Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do you take criticism as a personal attack or helpful advice?

Honestly, it depends. If it iscoming from someone that seems to have a chip on their shoulder, then no. Some people are also arrogant and like to criticize other to make themselves look better. Some people just like to hear themselves talk. Hence, the critism from these sources is not warranted.

If I get critism on how to improve something, and it comes from a reliable and trusted source, then I'll gladly take it. In this case it is helpful advice.Do you take criticism as a personal attack or helpful advice?
It depends because some people criticize you to attack you personally. But if their giving me criticism to help me than I'd take it as helpful advice.Do you take criticism as a personal attack or helpful advice?
Personal advise is always helpful to an individual. Criticism is of no use whatsoever.
what have you got?
It depends on how it's used %26amp; who says it because I can take criticism pretty well, but if it's from someone I don't like I let my feelings known.
When I was young, yes I felt attacked and insecure. Now that I am older and wiser and I agree with the criticism, I can deal with it. If I don't believe in it I let it roll off my back and don't dewl on it.

It takes maturing to be able to get to that place of not feeling personally attacked.

Just because words come out of someones mouth doesn't mean they are true or that anyone believes them.

Just like every thing that goes through your brain doesn't have to come out of your mouth.
Constructive criticism from a close friend or a family member I can take as helpful advice.

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