Thursday, December 31, 2009

Personal advice , any takers?

there was just a book out about what advice celebrities would give to their youngerselves, what advice would you give to your younger self?Personal advice , any takers?
Don't worry about being popular, don't worry about being cool, don't worry about what others think of you, just be yourself. Also, speak up, don't be shy, don't let other people walk all over you.Personal advice , any takers?
to be true to yourself
Instill the VALUE system within...

';What do you think..? In the present day society, the anarchy that is there is less or what鈥? Actually the anarchy is peaking day by day to fresh heights鈥?The problem lies in the present day value system only, which makes people think something, say another thing and do yet another thing (cheppinattu chesthara). The Unity of Thought, Word and Deed is not seen any where, whereas that should have been the Primary Thing, that should have been the Basis and the Strong Foundation of a Sound Value System. From that Strong Foundation the word VALUE should have been defined.';

';Well, if you ask me what is it that definition of VALUE, I will say, it is nothing but Verified and Aligned Link within with that Ultimate Entity.

That is the VALUE system that is to be brought in to the society... no ... into each and every one ... Everything should be moving in That frame work Within.

That is the Unity in Diversity. Surrender to the Ultimate and Fly High. A Colourful or Black and White Flight under the Absolute Slavery, Under that Absolute Command of Godhood without the botherations of results of that Flight. The practice of the instrument in Thy Hand Theory. The practice of Dialectical Dianetics';

';Establishing 鈥?no鈥?Verifying and Understanding that Link within with the Godhood must be the aim of True Education. Education should ensure this VALUE system is instilled in the Students鈥? The rest is just automatic鈥?The students and people themselves shall identify their own duty (';Mama Dharmam'; as said in Bhagavad Gita) with the help of this Great Link ie ther within. This is The True Value System that is to be brought into each and every one and Practiced鈥?quot;

jk's lady Athmavidya gave such an answer above... so jk thinks this is a Great answer ...

luv and SAI RAM,

The secret to not being shy is to be yourself, not be so sensitive about what other people think of you, and just practice making smalltalk to people other than your close friends.

Oh, and invest in this new software company called ';Microsoft.'; :-)
I'd say, ';Listen little jive turkey, follow your bliss. Don't do things because you think they are what you ';should'; do. Do things because they are what you love.'; I'd tell myself to be more protective of myself, to love smarter, to be more in charge of my destiny. I'd tell myself not to buy into what other people thought of me. I'd never have met one person in particular who took me places that I never wanted to go. Protect yourself.
the world is just a stage... each of us has a role to play. learn how to act, to deliver your lines effectively. to show your emotions at the right moment.... and to accept the audience and critics verdict alike... after the play is done, then you'd know if you've done well in playing your part...
Do the best you can in high school because what you do in high school will affect your whole life even though i probably would not ahve listened
well considering that i'm still young, i think when i age that i will probably tell myself to go for the gold, you know try a little harder and forget that you may not succeed, b/c that is no reason not to try at all.

But since i'm young and stupid I'll probably not take that advice
If I had a chance to offer my younger self advice, I'd pass on the opportunity, because I know myself well enough that I know I wouldn't have listened.

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