Friday, April 30, 2010

Personal, but advice is much appreciated?

Over the last 3 days now I have had some itching and burning from chaffing in the area between the vagina and the anus. (I know it's personal and may be TMI, but I would like some feedback on this). It's not in or on the vagina or the anus, but it's kind of on the butt cheeks right there in that area where they meet by the perinium. I had my husband look at it (he's really great for doing that without saying I'm gross) and he said it looked like chaffing and that it was red and irritated looking. Has anyone had similar happen? I'm not exactly small, but I'm not large and overweight either. It also didn't start until after i went to a tae bow class Monday night. Do you think the skin got irritated with doing the class?Personal, but advice is much appreciated?
Jock itch is caused by the same organism that causes yeast infections. Yeast can cause raw itching around that general area, especially if you got a bit chafed from the tae bo.

I would try some female yeast cream like monistat. Don't get the really fast acting kind - just the normal strength. Try applying it to the affected area. You probably want to take it vaginally too.

Make sure you don't sit around in your workout clothes. Shower and change into something dry. Also avoid wearing workout clothes with a big seam that will chafe.Personal, but advice is much appreciated?
thats possible that you irritated the skin during tae-bo. That has never happened to me but maybe it was caused by the type of underweare/work out clothes you wore.

I would stay away from the thong while tae-boing since it may be in the area that chaffed. If it doesn't get better soon, call your primary doctor and they can give you a creme...if not I'm sure some Balmex would work. I know its diaper rash creme, but we prescribe that to our patients with sore rectums and itchy butt....but then again, i'm no expert.

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