Sunday, December 27, 2009

What non spiritual advice would you give to someone who was having difficulties in their personal life?

Time alone to think. changes of routine. Regular of physical exercise (clears the mind, preferably outdoor exercise, join a club etc). Make a list of where you would like to be in five years time. This has to be your list and no-one else's.

Break your list down into small do-able goals.

If there is abuse, or confusion, or debt in your life then seek counseling but get references for the counseling service first. In the UK we have the Citizens Advice Bureau and a number of helplines for different issues, ie drugs, homelessness etc.. etc...What non spiritual advice would you give to someone who was having difficulties in their personal life?
Obviously it depends what type of difficulties they were having, but probably just some objective advice on how to handle the situation. Probably some worlds like,';Stay strong'; and ';I'm here for you'; along the way too.. Isn't that what everyone would do if their friend was having a problem?

I'm not sure how spiritual advice would even help somebody..

';Don't worry. Leave your problems for a god to take care of.';


';You're not in control of your own life. You need to leave it up to something else.';

Do not seem like good ways to help anyone at all..What non spiritual advice would you give to someone who was having difficulties in their personal life?
The rain falls on good and bad people alike.

Bad association spoils useful habits.

Doing wrong is fun for a fool,

but living wisely brings pleasure to the sensible.

When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away,

but the godly have a lasting foundation.

The hopes of the godly result in happiness,

but the expectations of the wicked come to nothing.
Seek counseling.

See a doctor.

You should talk to him/her about it and get things straight with them.

Talk to a lawyer.

Those are some examples. My specific answer would depend on the circumstances of their difficulty. Basically, I would point them in the direction of whatever person I thought would best be able to help them with whatever issue they were having.

Then, as a friend, I would just be there for them as they worked the issue out. No judgment. No criticism, or advice. Just listening, accepting and caring: all the things I feel a friend should do.
This helped me recently when I was going through a rough patch:

Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can. Apologize when you should. Let go of what you can't change. Love deeply. Forgive quickly. Take chances. Give everything. Have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy. You have to take the good with the bad. Smile when your sad. Love what you got. Always remember what you had. Always forgive but never forget. Learn from your mistakes. But never regret. People change and things go wrong. But always remember...Life goes on.
no haps. Maybe that their problems are spiritually related, more than less they are.

So no. Nothing can be said that will be of real value to them. You are lying to them to tell them that they can get their lives together yet overlook that you might be sending them straight to hell
Obviously we need more information, but for general advice...

Remember that any situation can change.

Sometimes 'time' will change it.

Sometimes you have to 'act' to make a difference.
Don't make any rash decisions.

As bad as you feel, remember all the other times you felt things were going wrong. You got through them OK. You will this time too.

It helps to talk about the problems. Find someone to do that with.
Assuming there are no health issues involved, get sound counsel from accredited sources, people who have been there and solved similar problems.

If health related then get help from health professionals.
Stiff upper lip and all that whatsit. Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way, nothing can get to you unless you let it.
Don't let the bastardoes grind you down. :)

Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
get more exercise, eat less junk food. take a B vitamin supplement. drink more water. Start each day with a couple of glasses of warm water.
Just take it one day at a time. Tackle one problem at a time and have no worries about tomorrow until tomorrow comes.
Non-spiritual advice: don't drink spirits.
Everything passes
don't pray

don't read the Bible

don't hope

don't have faith

no peace!
what kind of difficulties?
Get more rest... stay away from harmful substances... eat fresh wholesome foods... get plenty of fresh air and exercise.
Keep on, keepin' on.
How can anyone answer this It could be a thousand and one things

Give more detail
They must pray to Jesus. They must repent of their sin's, for they are being punished.

Only those who live a good life true to Gods word will escape His punishment.

Leave your sin's behind and pray for forgiveness.
This is R%26amp;S. If you want non spiritual advice, you need to to to another category. Try a social networking page
Get one. A life that is.

Get out there and get a life.
None, God is the best answer.
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