were doing with her husband, and you did it anyway. I think you should just f**k Scott and screw your sister some more.
Is Scott cheating on her? Why would you cuddle with her man anyways? Don't you think that is odd? you have a man, cuddle with him not hers. You need to remember they are married, that is not your man. Get over it. You want a honest oppionin? I would not be suprised if you and Scott are cheating on your mates. You need to stop what ever it is. HE IS TAKEN BY YOUR SISTER!! YOUR HURTING HER! Dam, I can't believe some one would seriously do that!

It's definitely not normal to cuddle with your sister's husband(not for most anyway), and it's obvious that she doesn't trust someone.. whether it's you or him we can't tell.

You need to give your sister some room, and stay away from her husband for a while. She'll need time to cool off before you can really talk about what started her feelings of jealousy.

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