Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Relationship/personal advice... long winded but please read?

22 yr old graduating college male, recently had a mutual break up with a college gf of 7 months. ONLY reason for this is that she is going abroad in the fall which means I wont see her for summer, fall, or Xmas break (8 months). We had no conflicts for the entire time we were together. We left it open to get back together but made no promises. I am having a really hard time dealing with this because of the circumstances surrounding it. I broke up with a gf of 3.5 years about 20 months ago and it took a year to get over. This is much easier yet it feels different because the other girl and I loved each other but were just not right even after so long together. With this girl all was right and we just weren't allowed to let things go where i think they would have.

1. Do I take time off, focus on work and wait for her to come back or wait until someone comes along?

2. How do I stop getting so attached ie change something integral about me that ends up causing me a lot of pain?Relationship/personal advice... long winded but please read?
Learn to live your life for you....It sounds simple, yet is soo complex. If you live your life for others, you tend to become reliant on them to ';complete'; you. Work on yourself first, I was in a very similar situation when I got out of college. If I would have spent time on myself, and stop worrying about girls...I would have been much better off. The whole girl thing will work itself out....nature ditates it. (You can't force it) Good luck brother!Relationship/personal advice... long winded but please read?
Try to think positive. Dont think about how bad its going to be without her. POsitive mind about this situation would help you to know if THIS GIRL if the girl you want to be with.

Try to take all this time, like vacations. Make something new, meet new people, and dont make expectations about future. Just live your life RIGHT NOW.

Maybe you are going to feel empty, cuz u were spending time with someone that is not there anymore.

keep your mind busy, its the only way to feel better.

Good Luck!!

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