Thursday, December 31, 2009

*** Need personal advice Im so depressed?

I don't know how to let go of my kids mom she talks to other people and its eating me up inside.. i can't sleep, i can't go t o work, when i think of her having sex i wish i could just die.. I don't think i can get over her.. how do i let her go.*** Need personal advice Im so depressed?
Time heals all wound's...You need to put your past in the past and move on.You have to motivate yourself and if you can't do it alone that is ok then you need to seek counseling there is no shame in needing a little boost up a hill..Unfortunately we all experience loss at some point in our life and you must move on it is the circle of life.You have not met your soul mate yet but in time you will..Good Luck to you.*** Need personal advice Im so depressed?
Get mad. Think about all the things she did that pissed you off. There has to be a few because no relationship is that good.

If that doesn't help, make an appointment with your doctor and SOON.
While I can imagine how heartbreaking this is for's time to find a way to refocus your Hearts attention to the beautiful child you have together....and perhaps in this life that was your sole purpose together. And now it's time to let go of her as your mate....and Be willing to Open your heart with all that Love you have sitting idle for her...and finding the Woman you were Meant to be with Long term. You will just have to continually tell yourself, the Time has passed for us, but I have SO much to Give %26amp; look forward's really one of the best ways to get through. Pick your head up and be an example to your child that when One Door Closes another Door Opens.....

Best of Luck.
Sounds like you need some kind of closure in dealing with your previous relationship. There is a reason why you two are no longer together, for whatever reason that may be. It is perfectly normal to think about that kind of stuff. Also, try to think about all of the stuff she used to do to make you angry. That may give you the distance you need to get over her.

Refocus your energy on your children because they need you the most. If you think you are confused as an adult, try to think what your children are going through. Why aren't mommy and daddy still together? Set a good example for your children and never let them see you two fight. Since you have children together you will always have some form of interaction with the mother.
try to focus on other thing that you like
That is something that time has to heal. It is horrible to be hurting so much inside. I know I have been there.The best advice I can give you is to ..GO TO WORK..WORK,WORK,WORK.I know you don't want to and have to drag yourself outta bed.But the longer you are by yourself the more depressed you'll get.Just throw yourself in your work.I know you don't believe me now but It will get better.Spend time with your kids.Go to a club.Try and make yourself do things and pretty soon it won't hurt so much.but the longer you hole up the longer it will hurt. Get up and do something TODAY!!
I know its horrible to feel like this but keep telling yourself that there is DEFINITELY more than one right person out there for all of us.

Its not easy if your relationship has broken down as you will have to keep contact, but PLEASE believe me, these feelings will diminish slowly in time if you just do things for yourself that you enjoy .. however trivial, and KNOW that someone else will come along, it's almost like discovering a new icecream that you like more than the last one!

At the moment you still feel attached because she is what you are used to and it is still fresh in your heart.

Things will change for you though.

I have been also in a similar situation, more than once, and it is amazing to look back and remember how bad you once felt and how then again things change most amazingly and life starts up again.

Good luck.
here are some jokes to cheer you up

Little Johnny returns from school and says he got an F in arithmetic.

';Why?'; asks the father.

';The teacher asked 'How much is 2x3' and I said '6' '; replies Johnny.

';But that's right!';

';Yeah, but then she asked me 'How much is 3x2?' ';

';What's the ******* difference?'; asks the father.

';That's what I said!';

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Laff Factor:


The new English teacher had just taken over

her first class, a group of scruffy,

leering boys.

';Give me a word beginning with 'A,''; she said.

';*** holes!'; said Cameron proudly.

Ignoring his remark, she continued.

Now give me a word beginning with 'B'

';Bastard,'; came the answer from Freddy.

She immediately gave C a miss and moved on to D.

';Dwarf,'; said Little Johnny.

With a sigh of relief she asked him what a

dwarf was.

';A little ****** about 60 centimeters tall,';

said Little Johnny.

Little Johnny was in his 4th grade class when the teacher asked the children that their fathers did for a living. All the

typical answers came up- fireman, policeman, salesman, etc...

Johnny was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father. ';My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer's really good, he'll go out to the alley with some guy and make love with him for money.';

The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some coloring, and took Little Johnny aside to ask him, ';Is that really true about your father?';

';No,'; said Johnny, ';He plays for the New Orleans Saints, but I was too embarrassed to say so.
This is difficult as i dont know the full story of why you cannot let her all i can suggest is take some time away from when you are now... get out of town so to speak, but let your friends know where you are so that you are safe... especilly you are feeling depressed.

Then seek help from your doctor, to help ease the depression, they will offer you councilling sessions, advice sessions aswel as medication so you can choose what is suitable for you, maybe go with a friend so they can support you with this too.

It will take time but things will get easier with help. Take care....
Edward, focus on your children. Love and care for them and put your energy into them. Women will come in and out of your life, but you'll always have your children. If their mom doesn't want you, you have to let her go. It's emotionally (and sometimes physically) unhealthy for you to obsess this way. When you're stressed, so are your children. Just remember that. I'm not dismissing your pain. I know that it's real. I've been there. There is just no point in hanging on when someone else's love is gone. Time will help to heal your broken heart. I know it sounds corny, but it's true. Experience has and will always be life's best teacher. So give it some time and work on your mind. Give yourself self-affirmations. Remind yourself that you are a good person who takes care of his responsibilities and his children. Know that you deserve to be loved by someone who respects and cares for you. Now, you might not meet her tomorrow, but if you keep things on a positive note, someone will come into your life. I know that right now there is no one for you except for your children's mother. If it's meant to be, then it WILL BE at some point. But if not, life is not over and there will be someone else. In either case, good luck to you and your family. Have patience and God bless you.

You are in a difficult spot my friend, and you need to fall back on your resources: inner, outer, social, family whatever they may be. Consider and develop your natural resilience.

Maintain your core: your job, nutrition, rest %26amp; sleep as much as possible. Distract yourself from your pain. Exercise and stretch a lot. Look for sources of pleasure in your life and make the most of them. Cultivate some contacts, but don't overwhelm them with your emotions. If there is someone you can share with, great!

You say 'she talks to other people', implying that you don't. Maybe you don't feel ready yet. Don't push yourself too hard, but if you can, try to make a small effort.

Best wishes; survive %26amp; prosper!
Try to meet new people and spend more time with your friends. Try to talk to them(your friends) about what is bothering you and about how you feel. Being your friends, they know you better than anyone else and they will surely understand you and try to help you get over it.

Try to find someone, don't stay and meditate all day long about her (from what you said i think she doesn't feel too bad about it). Life goes ahead and all you have to do is to follow it.

i read your other questions that you put on yahoo answers and i really think you should talk to someone about it. You are too obsessed about this woman and she probably doesn't even care about it. Stop being such a loser and get over it. There are a lot of women out there that are waiting for such a sensitive guy like you and what are you doing? : you are complaining and again complaining about her. If she didn't keep you she is stupid but you are more stupid then her to still thinking about it !!!

and go to work, you want to lose everything even your children ?

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