Saturday, December 19, 2009

Do you find it easy to ask for personal advice on Yahoo Answers?

Do you find it easy because the people who answer are strangers and will never see/meet you? Or do you find it hard because random strangers might be judging you?Do you find it easy to ask for personal advice on Yahoo Answers?
well personal questions should not even be on this website. soooooo i find it hard to ask personal questionsDo you find it easy to ask for personal advice on Yahoo Answers?
personally, I absolutely refuse to ask a stranger for advice.. they don't know me or my life... so it is stupid, that is just my opinion. unless it is advice on a fact.. like something I don't know about and need advice.. taxes, furniture, cleaning.. stuff like that.
I find it easy to ask question because ,the person / or persons that answers you don't know you , I find it easy to ask someone you don't know rather then, someone you done know , you don't have to worry about , how that person / or persons will look at you , I think there might even be someone out there who can relate to / or maybe even been throw what your asking about. I don't mind getting advice form people I don't know there might be some very good advice out there ,and if you don't ask question then you will never know.
Sometimes it's easy other times it's hard. You never know what to expect and sometimes people give really mean/hateful/hurtful answers...

it's easy for me, and as far as the judging we are not suppose to judge

leave the judging to the judge on judgment day is what i say
a little bit of both. i try not to ask anything to personal though because u never know who is going to answer. its a little easier with the first part because u can be annonymous on here and they may never meet u so u don't have to worry about them judging u.

good Q btw
I find it easy, cuz i figure they are totally random strangers. Plus i mean they can judge me all they want but in the end only two ppl opinions matter god n mine =)
because they dont know who i am and never will!

people who don't know you shouldn't judge. If they want too they should keep their 'Judgemental' Opinion to their selves in future!

I dont mind just that it puts people down!

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