Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I have been asked to concider being a surrogate. Does anyone have personal experience or advice on this?

I'm not sure I will be a great candidate for this emotionally/psychologically. I just cannot imagine (as I want another child if my own) carrying a baby and then signing it away at birth. Even though it is not mine biologically. But the fee I would get from it would help with the surgery fee I have to pay to have another myself. Of course as well as helping the intended parents with their dream. Is there anyone out there with advice. Someone that has been through this?I have been asked to concider being a surrogate. Does anyone have personal experience or advice on this?
I know a lady from an online chatroom who has been a surrogate a few times. This is her book about being a surrogate:鈥?/a> . It may help you to see what it is really like and whether it would work for you. I hope it gives you some answers!I have been asked to concider being a surrogate. Does anyone have personal experience or advice on this?
I've never been in this situation, but I'm thinking since you are wanting a baby of your own it wouldn't be a good idea. Yes, it would be nice to help this couple with their dream, but you have a dream of your own to have a baby and I think it would be too emotionally draining for you. I think you'd be a better candidate if you had all the children you want to have already.

Good luck!
If you are thinking about becoming a surrogate mother you need to examine your reasons for your interest. All women choose surrogacy for different personal reasons, no two women have the same exact reasons for choosing to be a surrogate mother. Most women who want to be a surrogate mother tend to want to do so to pass on the joy of parenthood they received form having their children. Some women who want to be surrogate mothers want to do so because they want to experience pregnancy and childbirth again but they do not wish to have children. For many, surrogacy is a way of repairing a negative birth experience from the past. There are woman for whom the attraction is simply being able to help a single person or couple whom otherwise would have no possible hope for being parents. Some surrogate mothers are adopted and have no desire for children of their own but want there to be someone out there whom is related to them. There are women are drawn to surrogacy by a need to feel important and be appreciated. Being a surrogate mother allows a woman to do something unusual and altruistic without threatening their rolls at home as mother and wife

If you are considering becoming a surrogate mother you need to address a wide variety of issues before deciding on whether or not surrogacy is for you. Some initial questions you need to ask yourself are as follows:

Why do I want to be a surrogate mother?

What to I hope to gain from being a surrogate?

How might a surrogacy be harmful to me?

What could and couldnt I handle and risk taking place in a surrogacy arrangement?

What sort of time frame would I need to work within?

Do I have the time and ability to do all the travel required as well as make it to all the many appointments required?

How would my job be affected and/or who will care for my children when the surrogacy cuts into the time I normally can devote to caring for them?

How would my responsibilities be taken care of if I were put on bed rest?

How would I explain the surrogate pregnancy to my children and family and how would they handle it? If they were opposed to it what would I do?

How does I partner feel about my interest in surrogacy and how might my being a surrogate mother affect your relationship? If he or she were opposed to it what would I do?

How would my friends and co-workers handle my being a surrogate mother? How might it affect my job?

Who is my support network to help me through a surrogacy journey should i become a surrogate mother?

Am I sure I can relinquish the child in the end? Why?

How much stress am I able to handle? Do I manage conflict and confrontation well?

How would I explain my actions to those who believe surrogacy is wrong and how might other people's feelings effect me?

Who would I consider being a surrogate mother for?

What qualities would I prefer and what would I require in intended parents in order to consider working with them?

What kind of relationship would I want with the baby's parent(s) during and after the pregnancy?

What kind of relationship would I want with the baby?

What kind of financial compensation would I want and what does that include and disclude?

What kind of clauses would I need in my contract to assure my rights and safety?

Would I want an independent arrangement or a law group or agency to oversee the surrogacy?

Would I want to be represented legally and by whom?

Who would provide me with psychological counseling and screening?

Where would I receive my medical care and from whom? Where would I give birth?

Where do I stand on abortion and selective reduction? Could I undergo one of these if the intended parents wished me to?

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