Saturday, December 19, 2009

Girls I need your advice on something personal?

Im a straight guy that just happens to like wearing women's underwear, mostly panties. Normally I do not wear them in public but once in a while I do. I find them to be a big turn-on and fun. Do you find that weird or maybe kind of fun.Girls I need your advice on something personal?
Oh Boy. Hmm, more power to ya kid! F*ck all the haters you don't need em!Girls I need your advice on something personal?
Hm...I would definately not surprise a woman at your first encounter by showing up in panties. I once had my guy surprise me in the garter/panty/bra set he liked to see me in (I never liked to wear that stuff myself much - he bought it, it was nylon and scratchy). I laughed so hard I fell on the floor and couldn't get up, and we ended up breaking up. He was pissed because I didn't think it was sexy. I didn't even like it on on him it was just too much.

If you want a girl who thinks this is fun, find someone with a good sense of humor who is open and spontaneous, then AFTER you get to know each other intimately share this fetish with her. If it were me, and it was soft slinky silks in good taste, I'd humor you and have fun with it.
why do you get turned on by underwear? is it because you think of a woman being on you when you wear them?? I don't think it is weird but it is confusing you say you are strait but you like to wear ladies panties over mens boxers or whitey-tighty's?? have you ever had a girl before? this just seems diffrent i mean I like to wear boxer briefs because they are more comfortable to me and I hate getting thong or panty weggies and boxer briefs are less likely to ride up on me. but, i really don't see why you would like to wear women's underwear! I don't even like em' and i'm female! lol
Hey whatever floats your boat buddy. I can imagine that something smooth and silky down there msut feel good to guys as it does to girls. I mean I know women who wear boxers because they find that to be comfortable.

I don't find it weird, in fact I think I'd like seeing it on a guy.
i guess so, its quit weird, but i think u r innocent and sweet guy. maybe u must be having fun- u be what u r. if anyone teases or harasses u, just tell them that u are like that and their stupid comments don't mind u, because u know what u r.
I find that GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY. No real man would do that, honestly. I just think about my manly boyfriend and I know what he would think about that, and that he'd never do that and I know it's SERIOUSLY GAY!
it could be kinda fun i mean who is gonna look at ur panties i mean they are comfortable on me and somtimes becouse my dad is like really skiiny somtimes i where his boxers to sleep if you think they are comfortable then wear them there isnt anybody stoppin u:)
I know you asked the girls, but i just had to say: ';lol';

Whatever's comfortable dude... I'm sure they have great support.
It's kind of weird but I wouldn't judge your character just because you like to wear panties.

Girls like to wear guy boxers so why not the other way around?

I guess it only matters if the girls you date dig it or think it's strange.

I know a man who only wears his wife's thong underwear, now I think that is strange.
That's not weird at all. Whatever you are comfortable with. I am a bi-sexual girl and I see nothing wrong with how guys or girls dress and live their lives.
Doesn't bother me one bit. The only difference between women's and men's underwear is one has a hole in the front. Just don't be flaunting them. lol
It's strange to me, but whatever floats your boat! I'm sure there's some women out there that like it when a man wants to borrow her panties.
It's weird but hey if that floats your boat then more power to you.
That is sick and very weird, but no one can see so wear your heart out I guess...
Yes, I see what you're saying and let me just express, from the bottom of my heart, LOLWTFBBQDie.
well,it does seem a bit strange to me.but as long as you're comfy in them,then who gives a crap about what people think?haha
sort of weard....
WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH U?? Do u actually go out and buy womens underwear? where are u getting them from..ewww...

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