Sunday, December 27, 2009

Personal advice?

what would you do if u truly loved someone but u found dirty texts in their phone to another person...if they showed u they were truly sorry and you could see it cos they were ripped up over hurting u, and they're willing to change, would u take them back or leave them?Personal advice?
well if i was going out with that person and i saw it i would leave them but in other case i would take them backPersonal advice?
not on his/her life.

if they lied to you once they will lie to you again.

don't listen to the people that tell u to give her/him another chance.

i just read this book that's something like that. the girl kept giving chances, but in the end she had to end it because the guy never changed, it was all talk.
take them back if you're crazy
What IS truly sorry......???

Most folks ARE truly sorry they got caught, thats about it.

This is a tough one unless you REALLY know this person well enough to know that there is possible room for them to actually change and move on.

Find out WHY they were doing this in the 1st place....that'll bring out the HOT PLATE of truth........put em' on the spot.
It is up to you, but one thing I can tell you, from experience, you will never be able to trust that person again. Once a couple goes through something like this, the relationship changes. Also, if you accept that person back without making them prove to you they have changed (with time and effort) then that person will see how easy it is for you to take them back and maybe do it again. Maybe next time it wont be only text messages. Think about it.
Sometimes I think people do stuff like that and are truly sorry that they did, do change and all is good. Relationships are about giving and taking and working things out to get to a better state of co-existence. If I really really loved someone, and 99% of the time they are the most perfect person to be with and only slipped up this once then yes. I would. Nobody is perfect and everyone will slip up sometimes. Although let them know if it happens again then it will be time to go. Sometimes the pain and feelings of stupidity for being such an idiot are enough for them to reform forever... all the best with it.
Do you really trust them or are they just playing you? Good luck with whatever you decide.

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