Friday, April 30, 2010

Any advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??

I've just bought some after reading about it but each article varies on the amount to take and when to take it so I was hoping if any of you can give me any advice - ie how much to take and if I should take it throughout cycle.

I'm currently having my period (Day 3) and have today started taking it - 40 drops.

One site said 60 drops per day, another 30 three times a day....??? But I hear its quite safe.

Also, have any of you had personal success in conceiving with this?

My LP is only 10 days after coming off pill and in my 2nd cycle of TTC I think I developed an ovarian cyst and in my next cycle I got a short LP. This figures since I believe cysts are happy in a low progesterone environment and thats why I now think I may be low in progesterone and hoping that this might sort things out.

I know it might take a few months to have any effect but it would be great to hear of any positive stories or info.

Thx so much xxAny advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??
well i was taking it for a while because my cycle was all over the place and we were trying for another baby , i had to stop though i couldnt stand the taste and the smell of it i was taking 40 drops , but read the box that will give you the info you wont , my friend took it for a while and she is convinced thats how she got preganant from taking the agnus cactus there is a tablet form aswell but havent found that myself . good luckAny advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??
i took vitex for monthes and it did not do anything go to the doc.
Hey thought I'd trace you up, and find out how your getting along. Sorry to hear about having a negative pregnancy. I suppose it just takes time I'll keep everything crossed for you this time! lol

I keep getting negatives. I have an appointment in a month time to have some investigation done at the docotors into why I am still irregular and everything. :-( I may be being stupid but I cant help thinking in the worst.

Good luck and a hug to you.x

Kinda personal but i need some advice?

But every time my husband and i get in the shower he constantly tries to put his weiner in my butt.....He says he is just joking and doesn't really wanna do it cause its gross, but I can tell by his voice that he really wants to try it....he just needs me to give the you think i should let him do it?Kinda personal but i need some advice?
Funny enough, i do the same exact thing with my wife. I'd like to start off with saying your husband sounds handsome. Aside from that, he is your husband. With marrage comes trust. He is going to tell you what the real deal is. It sounds like he just likes to do that because its funny and a way to kind of have butt sex without actually doing it. saying that, maybe he really does one day want to do it...just once but by the sound of your question ( and i don't want to jump to conclusions just off of reading a question you put up on line) but again just by the sound of it, he prob just recently had surgery and wont want to for a little.Kinda personal but i need some advice?
well babe that's up to you, depends on how you feel about it, some people thinks it's kinda gay? and others enjoy it? me personally- I have never experienced that because the idea is just a little to fruity o.0

But I do know people that have done it before, they say that after wards your s*** becomes pretty loose, it sound like it just opens you up more than the natural way? you may bleed depending on the size, so yeah if your a little concerned about doing it, do more research if need be, or say what the hell and just do it to please him.
Only when you feel comfortable. If its something that you do want to try with your husband but if you need time and are thinking about it. You two should start off slow and easy. Have him finger your butt. See if you like it. If you don't mind it then go from finger to a toy, then his wiener. Go slow until you feel more comfortable.
Definitely give it a try.

I had a gf once who swore black%26amp;blue she would never do it. After a night drinking I convinced her to give it a try. She never looked back, she found orgasms came faster and with a much higher intensity than normal. She became an anal sex addict lol.

It depends 100% on the guy, if he just rams it in and starts pounding it is going to hurt and probably put you off forever. (unless hes packing a cheerio). The guy needs to take it 'VERY' slow %26amp;tender.

Well you can

Try it once and if you dont like it tell him not to do it anymore.

But you could get a hemroid from it.
did you just say wiener? come on. Don't know if you like it until you try it right!
Only if you are comfortable with it.

If your not,simply tell him.
  • stella mccartney
  • Ok... i need puppy advice/personal opinion?

    okey dokey... I want a really small dog and I always have, I need some advice/personal opinions on what breed I should get . Ive narrowed it down to 2 breeds but I just can't decide! Should I get a Chihuahua or a Yorkie? PLEASE HELP!!!Ok... i need puppy advice/personal opinion?
    I would go for a yorkie. I meet chihuahuas everyday at my work and almost all of them have behavioral issues. They are overprotective of their owners, time, dog aggressive you name it. Yorkie are all around fun and playful. Yorkies are quite a bit more expensive and require daily brushing and routine grooming, but you get what you pay for.Ok... i need puppy advice/personal opinion?
    Check your nearest breed-specific rescues, and try finding a dog through there. If there are none, or none of the available dogs are suitable for you, get in contact with some breeders. When you actually have the opportunity to meet with dogs/puppies, it can make the choice easier.

    Do some research on both breeds and figure out which of the two would be most suitable for your home and lifestyle. Consider the dogs needs and your own, as well as what qualities are most important to you.
    chihuahuas and Yorkies are both very easy to feed and pick up after because of their size. however, chihuahuas can be very selective and bark a lot. so can Yorkies, but not as much. a problem with Yorkies is that their hair grows very fast and needs grooming more often, which can get expensive. so if your willing to brush and pay for haircuts very often, a Yorkie is a good option. Chihuahuas can sometimes be very snappy and emotional dogs. but if you raise them well and somewhat stern, they will turn out to be a very sweet dog.
    Yorkie are very smart. Chihuahuas are affectionate %26amp; crave attention. So, if you want a ';baby'; go with a chihuahua. If you are looking for a companion that is less maintenance, a yorkie.


    I'd go for a yorkie.
    Well chihuahuas are little dogs and are easy to care for but are terrible barkers so I reccomend a yorkie because it is pretty smart and don't bark often.
    deff yorkie! or...

    BOTH! :))

    hmm yorkie they are a little bit more playful

    Advice requarding a personal injury case from almost 4 years ago?

    My daugher was involved in a major auto accident on 5-25-03.

    It was her vehical. First the other kids in the car told the Deputy she was driving. Later 2 of the other kids told her attny. that the other person in the car was the one driving. No charges were ever brought against him. My question is-who can we contact to have things investigated as to why. Our local Sherrifs Dept. really handled things all wrong. We were informed by them last week, that there was nothing they would do because time had run out on the statue of limitations. Is this true? We thought it was 7 years. Please any information would be great. Our daughters mental/physical health needs some closure.

    ThanksAdvice requarding a personal injury case from almost 4 years ago?
    Your question is very unclear. You are asking about a 4 year old case, and talking about injury, charges, and closure.

    Most states have a personal injury lawsuit statute of limitations of 2 years from the time when a reasonable person would have known that injury had occurred. In the case of a major vehicle accident I think the time of injury is very apparent.

    I am confused as to if you are wanting to sue, or simply to find out who was driving. Or if your daughter was charged, and you feel that she was wrongly charged in some way.Advice requarding a personal injury case from almost 4 years ago?
    I dont know if the statues vary from state to state, but here in Illinois, you have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit.

    I'm not quite certain who it is you'd be looking to sue for damages. I know there was a question of who was driving but if it was your daughter's insurance policy that paid out on the damages from the accident, the liability coverage would not cover her.
    if your daughter was driving then it was her fault. if somebody else was driving ';HER'; car it is your daughters fault. closure, there you go. that being said, i charge $225 per hour prep and $400 per hour for trial. i require a seventy-five thousand dollar retainer. it will probably cost about 20 grand for me to determine who was at fault in the first place. then we proceed from there.

    Personal Legal Advice?

    I loaned a friend money which he promised to pay back end of January. Still haven't received it although he keeps saying the money is on it's way and is ';tied up in the bank';.

    I have all the email conversations, and MSN chats that has taken place since he started giving his excuses. I also have statements showing that the money indeed go into his account. (Bacs transfer so I have his bank details as well) What is my legal standing on this? Legal advice pleasePersonal Legal Advice?
    go to small claims court

    keep all your documentation

    good luckPersonal Legal Advice?
    Ditto to caretaker's answer. I am going thru a similar situation with one of my relatives. if you don't awant to go thru court with this buddy, ask him/her if s/he would be willing to do a payment plan (ex: pay $50 per month for the next 12 months on the 5th of each month) and PUT IT IN WRITING! That way if s/he falls back on it, then you can show you even tried to reason with this person. If s/he doesn't want to do the payment plan, take them to small claims court. The longer you wait, the harder it is to file %26amp; still have a good case. Good luck trying to get your money back!
    In most states, a verbal contract is still legally enforceable. You should inform him in writing that you are giving him thirty days to pay up, otherwise you're going to take him to court. If he doesn't pay, take him to small claims court. If you have all the documentation showing that he has been dragging his feet and that he actually has the money to pay you, chances are very good that the judge will rule in your favor.

    Seeking advice/personal experience from anyone who has had all of your teeth pulled w/o being put to sleep!?

    After searching all over the entire county of San Luis Obispo, CA, there is absolutely not one oral surgeon that accepts medi-cal due to me being on SSI for severe Lupus/Fibromyalgia /CFS and all that goes along with that--The only option I have is to go to one of those lovely clinics that has only gas to offer me. Has anyone ever had to go through this with or without gas and what was the experience like for you during the surgery? Also, what can I expect the recovery time to feel like? I am scared of the dentist as it is (more of the shots than anything) for some reason my gums where they put the needdle is the most horrible type of pain. Timing is crucial-I have put this off for a long time and I have heard not taking care of the teeth that need to come out can be very dangerous. Please, if anyone has any personal experience or knows some one that has, please let me know ASAP. Thank you in advance! FmincaliSeeking advice/personal experience from anyone who has had all of your teeth pulled w/o being put to sleep!?
    hi there! i'm a 24y/o female, and i actually just had my wisdom teeth removed two days ago - 3 simple extractions, 1 impacted. My insurance wouldn't cover general anesthesia for the removal; and the idea of going under freaked me out, so i opted for the local, no gas. it was a breeze.

    first the surgeon loaded me up with the lidocaine (about 3 shots for each tooth). they administer local (like ambesol) so that you don't feel the injections as much, and then they stick you. once the anesthesia kicked in, it took him about 2-5 minutes to extract each tooth. for the simple teeth, they wiggle each one out and then they extract them. lots of pressure, but if you know this before hand, you'll be fine. as for the impacted one, they had to drill the tooth in half before removing. lots of pressure for that one too... more so, since it was obviously in my jawbone.

    nothing about the procedure hurt. the impacted wasn't numb enough at first, and i could feel a slight sensation during the removal. i raised my hand %26amp; let him know i was feeling it, and so he administered another shot.

    at the most, the shots feel like pinches. so expect to feel that. just embrace the pain of those shots... as weird as that sounds. don't try to ignore it or shut it out. lean into it.

    i brought in my headphones %26amp; cranked up my mp3 player during the procedure. i think the hardest part of the whole ordeal for anyone would be getting over the skeemishness. i could hear the cracking of my one tooth through my mouth. that was the loudest part. no big deal, but for some it might be a little overwhelming. i just went to a happy place with my music.

    so after the removal, he stitched the one impacted site up %26amp; put gauze over the sites. then they had me sit in the chair for about 5-10 minutes because was feeling lightheaded and shakey (from the epinephrine they give you). meanwhile, they checked my vitals.

    after i was all set %26amp; not feeling so lightheaded, they moved me in a little recovery room where i could lie down %26amp; read a magazine. all in all, it took about 45 minutes to an hour, which included the time it took me to set up my follow-up apptmnt.

    just make sure to keep up on your meds, and you won't feel a thing. it's important to take the narcotic prescription they give you within an hour before the anesthetic wears off. i don't feel any recovery pain today and haven't had to use pain medication at all since last night.

    these guys are professionals, so no worries. if anything, the most unpleasant thing would be changing the bloody gauze ever half hour for the first day. but, the best thing is getting it over with %26amp; being able to eat ice cream for every meal! :)

    you will be fine. ;) it's all about preparing yourself beforehand.Seeking advice/personal experience from anyone who has had all of your teeth pulled w/o being put to sleep!?
    i hope they at least have the shots that num you too. I had really bad teeth all thru school and I had a lot pulled out along the way. When I turned 18 I only had 15 teeth left and they were pretty bad looking, so I decided to just have them all pulled out. There was no way I could ever afford to fix them and I was tired of toothaches and teeth breaking off. I didn't have gas but I did have the shots that make your mouth num so you won't feel pain. I felt some pressure sometimes but no pain really. I was awake the whole time. It's not something I would want to have to do very often, but it wasn't really that bad either. I haven't had any teeth or dentures for 3 years now, but it's the longest I ever went with no teeth problems. Toothless isn't nearly as bad as some make it sound. How many teeth are you having pulled out? Maybe if it's a lot they can do half 1 time and the other half another day. It's worth asking about with whoever is gonna actually do the work.
    Well, I have gotten 4 permanant teeth pulled with only shots when I was 12. I didn't think it was that bad but how many teeth are you getting out? The shots SORT of hurt though. And I had already had 6 baby teeth pulled out prior to this so I already had experience...
    I had to get all four out without being put to sleep. It took many shots of lidocaine before I was numb enough. Those were very painful as they were injected into my palate. Also being conscious of having all of those hands in my mouth was unnerving. They usually have to rock the tooth back and forth alot before getting it to come out. But in the end it was a total relief to have them out!
    I had an impacted wisdom tooth removed with only freezing. The oral surgeon was afraid to put me to sleep, because of the medication I was using.

    How do you grow your hair really long, really fast ? any personal expierences or advice ?

    cheers xHow do you grow your hair really long, really fast ? any personal expierences or advice ?
    These pills are good, along with deep conditioning and good hair care. Every womans inner beauty, take them no more than 1 mounth, country life maxi-hair take for as long as you like, Biotin in pure form, but take twice or three times more as indicated on the bottle, make sure you're taking at least 4000mg a day, any foods with protein also help. ( any biotin pills work, that should help, but a warning it makes your pee really yellow, its normal).How do you grow your hair really long, really fast ? any personal expierences or advice ?
    I got my hair trimmed, and then used Pantene Beautiful Lengths shampoo and conditioner. It kept my hair really strong so it could grow really fast! When I want to grow my hair out I use this one everytime.
    prenatal vitamins make your hair go like crazy.

    i have in intense punk friend whose always shaving her head,

    then she takes prenatal vitamins and its past her ears in a month!
    ok, so there really isnt a fast way to grow ur hair long...unless u have enough money to go and buy expensive hair extentions....but it took me about 2 years to grow my hair as long as it is right now, and it was about shoulder length when i started growing it out. If this is the route u take like i did, then make sure to just take super good care of ur hair, massage ur scalp when u wash ur hair and use a really good conditioner that has avacado oil in it to hydrate ur hair and protect it from damage that could leave ur ends breaking off. take breaks using hot tools on ur hair, they help damage it, if u straighten it, use a protector balm or cream to help prevent breakage also. my hair is super long now, and i am always having to make sure there arent split ends or breakage going on. get regular trims at ur stylist, ask for 1/4 of an inch off every 8-9 weeks. this will help get rid of split ends and help ur hair grow healthier and longer at a better rate. patience is also key when growing ur hair long, it may take a long while.... hope this helps u, good luck!
    I have found some good tips in following link, It may be good for you too鈥?/a>