Sunday, December 27, 2009

Personal advice on what a student should do?

I moved from my family and everyone in Maryland to pursue film and go to school here in Los Angeles but its soo depressing here everyone is fake and its hard to be a black and make it out here and I am lonely as hell without my family and friends so Ive been thinking about transfering colleges to New York so I can be closer and have more opprotunities but I would have to pay tons in out of state fees for which i would have to take out a loans up to 40 thousand or I can stay here and just stay depressed cause Ive been here three years and it aint getting better but school is free from my mother, and if I move she wont fill out the fafsa and Im not old enough to be considered a independentPersonal advice on what a student should do?
How about u wait.. I mean its difficult in the beginning but ull get used to it.. trust me, its much better than paying a lot of money. Just use the money to make ur self happier and after a couple of months ull get used to it :)Personal advice on what a student should do?
go to the place where you think you will be happy and not having to pay a lot

if you think it's worth it to go to school in LA, then continue to do so...try giving people in LA a chance you might miss some good people there

there are ways that you can make yourself feel better

for starter, you have to figure out why you're depressed

always keep yourself busy so you won't even have time to feel that way
Your best bet is to stick it out, that which does not kill you makes you stronger. Talk to your family %26amp; friends more online or on the phone. Life is not easy %26amp; everything you want it to be, no matter where you are, %26amp; if you pay all that out %26amp; things aren't any better you are really going to be depressed %26amp; owe 40 THOUSAND DOLLARS,thats enough to depress even the sunniest person. Go see a counselor at school or away from school, just so you have someone to talk to. Go home %26amp; visit more often if possible.
I know your situation all to well, and believe me when i say that being the only ';real'; person in a ';fake'; place isnt such a bad thing... remember that whats unique always gets noticed. Also, the depression and the pain of lonely nights and wondering what those you care for most are doing, and if they are even thinking about you, is a pain words cant convey. BUT, people you can relate to WILL come if you choose to stick with your situation, and it will come in the most unique of situations. Just let go, and put yourself out there. I dont know your religion or views, but have faith, and break away. It sucks, and I know this, but what wont kill you, could truely make you a smarter, more well rounded person. This is your story, your life, and like a movie, you are writting it everyday. Good luck. poor thing. i suggest you stay where you are. new york can be a very cold city too. there's gotta be at least one person who you can be friends with. separate work from your social life. work is depressing but your social life doesn't have to be. branch out and meet other people. best wishes!!!
Quit feeling sorry for yourself and trying to play your race card!

There are many blacks in Los Angeles and it doesn't matter what you nationality is the film industry is not likely to roll out the red carpet for you.

You and your classmates are all in the same boat. A boat that isn't going anywhere right now. Probably every one of them could tell you about how great it was back somewhere and the friends they had there. Do you care? I thought not.

So what do you do? Smile and make the best of the situation. These people you think are so fake and phony are just trying to make it by for a few more days hoping something will come along for them soon.

If you act sad and depressed no wants anything to do with you because they don't want to be drug down by listening to your problems when they can't do anything about their own.

Lighten up, smile and try to enjoy the things you can and you will be surprised how many friends you will attract.

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