Saturday, December 19, 2009

How hard is it to get disability with fibromyalgia? Any advice or personal stories?

I've had fibromayalgia for 6 years and until the last year has been under control. My doctor suggested i tried filing for disability.How hard is it to get disability with fibromyalgia? Any advice or personal stories?
Don't give up on trying to find pain control. It is possible, but the medical ';establishment'; really doesn't offer real solutions to dealing with fibromyalgia. Before you file for disability, see what else you can do to manage your pain--if you can control your pain, everything else will be a lot better as well, and you very well may be able to work. I've found relief by taking 800 mg. of Aleve and a 1000-mg. flaxseed oil capsule every night at bedtime, and I take Arnica, a homeopathic herb, as needed for flareups. Check out the links below. I hope the information helps. Please let us know how you find relief.How hard is it to get disability with fibromyalgia? Any advice or personal stories?
After you file for SSDI contact your state senators and have them keep an eye on your case. Friends in high places seems to help. I also have fibromyalgia to go along with psoriatic arthritis and rheumetoid arthritis. Took me 6 months, that seems long unless you have money saved.
How old are you? Do you really feel that you can't work? It seems in recent years this has been recognized as an actual illness but don't fall victim to it. Do not let it define you. You'll respect yourself more if you push to be your best. Many people live with illness and pain and don't use the crutch of disability. However if you honestly feel you must, you need to talk to Social Security and get the ball rolling. Good Luck.
I don't know how hard it would be but it took me like 2 yrs. and i have severe have to go talk to SS and get the ball will most likely get turned down the first, second and third time but don't let that discourage you....then you might need to hire an attorney (i did) and then you go to court and that is when i finally got it. It is a PAIN IN THE A____!!! but if you can't work??????????? GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

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