Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why do people want advice from complete strangers about intimate issues involving their personal life?

Even if you're a school-age kid, and you come on least have the sense to go to people you trust (friends, counselors, parents) when it comes to your personal problems! This is NOT a good place to do it. I can see asking for information on ';things'; (cars, financial concerns, college choices, music, etc.), but really...pouring out your heart to no one in particular is just sad...not to mention unhealthy.Why do people want advice from complete strangers about intimate issues involving their personal life?
Sometimes it's a good thing to get an objective opinion from a completely different viewpoint......which is only possible because a stranger has no emotional ties to the person, and therefore does not try to come up with a solution that the first person ';wants to hear';.

A stranger can work with the facts rather than the emotions.Why do people want advice from complete strangers about intimate issues involving their personal life?
This is actually an excellent forum to get ';preliminary'; information before going to another source. For example, you might be intimidated to go to your parents or a counselor so you test the water here, first. Sometimes a little encouragement - especially from total strangers - will give you the courage you need to confront the issue you came here to ask about. Sometimes people come here just to find out if what they are thinking or feeling is ';normal.'; And some people are simply lonely and need a place to vent. I don't see anything unhealthy about the practice unless you use this forum as a crutch to keep from actually addressing what is bugging you.
Sometimes people NEED an outsiders perspective.

If you ask a person who is too involved they generally can't give you a different opinion. It's nice to have multiple view points so that you can make an education decision. You know, someone from the ';outside looking in';.

Also, many children feel that there so-called ';trusted'; family or friends will be hurt or make judgments based on preconceived notions rather than genuine advice. Not to mention they're afraid they'll get into trouble.
Having somewhere to discuss openly, without judgment and receive unbiased opinions is a great resource. Strangers are far more honest than people who know you who may sugar coat things or try to cater to what they think you want to hear.

Asking here offers a slew of opinions and ideas that perhaps you hadn't thought of. There are people on here who have experience which may not be available freely or quickly in person.

With that said, there are certain things which are asked which should be taken care of with a professional. Generally these questions seem to be in the health related areas. :)
Not sad or unhealthy at all; it is because of the anonymity that people come here to ask questions they are afraid or uncomfortable to ask face to face. And it is a great place to do it; if you feel that strongly about it, why are you even here? To pass judgment on what people should and should not do? Save your censorious attitude for someone who actually gives a damn.
Hi, I'm a parent of two and you make a valid point.

In *some* cases I can see how an anonymous stranger might be more honest %26amp; objective than a family member. And have certain relevant expertise.

Some of the questions here are people being facetious, asking outrageous questions just to see what kind of goofy responses they get. And some are people just venting. --Jeff in Houston, Texas
Sometimes an outsider just sees more of the game.
I don't ask about my personal life but maybe they feel that strangers will be more honest then people they know.
Sometimes you need an opinion that's outside the box. Someone not in your circle.
because they wont %26amp; cant judge
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