Friday, April 30, 2010

Going back to college when you have kids... advice/personal input please.?

I have a 14 month old son and I am currently going to school mainly online, but I also have an on-campus class one day a week (my Mom watches him then). This summer I am going to be taking 2 courses and will be away from him two full days a week. I am considering going to school full time after the summer... I'm hoping to work it out so that my classes are only 2 days during the week so that I can be with him the majority of the time. My question is... if I get accepted into the nursing program (when he's around 2) I will have to go Mon - Thurs from 8 to 5. I think he'll be with my Mom but I might have to use the college day care sometimes. So, I will be with him all day 3 days a week (plus holidays and summer break). My hubby says go for it but I really love being there for him and am really concerned if this will be too much time away. Do you think it will negatively affect him in some way? Do you think this is too much time away at that age? Input?Going back to college when you have kids... advice/personal input please.?
Being a good mom is more than being physically there all the time. You are setting a wonderful example for your son. Education is important, and he needs to see that.

Placing your child in day care is also important whether you work/go to school or not. As long as the care is good, the child needs to learn that it is okay to be away from you. He needs to learn social skills and things that you can't always provide for him.

There a lot of children that spend all of their childhood in care, still have a great bond with their parents, and are well adjusted, awesome kids.

Sounds like you will find the perfect balance for you and your family. You understand the importance of spending time with your son, and you will find a way to make every second with him count.

Good luck. I know you can do it!Going back to college when you have kids... advice/personal input please.?
I think as a parent you have to think in terms of quality time and not quantity time. I am in school about 20 hours a week and my 7 mo. old is in daycare. I have had to make a conscious effort to make sure that I am really paying attention to her, and then doing homework after she goes to sleep at night. If you have daycare on campus, it is generally more expensive, but you can pop in on him and say hi, so that will be nice!
Ok here is my answer, I agree with your husband. Go for it, there won't be any negative affect to him, in fact it would set a great example for your son. I know for I went back to school after my last son was born and he was about 3 yrs old. It set a good example showing him that you are never to old to go to school, to learn, and be able to do something in your life. If you feel that full time is to hard go part time.. Most colleges have it to where you can take up to 11 credits before full time sets in. Going into nursing is great for you and your family. Don't throw this opportunity away
You have a good mum. She is willing to take care of your kid while you study. My mum just wants to lead her own life. She the shits.
Just wanted to say that your having chosen a nursing career - you're gonna be golden in the next couple years.
I think that you will be fine leaving him. I know that my parents worked a lot when I was little, but my brother and I understood and the time that we did spend with them made up for the time apart. Just make sure that you are taking full advantage of the time you do have to spend with him!
Your child will be just fine and so will you. He will always be so excited to see you when you get home. He is young enough that it won't leave any negative marks on his little baby brain. You should be proud of yourself for doing something to better asure your childs future, college isn't cheap. Go to college, he will respect you for it. Just make the days that you are with him very special. Good luck

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