Friday, April 30, 2010

Should we only give advice from our own personal experiences?

how would we know its legitament (sp?) without actually doing it ourselves?Should we only give advice from our own personal experiences?

I think I helps in some cases, if the advice you are getting is coming from an experience person. Only someone who has went through something, really understands or knows the feelings and maybe able to relate to someone better. On this site I try to only give answers to those questions, which I can give something valid too and it's usually because I have had some experience of it. However, being as objective as possible and taking in all possible answers, when giving advice is always the best idea, because sometimes people get so soaked up telling their own experiences that they don't really answer the question in hand, but overload the person with their own life details.

Hope that helps

xShould we only give advice from our own personal experiences?
Actually, you don't know if advice is legitimate even if you DID experience something similar, because everybody is different! What is right for you based on your own experience might not be right for another person with the same experience. So just giving advice based on that is actually bad advice-giving, because that assumes their situation and experience is the same, which is unfair and inaccurate. Common sense, sampling, study, statistics, reading, etc. etc. These things are just as important (though not necessarily more important).
Our 'experiences' are comprised of much more than what we have, personally, gone through or done. We can draw upon the experiences of those close to us. We also hold strong beliefs, based upon our upbringing, religion and other socializing influences, which we draw upon for our every day lives. As long as we qualify our advice, explaining the relevance of it, I think that many people are qualified to offer their thoughts without having had to have gone through it ourselves, personally.
u can give advice from others expericance, but the best advice comes from those that have lived it.
Not necessary. People acquired knowledge from many sources, one of them his personal experience.
  • stella mccartney
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