Friday, April 30, 2010

Need personal advice on army physical fitness?

I want to be at 300 by the time I ship out...which is a little over two months from now. I'm in terrible shape. As a 25 year old male and I need to do 75 army style push ups in a single set, 80 army style sit ups in a single set, and run 2 miles in 13 minutes flat. After testing myself I did 30 army style pushups in a single set, 20 army style sit ups in a single set and ran a mile in 7 minutes. Can I do it with the time alloted, and if so, any tips or advice?Need personal advice on army physical fitness?
To do that in 2 months?? You're kind of pushing it. You would do better to have at least 4 or 5 months, so regardless of how you train, you might not accomplish this goal.

To get better at push ups, you're going to have to do a LOT of push ups. If you can do 30, try doing 20, then rest 2 minutes, then do 20, then rest 2 minutes, and repeat. Do 3 sets of 20 in the morning and in the afternoon each day. As it steadily becomes easier, add between 3 to 5 reps every day.

The point here is to NOT REACH FAILURE. Hitting failure taxes the CNS, which makes adaptions from further sets more difficult. Simply by doing push ups, and not hitting failure, you build the kind of neural connections you need to continually do an activity until failure. If you think I'm BSing you, go here:鈥?/a> - click on the last link you see in the list, and read about GTG training.

This same thing applies to your sit ups. To get better at it, if all you can do is 20, try hitting 15 repeatedly. You could super set that with your push up training if you want.

To improve your running time, you're better off trying a different modality. You'd do best by applying the Law of Overload to how you run. The only way you can do this is through a HIIT type protocol - for 2 to 3 minutes, run at a pace faster than you can normally maintain for the entire mile. You should not be able to maintain the same speed for longer than 3 minutes. When you simply CANNOT run anymore, reduce your speed and jog for 1 or 2 minutes. After this time, increase your speed again to what it was before, and aim for another 2 to 3 minutes. This will cut your running time down dramatically, and you most likely CAN accomplish this in 2 months. Again, if you think I'm BSing you, see .

The push ups and sit ups I'm not sure though. Depends in part on how faithfully you do them.

If you have anymore questions, just email me at .Need personal advice on army physical fitness?
First off, thank you for what you do for our country. You can def. get into ';army'; shape in 2 months. My brother is an officer in the army and he said during bct there was a girl who could not do a single push up but by the end of bct she was firing off REAL push ups like it was nothing. so, my advice is to basically smoke yourself everyday. your bound to get stronger and faster. in order to get your 2 mile faster i would start doing some interval training jog for 1-2 min, run for 1-2 min, full out sprint for 1-2 min then keep repeating this will def. help you get faster. at the beginning of the week run the 2 mile as fast as possible then intervals for the rest of the week then at the end of the week run the 2 mile again. as for the push ups and sit ups every day just try and do more than the day before. push yourself like crazy. when you say 'ship out' do you mean ship out over seas or ship out to bct? at first i assumed over seas but, seeing as you said your in terrible shape im guessing bct now...?

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