Friday, January 8, 2010

I don't think my parents take me seriously. Personal advice wanted!?

Then perhaps this is a reflection of your own inherent immaturity. Analyze your actions over the past twelve months. What occured that made you think this, then take steps to rectify it. Ask your mom and dad why they don't take you seriously. Communication is essential, as failure to communicate will lead to you developing an increased sense of frustration and sadly incresaing isolation.I don't think my parents take me seriously. Personal advice wanted!?
Hi dear!

In fact, I am in your situation! I once was very depressed and I wanted to go to a therapist, but my mother thought I was joking! I couldn't go to my dad for help because he's not around anymore.

I ended up writing her a note saying that I was serious about it. She took me to my pediatrician who prescribed me to a psychiatrist. Thankfully, I'm okay now.

I think you should talk to a trusted friend or adult and have them talk your mom into taking you seriously. If not, try writing a sincere note to them like I did.

Good luck honey!I don't think my parents take me seriously. Personal advice wanted!?
You could kill them and collect the insurance money...

....I'm not advocating murder...I'm just can buy a lot of stuff with insurance money.

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