Friday, January 8, 2010

I need some personal advice stat!?

heres the deal (sorry long):

im 20 years old, and ive never had the pleasure of being in a relationship. now im not saying that i want some long lasting forever thing.. but at least i would like to experience it. anyways i am very much so your typical girl next door.. and i am always being asked if i have a boyfriend.. or hearing.. i just dont understand why you dont have a boyfriend and all i can really say is i dont know when really i do know why i have never been able to get a boyfriend. the reason is that even though i seem to be a pretty good catch (in my opinion anyways) my friends around me in comparison seem better catches... for example same kind of personality but better looking, etc. Now obviously i do not want new friends.. but i mean i really dont know what to do to get myself a boyfriend.. i dont really like to bother about this.. but i do get kinda lonely you know, and i obviously cant change who i am and i dont want to anyways, i like who i am! I just really need adviceI need some personal advice stat!?
Is it possible that you just haven't met the right guy yet?

I didn't have a boyfriend until I was in my late twenties. Why? Who knows? I really didn't know how to behave around boys and I had been somewhat sheltered growing up, so I guess I was awkward. I also didn't have much self-confidence.

But there is no reason why you can't date. At the age of 20, why not join a dating website or a church singles group?

Also, ask yourself what kind of boy you;'d like to attract and then sit down and ask yourself if you are the kind of girl that particular kind of boy would like? This may sound like a silly exercise, but it is not and in fact is very eye-opening. Sometimes we can be guilty of focusing too much on what we want and not enough on what we have to offer a relationship. I'm not saying that you do this, but it is a consideration.

Remember, life is a gift and rejoice in what IS going well in your life. Don't think too much about what you don't like or (spiritually) you'll just attract more of it. :-)I need some personal advice stat!?
be happy with you for now, the right one hasn't shown his face yet... you will know him when you meet him... you have lots of time..

having a bf isn't the end all be all, it is nice to date, but 20 is young to settle just one guy........
have some fun while you're young, but if all else fails try one of those dating sites advertised on the sides of websites.
You just need to put yourself out there.

Ask yourself honestly how many new guys have you met in the last month. A guy isn't going to magically appear at your doorstep. And make sure people know that you are single and interested

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