Sunday, December 27, 2009

Personal trainer advice wanted?

I am a single mother to a 11 month old baby girl, I am currently a stay home mom. I have just purchased an elliptical machine and so far have only been able to do 20 minutes at a time, I try and do it while my daughter is asleep but I also have other things to get done before she wakes up. Is 20 minutes during the day and then 20 minutes in the evening good enough? I want to gradually work myself to be able to do 60 minutes a day... But is the 20 minutes good enough?Personal trainer advice wanted?
Any exercise is better than none. The minimum time for a cardio session to be useful in fat loss is about 10-15 minutes. At 20 minutes per day you may see some results if your intensity is very high, but likely the results will be fairly small. A proper fitness program will contain a calorie deficit, sufficient protein intake, proper hydration, hypertrophy training, insulin management, and a variety of other factors. I talk quite a bit about diet and fitness on my blog, you may want to check it out at http://fitnessratchet.comPersonal trainer advice wanted?
Every little bit helps! I think 20 minutes of aerobic activity is very good, 40 minutes better, 60 minutes fantastic. Be sure to couple this with healthy eating habits.
20 minutes is great!!! Congratulate yourself on any little bit that you can do. I haven't figured it out yet and I'm a personal trainer..LOL
I've had 4 kids already and had to bounce back with each one with all the new obligations of being a mom and no time for myself. Weight loss doesn't come alone from cardio, it's primarily what you're eating that will make those pounds come off. I suggest you look into Tosca Reno's ';Clean Eating Diet'; book. It really works since it's not really a diet at all...I don't lose weight easily but this is no nonsense good eating. My 15 yr. old daughter and I both follow it. Second, to the eating clean is weights. Work on your strength training in conjunction with the clean eating and you'll be amazed at your results. You can do this right at home in whatever spare time you can manage. Oxygen magazine is a great source or their website online to get you pointed in the right direction with what exercises to do and how many to do of them. I'm not talking bulky, unfeminine muscles, but sleek, nice tone. Cardio is great and does help burn the extra calories but also realize that just like anything else you do to your body on a regular basis that your body will become accustomed to the same ol same ol and in response will go into a reserve mode where you will put out maximum effort and get minimum results unless you change up your routine regularly. If you can program your new eliptical machine for different courses or levels do this for sure to keep challanging your body and good luck!!

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