Friday, April 30, 2010

I am a bit depressed, can someone cheer me up with some happy life quotes or their own personal advice?

i am depressed all the time and i want to go to another country and start a new life but i am only 14 so i can't do that. it seems everything i do is useless besides attending school. even attending school is depressing for me. actually that is the most depressing part of my life. i wasn't depressed before 2005 though. we had to move to Florida from Louisiana and i really miss Louisiana and the little friends i had there. but that's not the point. i can't go back there because it will never be the same. katrina just basically ruined my life. i want to be myself around people but my true self is annoying, loud, and hyper. i started high school this year and for the past years i have been quiet at school and i don't talk to anybody. i feel like i can't talk to anybody because i had a few friends once and they both became victim to the world today. i am to the point where i don't want to live anymore but i wouldn't commit suicide because for one i am christian and God created me the way i am and I'm sure he wouldn't want his creation destroyed. also i actually like myself. it's the world i don't like. i think i am beautiful the way i am although most people might not and i get along great with my mother and grandmother and most of the time my sister. whenever i go out in a crowd i get ';butterflies'; in my stomach and i just want to go right back home. i think i am a social person but i am so scared to make friends with anybody because i am afraid that they might make me sad somehow or will turn out to be someone i am not. another issue with me is that all of the people at my school are immature spoiled rotten selfish kids. the boys are raucous and immature and they are not gentlemen at all. none of them! i guess it's the generation we're living in today. Also in algebra my teacher goes way to fast and i feel stupid because i don't get anything he is teaching. i asked my mother if i could attend online schooling but the good ones cost a lot of money. oh my goodness there is so much i could type here it would take all night..also another thing that totally depresses me are the girls today. they all seem to be slutty if i may say so myself. even the girls in intermediate school! also what's up with ';boyfriends and girlfriends'; these days?!?! it seems if someone doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend they will die or something! it's ridiculous. I mean who wants a boyfriend anyway? they are all totally rotten in today's world. I could go on and on but to the person who is reading this i will spare your time. I guess the real problem is that i shouldn't worry about the people around me and i should just worry about myself but i can't do that for some reason. i guess until i am an adult and free of school and immature people i will always have my doubts. if you're reading this thank you for taking the time. good night.I am a bit depressed, can someone cheer me up with some happy life quotes or their own personal advice?
Courage is fear holding on a minute longer!

One of my favorite quotes, and it has gotten me through some rotten times. I realize how depressing things can be as a teen, especially the devastation that you have been through. One thing you have to remember is that things can ALWAYS be worse. You look around and you will see a lot more people are a lot worse off, even though it doesn't feel like it. Try to find the positive in every situation. Even if it is just... Katrina destroyed my life, home, and I am left with nothing... but I am still alive and so is my mother! You will be surprised how much you can change your thinking, and how quickly the depression will start to go away.

Good luck with everything you do!I am a bit depressed, can someone cheer me up with some happy life quotes or their own personal advice?
i thick you are going to be ok .look for the good in people and you can see it just try it .
I completely understand how you feel. I think life does go on though. I am not trying to be mean or anything, my English is not perfect, I may say retarded things, but bear with me, kay?

I know that you feel like things just need to change, I see things the same as well. When I was your age, I felt so low that at one point, I actually asked God to take me away, not suicide I guess for I am, like you, a Christian. But that's just it, God gives you everything you need as long as you ask Him. He will bring you the things you need. Also, don't do that to yourself, you should stay in school, you need a friend and it would be great to start somewhere. I know that the people in your school may not seem to be the people you can picture yourself hanging out with, or even talking to, but not everyone is like that and you'll see, that eventually, somehow, something will filter the good people out and you'll find people you can be comfortable around... And about the Algebra thing, you seem smart, just umm, ask your teacher, see him during your free time if you can to see if he can help you. If not, I can attempt to help... By the way, not all girls are that way, maybe in your school, but not in mine... I'm free to talk anytime if you are willing to talk to a stranger getting through high school... By the way, it's a sin to worry. (Working on that too)
Hey! Its very courageous of you to write what you've written. I just want to say that I'm Christian as well. Firstly, if i was in your position I would get on my knees and pray to our Lord. He knows everything and He wants to help us. He wants us to come to him and tell him everything. He loves us sooooo much, he wants to hear about our life, He wants to help. Look at these 2 quotes from the Bible:

';Here I am! I stand at the door %26amp; knock. If anyone hears my voice %26amp; opens the door, I will come in %26amp; eat with him and he with me';. Rev 3:20. This is 1 of my fav quotes. It shows us that God is waiting for us to go to Him. He loves us so much that He wants to spend time with us.

The 2nd quote is another of my fav ones and it shows me that God has something amazing planned for everyone:

';For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope %26amp; a future';.

I believe that God has you here in this world, wherever you may be, for a purpose. He has you there to help others, even when you don't know that you're helping someone.

Life is here for us to grow, to become stronger as a person, to become like Jesus, to have all his beautiful characteristics. I believe that the more you go to God, whether it be praying, dwelling, thinking of Him, the more your bad characterisitcs dissappear the more your good qualities show up.

Life is hard, I know from experience, but turn to God and He will make things right in your life, from your friends, to the social side of things, to your confidence....everything, God makes things work for good. Don't give up, because like I said, God has you here for a purpose.
everyone feels the same way your feeling right now in there life.

';everything happens for a reason';

if you are a christian than you've prolly heard that, and should believe it.

it may not be the happiest feeling quote, but it always makes me wonder and feel better about my life.

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