Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm thinking of Officer's academy or enlisting, any personal accounts or advice?

So, I'm a Junior in High school and got good grades, high test scores blah blah. Duke, Columbia, NYU, Blah blah. NSLC, Blah Blah. The current global atmosphere is sort of making me want to enlist in the army, go to Army or Navy Universities, and get and Officer Job. Can anyone give me a personal account of their time enlisting out of highschool? or Officer Academy, Specifically. Army sites are so biased.I'm thinking of Officer's academy or enlisting, any personal accounts or advice?
Couple ot things you can do, talk with your school counselor about getting an appointment to one of the service accademies. They select top students out of high school to attend. If not go to college and attend reserve officer training course for one of the services, They will pay tuition and books, upon completion you wlll be made an officer.I'm thinking of Officer's academy or enlisting, any personal accounts or advice?
Go to college first, but if you cannot afford to then just join, but make sure you get a job that gives you the most benefit such as being a Ranger or right in to the Infantry! lol

You don't sound like to have the grades that you indicate! : )

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