Friday, January 8, 2010

A personal advice to atheists ?

pliz do the right thing

What if you are wrong and God exists? Aren’t you afraid of hell

Atheists are human too, and so of course atheists are just as likely as anyone else to participate in many of the common social experiences which mark a society. One of them is, of course, weddings - both their own and the weddings of friends and relatives. Unfortunately, wedding ceremonies are commonly religious in nature - what is an irreligious atheist to do?A personal advice to atheists ?
Belief just because you're scared of hell is pretty damn cowardly.A personal advice to atheists ?

Ahh I have been looking for you Pascal...been a while since I saw your Wager :)

There are thousands of gods thus Pascal's Wager which you are proposing fails because it assumes that there is only one true god. But you do not know that and basically you too are risking ';hell';.

For example, you are assuming that Christ is the right god but on the other end Muslims think they have the right one and the Hindus and the ancient Egyptians and Greeks and the Mayans etc.

Which is it?

As for weddings: they are secular.

Religion does not have a monopoly on marriage or wedding ceremonies.

And I have been to plenty of religious events and I simply take them as social experiences.

I go to weddings (usually ones that have a religious element to them), I have been to a baptism, I have been to funerals etc and whenever they prayed I didnt but simply observed silently.

Would you go and pray to the Jewish god if you went to learn more about Judaism at a synagogue? I doubt it.

Similarly I just dont pray to any of the religions that are being participated in at a particular event.
There are no gods, Jesus is just a myth and heaven and hell are concepts devised and used by your religion to control you, not me, just you.

It is for you to be scared of such notions and no others, that is how you are influenced and controlled in every aspect of your life.

Those threats and a post death reward are the tools used by your religious leaders to make you do the things that they want you to do and they collect a tax from you for the privilege.

If you wish to believe it is all true, so be it, but please do not worry about those of us that don`t.

Weddings are legal ceremonies and marriages are contracts that bind a couple in law.

The World is quite a big place and I know of no-one with anything other than nominal Christian beliefs and there is not one member of my friends, family or associates that goes to church.
What if you are wrong and Odin exists? You will have a cold time in Hel.

What if you are wrong and Osiris exists? Have you studied the book of the dead to learn the correct answers?

I got married in a registry office (UK equivalent of having a judge perform the ceremony) No religious involvement at all and now my spouse and I have all the legal rights of a married couple.

I bet they do not call you Flash for nothing.

So, how much do you have to pay them?
Oh well, hell it will be. Not afraid of it one bit.

So the supposed God who personifies love would send one of his creatures to eternal torment? What crap! What a strange idea of what love is! Sometimes some of you believers really scare me - not with hell but with how twisted your reasoning is.
How many questions are here?

There are many number of Gods that could exist (probably don't), so why aren't you afraid? I just go one God further than you. You could be wrong too, and end up in some place you never heard of for practicing the wrong faith.

I just went to a non-religious wedding, and I must say, it was really nice.
Here we go again... *Drink*

So your god would accept someone for FAKING that they believe just to get into heaven? Is that what you're doing? or are you just asking others to do so? Sorry, I have more respect for myself that to be a hypocrit and IF there is a god, I suspect he would respect my decision rather than lying, don't you?

In the meantime, I'm not scared of something I don't expect exists, just like the boogy man...
I got married in a civil ceremony. I wanted the legal benefits of marriage. As far as Pascal's Wager, I'm not going to fake a belief in your god just to try to save my own skin. I don't want anything to do with the kind of god that has to torture me for not believing in him.
* Ohh No , You are Right !!! . . . NOT

Hahaha , Are you for real ? What have you been smoking? Can i have some ?

And if god Did exist would he accept me no mayyer what ?

Pedo , murderers and Child abusers Belive in god so does that mean god will accept them nd not me b/coz i didnt belive in him ???

Ignorance *
I just want to wait and see your face when your wrong and you find out nobody is there to take you off to a magical place in the sky. Oh boy I cant forget my camera.
Pascals wager rephrased. Answer no.

We do not need a god, to marry. We can promise to love, honor, and in all ways be excellent to each other
Pascal's Wager AGAIN?

This poor excuse for an argument has been refuted many many times.


Honestly, I'm tired of chugging down booze when I see this question!

I'm switching to tea!
Yes, the right thing is not to have beliefs for which there is no valid argument or evidence - religions fall into this category.
Man! You are SO original!
woohooo......pascal's wager again......*drink*.....
what if your wrong and Thor exists?

no i am not afraid of magic mans fiery place
Is the world so scary that you cannot join it?
If you knew the right thing, You wouldn't have asked this question. It makes me wonder, about people who ask me to do the ';right thing';.
Fear is awful isn't it. It's so nice to be free of it.
Why do you insist on doing things like this? Do you think that your God is going to look good upon you for scolding the Atheists?

Read your Bible.

Matthew 7:3 and Romans 2:1.
An atheist was taking a walk through the woods. ';What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!'; he said to himself. As he was walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look and saw a 7 foot grizzly bear charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing in on him. He looked over his shoulder again and the bear was even closer. He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw the bear right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw and raising his right paw to strike him. At that instant the Atheist cried out to the Lord. Time stopped, the bear froze, the forest was silent. A bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky, ';You deny my existence for all of these years, teach others I don't exist, and even credit creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?'; The atheist looked directly into the light, ';It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps could you make the BEAR a Christian?'; ';Very well,'; said the voice.

The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And then the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together and bowed his head and spoke:

';Lord, bless this food, which I am about to receive through Christ our Lord, Amen.';

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