Saturday, December 19, 2009

I would like some more, personal advice on how to get over your first love plz?

It's been a week and im doing better but it still hurts. And i feel dumb for the sacrifices i made for him. Plus it'd be nice to talk to someone who's going through the same thing. We were together for a while.

ThanksI would like some more, personal advice on how to get over your first love plz?
I'm not going though the same thing right now but I have been there. It's going to take time to get over him. There is no magical way to just make the pain disappear. You'll think of him, want to pour your heart out to him, or sometimes just wish things was just the way they were. but if you want to get over him you will have to keep moving forward. Also learn from it and how dumb you feel. Take your time to really get to know the next person that you get into a relationship with.

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