Sunday, December 27, 2009

Please help, i need advice regarding personal property?

i bought a tv (42 inch plasma) before our marriage. then we got married. and within a year we are going for divorce. she had affairs. anyway, she took the tv from me and said she sold it off. i bought this tv before we were married, so it was seperate property brought into the marriage. now we did live together when i bought the tv, just not married. also, we live in ny. i have a note saying she sold it off. anything i can do. anything im entitled to.Please help, i need advice regarding personal property?
So; as of this moment, your wife sold a tv.

Good luck. Odds are you can include the cash she got as part of the marital assets when you work on the property settlement if she hasn't spent it already.Please help, i need advice regarding personal property?
I went through this and hate to tell you you are screwed.... first of all you word against hers and after living together married or not whats yours is hers unless stated in writing....isn't that sad.... Your best bet is to forget it ... I know it sucks and its not fair but when it came down to it my lawyer cost me more to fight for my things which more than half I never received and he was never required to pay and my marriage lasted on 11 months before he started cheating well i guess i should say before I caught him. I made most of the money with my job and the hours that I put in and the divorce was hell.. So save yourself the headache and just move on and I only say that for your own sanity.

I'm sorry to hear you are going through this i hope you have friends to help you deal with it and good luck !
If it is separate property and she sold it, you are entitled to the value of the t.v. Bring it to the court's attention during your divorce.
Let it go...her and the's not worth it.

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