Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need career and personal advice?

I moved to Va in the end of september, I have no car to get around on my own time, but i get a ride to work sometimes from the family i'm staying with and my girlfriend when she can give me one.

I work as a cashier and only make 6.55 an hour, my pay check is basically 400 a month. I need to buy a car, but only have 200 dollars saved up and don't make enough.

I want to go school, and find a better paying job, but i only have experiance as a stock person and one month of cashiering.

What advice would you give someone only making 400 a month with no car and wants a better job and go to school at the same time?

How should i go about this?I need career and personal advice?
The very first thing you should do is fill out your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). This is important to do as soon as possible. If you are under 26 (I'm assuming you are), you'll need to demonstrate your financial independence from your parents.

The next thing you should do is start trying to obey the 10% rule. That is, every time you get paid, put 10% aside to save. If you learn to make this a habit, and live with it, pretty soon you'll start to build up a decent sum.

Finally, make sure your supervisor knows you want more hours. In the type of job environment I imagine you have, everyone needs more hours, but a lot of people don't actually ask for them. Tell your boss you want the hours, and work hard to show that you are the best person to get them.

It sucks to be in your position, I know. I've been there. But, hey, at least you have a job. And a girlfriend. And people around who care enough to give you a ride, now and then. A lot of people don't have those things. Anyway, if you work hard, have a good attitude, and remain dedicated to your goals, I know you'll make it!

Good luck!

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