Thursday, December 31, 2009

Personal defense! Advice on which to go for?

So im thinking about taking some personal defense class. But i dont want it to be Tae kwon do, or karate because they take too long. Kick boxing isnt appealing and neither is jiujitsu or capoeira. So does anyone know any other class i can take?Personal defense! Advice on which to go for?
if your interested in self defense, I would suggest looking for an actual ';self defense'; class, as opposed to martial arts

any martial art is going to take a long time, because you're actually working towards learning an art, not just practical applications

classes geared towards self defense should focus on the practical side, and include, in addition to a physical component, a sort of psychisocial component, which addresses cultural conditioning, fear responses, and other potential obstacles to using your physical techniques

as for the physical part, most modern self defense employs a basic set of tools specifically designed so that they are easy to learn, highly effective, and are able to incapacitate someone regardless of size difference

in addition, there are a number of personal safety strategies that such classes can help out with to minimize the chances that you'll find yourself in a situtation where you need to defend yourself

traditional martial arts classes tend to spend their time teaching the art itself, more than the practical application of it, so they tend not to be as useful in the short termPersonal defense! Advice on which to go for?
A firearms class to get your concealed carry permit and self defense training by certified instructor that trains police, fire and paramedics to defend themselves in close quarters . I am going to give reasons why.

1. Martial Arts are good except when more than one person attacks you at the same time (in the movies the star is always attacked one at a time to make it look like it works) Also, if someone much larger and stronger attacks, you will lose (tv shows like Oprah show little women flipping 6' men, but if you watch, the man is always standing still. If he really fought, they would lose.)

2. Pepper spray can get you as well in close combat. However, I recommend it with a gun.

3. Tasers only allow you to tase one at a time and stun guns require you get too close.
I hate to say this because I do not want to come across as condescending, but any martial art will take time. There is no quick route to self defense except to learn to use your most effective weapon. That would be your brain and with it common sense.

Anyone that tells you to carry a weapon is fooling themselves. Statistics say that 80% of injuries in a robbery come from an individuals weapon being taken from them and used on themselves.

Take the time to learn. It will benefit you in so many ways. I strongly suggest Krav Maga. You can begin using it immediately, but it is not for the weak of heart and those that do not want to put forth the effort.

Good luck in your choice.
tae kwon do takes to long? what do you mean by they take to long? do you think you only learn anything as a black belt?

because if you only consider being a black belt being able to defend yourself then all styles of martial arts are going to take to long. tae kwon do is oftent the quickest to get up to blackbelt.

just find a close martial arts class which you are willing to pay for if you have fun or think it is useful staythere otherwise move on to another class. the style isnt all you learn you learn everythign differently dependign on the instructor.
Well, it doesn't sound like you want to take anything that requires discipline or commitment. Either you're lazy or you're expecting to have your life threatened within the month. No martial art that is worth taking will make you a master in a few weeks. It takes years of intense training. I suggest you buy a gun and get a concealed carry permit.

You might want to look into the Internal arts such as Tai chi, these aid in centering ones self, though any form could take a life time to truly master. I would also suggest talking to you local or state police, as they may have contact information for you for the kind of courses you are talking about, these courses generally are of short term, and are more about being prepared and aware of your surroundings. Also, I would suggest you have Pepper foam cylinder and a Loud whistle on your key chain. You might also look into a device called a Kubaton. Cheers
The ';I Carry Mace/Pepper Spray!'; class.

I do taekwondo and i'm not sure what you mean when you say they take a long time. No class is going to get you fit and prepared to do any combat in a few days. Taekwondo well teach you techniques and will sharpen your response time/muscles bit by bit, though the knowledge is useful from day one

There is no quick self-defense class.
All martial arts take time to learn self defense. its not a overnight process, if anybody tells you that they can teach you to defend your self in 4 easy class there ripping you off.

It takes time and practice. and even then there are no guaranties. even the best loose fights.
Well you could go the local college or YMCA and see if they have self defense classes. also Krav Maga is good for pure self defense. There are a lot of other martial arts out there. I suggest looking in the phone book and going to a few different places before deciding what you do and do not want to take
i recommend weightlifting. In practice there is no replacement for raw power. It is the reason why there are weight classes in any professional martial bout. It is also the reason why a gorilla will almost always beat a human in a fight.
You could investigate Krav Maga ,since you don't fancy jiu-jitsu.

Best wishes :)***
i would say Krav Maga . stay away from self defense classes. they dont work and usally just gives you a false sense of sercurity
Listen to Randy. He has it right.

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