Saturday, December 19, 2009

What sort of personal advice you have?

I think that personal advise from various people can help to solve problem and build interesting things.

What sort of personal advice you have?

It could be in any field, but usually should come after a profound experience.

What sort of personal advice you have?
Be okay with your self, don't depend on others; because in the end you die alone then you have no one.What sort of personal advice you have?
i can give advice on relationship, social, psychological, family and taxation/ finance matters. the expertise comes from personal experience, observation, job experience and qualifications. each person has unique personality and experience/ perceptions. so, it helps to consult others.
There are people who will let you down or do everything to pull you down but the best thing to do is not to fight back because a fire faced together with fire will only create a bigger fire but a fire faced with water will stop it.
Oh there is a lot depending on the topic. My sister says don't give advice unless the person actually asks you.

Live within your means, meaning don't blow your paycheck, save for your future, when you start working invest in a 401k or better yet a Roth IRA, 50 dollars per paycheck and you will be a millionaire by the time you retire. I wish someone would have told me that when I started working at 18 years old.

Always have 3 backup plans for your education or your situation.Like a Plan A, B, and C. Then have 3 backup plans for those.

Don't give your kids stupid names. I didn't lol. Get informed about Politics. Because voting for the wrong person can be costly.. Mom said that.

Stay away from drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes, they end up ruining your life and are a waste of money. They also affect your children profoundly either mentally or physically. They are not worth it. Most people who use cigarettes trade up for an oxygen tank for emphezema or cancer. People who do alcohol and drugs end up with holes in their brains or dead.

Laugh. Laugh at yourself, your children and with others. That's the best medicine.

1) Love your enemies and pray for them, forgive those who spitefully use you.

2) Don't keep bitterness, resentment, or hatred toward anyone...including yourself and God.

3) Don't give up easily on something that is worth it and don't keep holding on to something that isn't.

4) ';When someone shows you who they are, believe them.'; -Maya Angelou

5) Don't give your joy away. You choose to be happy, so choose joy.

6) Learn your strengths and weaknesses. Build and use your strengths to help others and work on strengthening yourself in areas that are weak.

7) Never withhold any good thing from a righteous person when it is in your power to give.

8) Never loan out anything you expect to get back.

9) Study the Bible and keep an active prayer life.

10) Keep the 10 Commandments.
You only get one life to live. You get back what you give. Give hatred you get back hatred, give love you get back love, be honest with people and get back honesty. This works most of the time. If someone does you wrong, forgive them because they don't know any better. Help your fellowman when you can. No one is better than you, they might know more, have more schooling or money but we all were created equal. And my Dad always told me one thing I have never forgotten. Don't be afraid to ask for something, they can't do any more than say no and you have heard that before. Remember, it has to come from the heart if you want it to work.
Don't let your feelings go unnoticed. It can lead to terrible disorders...
I have a couple - these have helped me through tough times.

1) Don't ever doubt your self worth. Ever.

2) ';Confidence is required to move forward in life. It will carry you very far.';

3) Never let another person determine how you should feel about yourself

4) Focus on your goals. It's easy to get distracted but it's hard to get restarted on the track.

5) Don't just for the future. It's the tomorrows that eventually accumulate and determine what your life will be. And what brings us to tomorrow? The present.

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