Friday, April 30, 2010

Any advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??

I've just bought some after reading about it but each article varies on the amount to take and when to take it so I was hoping if any of you can give me any advice - ie how much to take and if I should take it throughout cycle.

I'm currently having my period (Day 3) and have today started taking it - 40 drops.

One site said 60 drops per day, another 30 three times a day....??? But I hear its quite safe.

Also, have any of you had personal success in conceiving with this?

My LP is only 10 days after coming off pill and in my 2nd cycle of TTC I think I developed an ovarian cyst and in my next cycle I got a short LP. This figures since I believe cysts are happy in a low progesterone environment and thats why I now think I may be low in progesterone and hoping that this might sort things out.

I know it might take a few months to have any effect but it would be great to hear of any positive stories or info.

Thx so much xxAny advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??
well i was taking it for a while because my cycle was all over the place and we were trying for another baby , i had to stop though i couldnt stand the taste and the smell of it i was taking 40 drops , but read the box that will give you the info you wont , my friend took it for a while and she is convinced thats how she got preganant from taking the agnus cactus there is a tablet form aswell but havent found that myself . good luckAny advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??
i took vitex for monthes and it did not do anything go to the doc.
Hey thought I'd trace you up, and find out how your getting along. Sorry to hear about having a negative pregnancy. I suppose it just takes time I'll keep everything crossed for you this time! lol

I keep getting negatives. I have an appointment in a month time to have some investigation done at the docotors into why I am still irregular and everything. :-( I may be being stupid but I cant help thinking in the worst.

Good luck and a hug to you.x

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