Friday, January 8, 2010

GIRLS I really need you personal advice!?

Im 16 years old and a virgin I was wondering if im old enough to do the do if you know what I mean... thanks so much!GIRLS I really need you personal advice!?
Don't just give your virginity away because of what people on Yahoo Answers say! The best advice I can give you is that sex is a special and intimate thing that is shared between two people that love eachother. It is not something that you have to do because of your age or because someone is pressuring you. If you're in a relationship, and you love the person you're with, you feel ready, and you know the consequences of what your sexual activity could cause, then it is possible that you may do it. But remember, having sex for the first time is not a question af age, but rather if YOU FEEL READY for it. Please take this into consideration and I hope this helps answer your question.GIRLS I really need you personal advice!?
weLL, if you feel you are ready.

but think of the consiquences.

lets say you do get pregnant:

%26gt;while all of your friends are out at aprties and having fun and things, there is a chance you may have to stay home and watch your baby.

%26gt;if things do not work out between you and that guy, whoever you want to date may not want that responsibility of having a child.

%26gt;you will always be known as 'that girl who got pregnant at 16'


personally, i do not believe in pre-Marriage sex. but who am i to judge you?

do what you think is right, but i would not do it.

also, there will not be that magic when you DO get married (if you want to)
well itll b pretty painful but if u dont wana end up wit a baby wait an somtimes wen u get prenet ur guy leavs yah not sayn urs wil but it hapens to a lot of people an protection dont always work an does this guy rely love u if he does he'll wait so wait a wile an if he asks tel him u want to wait a wile if he stays wit u hes proly a keepr wait til marage itl give him somthin to look foward to an dont do it just do it i think u should wait its ur choice think about it make the right answer u know wat it is
no i dont think your old enough.....unless u wanna be a dad go ahead and do don't always work.........i think its wrong doing it before your married...u will have a tough time getting a wife or girlfriend....
well, for one thing, way to go!

congratulations, its hard to find people like that.

then, is it legal in your state?

otherwise, go ahead, just be rational
Well? It's your call but I think a smart idea would be to wait that way theres no regrets or anything you are still young wait till you are older......Im not telling you what to do though good luck;)
well yeah.. but you shouldnt.. i mean you maybe should think about waiting awhile.. just make sure you wear portection if you do. you dont want to end up a teenage parent... that would suck.
Do you think you are ready? Then you can.
That is up to you. If you think you are then do. If not then don't either way just be careful!!!
uh yea wait til your married so u have something to look forward to when your married
your old enough when you think your ready (:

have fun (;
Only if Your in love....
NO YOUR TOO YOUNG!!! dont be a slut, theyll think your easy

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