Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Please give me some personal advice...please?

I recently turned 16 years old, and was lucky enough to get my liscence, and my brothers old truck on my birthday. Pretty cool right? My mom is really nice to me, treats me like an adult, and respects my personal life. Or so i thought..

My mom reads all of my text messages, reads through the people i have contact with, always freaking questions what i am telling her, pretty much doesnt believe a single thing i tell her, she has no trust, no confidence in me... nothing. The funny thing is, our relationship worsened only as I began to be more truthful, and make better decisions. My mom treats me like I am going to be some sort of homeless crack-head screw up that flips burgers and lives off well-fare. I am a 'B' average student, that does normal Highschool things... I smoke pot, and occasionally drink a few beers. whats wrong with that? How do i allow my mom to understand I am a normal human being? I really feel like she is begining to completely ruin my life.

This was supposed to be the best summer ever, and now because I was 45 minutes late past curfew, and dishonest about skipping my LAST DAY OF SCHOOL my mom has removed all my privilages, no cell phone, car, not allowed to leave, nothing... she treats me like a Prisoner. She tells me the only way to earn these things back is by either 1) Rehab , or 2)Sober living house.

She accounts all of my issues for my recreational pot use, and rare drinking. What she fails to understand is that she also took part in these activities as a teen, and she ALLOWS my older brother to buy alcohol, drink, smoke, have sex in his room, whatever he wants to do, no curfew nothing. its been that way for him all his life, sooo somebody.. please tell me what i should do in my situation, because right now im thinking about either suicide, or running away. I can not tolerate living in a house like this anymore.Please give me some personal advice...please?
At 16 you probably shouldn't be getting into pot or alcohol. Maybe something happened when she was younger with the same things. She knows your a good kid, but she doesn't want you to make some mistake she made or mess up your life. Just calm down. Sit her down and have a talk. Ask why your brother got so much freedom. Try to reason with her. If you can show her that you're responsible, she might trust you more. Promise her that you'll stop with drinking and smoking. Don't make it a false promise. Look her in the eye. I mean, your friends might do that stuff. Why should you? Peer pressure at 16 sucks, I won't deny that. You can be above it. Explain to her the pressures you feel and that you know it was wrong to skip the last day (it's sorta pointless. what do you do on the last day anyway?) Just talk to her. Don't argue, talk!Please give me some personal advice...please?
Give me a break, you are acting like a spoiled brat. Let us sum up your actions - you admittedly do drugs, drink underage, skip school,(doesn't matter last day or first) don't honor your curfews. Seems to me like you may be headed down a path the could be a very rocky. Many children would love to have a parent that cared enough about them to set boundaries. Your mother is not your friend she is your mother and it is her job to set boundaries for you and make sure that you become a functioning adult that isn't a drain on the rest of is. You want to be an adult ...then grow up.
Your mom must have a bit more reason than you are telling us to do all this.

I am not saying you are telling a lie, but maybe you have done something that you don't think your mom knows about, but she does.

There is so much dis trust there, it has to be very hard on you. PLEASE don't ever consider suicide!

That is the most stupid thing anyone could ever do!!!

How do I know how stupid a person is to attempt suicide? Because last year, I shot myself in the chest with a 380 pistol.

Thank God, and I thank him everyday, for not taking my life that day.

It was not my time to go. Try talking to someone about your problems. You can e mail or im me if u wanna. I will listen all nite if it will help anyone from thinking of taking their life.
Do not run away, hun I did it, and nothing good comes out of it.

DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE. That is the worst thing you could ever do in a situation like this. I don't know what to tell you but man you are almost out of school and out of her hands. You could go for emancipation if you really want to try living on your own, or you could move in with a friend if you want to try it that way. Counseling is an option, but who knows your mom may put on a face for that counselor and act like everything is just peachy. I would say try telling her that you are leaving, make her worried, make her ask what she is doing wrong. You could also try sitting her down and discussing things with her rationally, you could tell her that when she makes you angry that you will write her a letter and tell her exactly what is pissing you off soo bad. I would have to say though that both of these things may not work so you could try telling her that she did the exact same things when she was your age, and that you are a kid, you're allowed to do things and make mistakes, they are major turning points in your life, and to be a successful individual, you need to be able to make your own decisions, not live by her rules, because you will never learn anything.

If you want anymore help Email me or IM me.
Well I left at 16, smoked pot with my friends until I was 21, met my husband got pregnant. Stopped smoking pot and tried to be the best mom in the world. Well now, since I dropped out of school and only have a GED, about the only jobs I can find are waitressing.. Can't be the best mom in the world with dead end jobs. Well you say, why don't you just go back to school? Good Question. I can't afford to b/c I have to take care of my son and the bills don't pay themselves. What does this have to do with you. Absolutely nothing........
If your bro is over 18, she can't do much.

I bet your mom loves you and wants to protect you. Try to listen to her.
Your mom only wants what's best for you, as crazy as it may sound. I think her ultimatums are completely reasonable- she may be preventing you from totally ruining your life. My advice? Get sober and don't do pot.
I will say only this: Smoking pot and drinking is NOT normal adolescent behaviour. Not EVERYBODY is doing it Will. Because someone else does something wrong it does not make it right for you to do it. Even if its your brother

Yeah, you are ONLY 16, but that does not give you the right to be irresponsible, just the chance to learn responsibility to be applied to adult life.

Please, I know 16 is hard. Everything is upside down and mothers can be hard on their sons. But I made it out and i am now 36. But i had to do that without booze and pot and now i am glad. I dont have to be worried about a damaged liver and brain.

Believe me, your mother loves you and wants the best for you that is why she cares so much. I promise you.
i think your mom is over protective of you because she wants to protect you.... well i think. but i don't agree with her, she is invading your personal space big time! i think she doesn't trust you because maybe she has a few regrets about how she raised your brother or something, i think read something about that before, parents who have regrets and try to make it better the second time around. but it's also a possibility that she is having personal problems within and is taking them out on you... but maybe she just doesn't want you to grow up or it seems like your growing up a little to fast.
My take: Follow the rules or move out.

Comitting suicide is for the weak, You seem like a very strong person to me, not a weak one.

Take a minute and chill out. Realize that your being punished for breaking the rules. You will get your privileges back before you know it. Summer is not over yet and it still can be the ';best summer ever'; if you

stop and think for a minute and stop fussing. Take your punishment and listen to your mom. Smoking pot, and occasionally drinking a few beers is wrong for a 16 yr old and could lead to some guy or guys raping you. Make smarter choices and you will survive in this crazy world. It only take one time for someone to lace pot or spike your drink %26amp; your done for. Not judging you, but you already know what you did to put yourself in this situation, So B student, go apologize to your mom %26amp; have a great safe summer.

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