Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why is it easy to give others advice re personal issues and not be able to sort your own problems out?

becuase when you're giving advice, that is all you're doing. You don't have to take the difficult steps of action that will accomplish what you advised.Why is it easy to give others advice re personal issues and not be able to sort your own problems out?
A person can see when something is wrong with someone else. but when it comes to themselves, most of the time they are in denial, or they just don't want to admit that something is wrong.Why is it easy to give others advice re personal issues and not be able to sort your own problems out?
My problems are entirely different.
Usually when you give others advise your drawing off of personal experience. Either it has happened to you or someone your close to.

When it's your own problem you don't have that experience because if you did then it wouldn't be a problem to you, you'd know what to do.

Experience is the best teacher...

We don't always learn from our mistakes...
I couldn't agree more. I answer lots of peoples questions but never take the advice I give to them. I should though
I feel the same way also. But i realized that your advice you are giving out to other people doesnt incorporate your feelings. But your personal issues deals with mixed feelings and emotions so therefore you will act differently in your situation then giving advice in other situations.
Because your own experiences might have shown you the answer to the question asked. Been there, done that. I've got lots of problems I don't know the answers for. Or if I actually do, deep down, know them, I don't have the courage to do it.
Because we are objective when it come to other peoples issues but when it comes to our own it is much harder to leave feelings out when assessing a situation or problem.
because you see people problem first before you see your own that's why
it is easy, we never all take our own advice because we always think it's different than everyone elses.
it's much easier to be objective when it's someone else's problem
Your own emotions aren't involved and going to cloud your judgement.

Sure its easy to look at someone who just got beaten and say ';you need to leave him right now.'; but put yourself in that person's shoes and this is a man who's they love and understand and believe can be better(and possibly be right about, but still shouldn't stick around to find out for their own health/sanity's sake)

And the saying ';Love is blind'; is very true. I was reading about research done by two UCL neurobiologists that there is biochemical changes when you are in love that blocks frontal lobe function which is where social judgements are made. And therefore you won't be able to think clearly when it is about your loved one- you can't judge them socially- and well, that is what we base these pieces of advise on right? He beats you you should leave. He cheats you should leave. Etc Etc.
it is always easier to help someone else than to deal with are own problems
honestly its really ironic I know a few relationship specialists who have saved thousands of other people's marriages and theyve been divorced twice.
not really sure the answer to this one but i can relate to it fully as i seem to be the agony aunt all the time.i think its just one of those things! i think the problem is that you can see the rational side of things when it is somebody else,but our judgement is cloudy when it is our own and anger,despair,hatered,confusement,etc all come into play depending on the situation. dont worry your not alone in this predicument
Because you cant be objective when it comes to you. When we look at others problems we see things as cut and dry. It seems so obvious what they need to do to fix things but when it comes to your own things its not so cut and dry. We tend to make excuses and think our situation is different from others. We use our head to fix others problems but we use our heart for our own.
There is a *big* difference between knowing the right thing to do and actually practically doing it

also, sometimes people find it easier to deal with other people's problems than facing their own.

I don't think it's always easy to give people advice, but it helps if you can put yourself in their position and try not to be too judgemental.

For me answering questions around here is just my attempt at being helpful. Ive had plenty of problems of my own, now I'm happy and probably pretty even minded. It's nice to feel like maybe you helped somebody in a small way, learned something or to just take part in an interesting discussion every day.


Probably because you're more distant from it if you're talking about on here for example. When it's closer ie yourself or family, you tend to have an emotional rather than a rational input which can cloud your judgement.

I do think some ppl are rather flippant on here and give inappropriate advice or sarcasm at times!!!
I am pretty good with my own issue, too. At least know what I need to do ... doing what I need to do is sometimes the hard part. Like since I work nights, I should be in bed now.
It's always easier to see problems from an outside point of view. When you are involved you get mixed up with emotions and can't really see the whole picture. It;s the same thing as when you look back in hindsight. The problem is resolved and you can view it from a different angle.
I wish I knew I honestly do.

I guess we see our advice as bad advice.
giving advice is different from enacting it......it is up to the person who seeks advice to decide whether they really require it........anyway the person giving advice will be able to solve their problems if he has a good insight......such people will be able to sort out their own problems........it is easy to give advice for others because there is no pressure for the advisor......the person who is suffering from the problem is so confused that he cannot solve his problem.....
its easier to help others than yourselves
That is the best question I have read in awhile.......Practice what you preach.....and on and on and on............I guess its just easier to see solution for others and not so easy to find solution that will help us with our on personnel life's
because your biast about your own life. but looking at a situation frm the outside at a different agle you get to see things more clearly
You don't see things objectively. Your always taking your side.
  • stella mccartney
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