Friday, April 30, 2010

My best friend is getting braces tomorrow, any tips/ advice? (please tell from personal experience)?

Will she be in extreme pain? I hear people say she will, but will she really. Will her lip get all scrached up? (she is getting top and bottom). And if you have any other tips that would be so helpful.

Thank you so much.

Best answer gets 10 pts.

PS I'm going with her so will I be like able to watch or will I have to wait in the waiting room for 1h. 30m?My best friend is getting braces tomorrow, any tips/ advice? (please tell from personal experience)?
braces are not TOO painful. there is no pain getting them on at all. it takes about an hour and all you do is sit in the chair while they do it. you dont need to be put to sleep or get a shot or anything. she is going to hate the first night, though. it will feel like all her teeth are moving at once. its not fun at all. tell her to take a tylenol or something and she will be good. she should stick to smoothies, shakes, or other soft stuff like mac %26amp; cheese for the first few days. tell her to brush her teeth really well because her teeth will stain and she will have little spots where the braces were when she gets them off. and also watch what she eats. jolly ranchers, some chips, all stuff like that can break your braces. all of her orthodontist will walk her through this.My best friend is getting braces tomorrow, any tips/ advice? (please tell from personal experience)?
i got braces in december... so ive pretty much been through it all... i got top and bottom at the same time... soo...

she wont be in extreme pain.. she will be in pain though.. she wont be able to eat anything besides like jello soup and stuff you dont have to chew... her lips wont get scraped up but her cheeks will... and it hurts real bad... so when they are scratched up try putting wax on and rinsing with warm salt water... it helps a lot... and i think you could probably watch... and tell her to take pain reliever like advil or ibuprofin before she goes and every 4-6 hours after..

good luck.
yourll prob be able to watch.

but yea for the first week or so it hurts a lot. i suggest you give her advil.

and yea her lips and cheeks will be rubbed raw by the braces at first, but you get used to them.

if you cant handle the rubbing get dental wax to put on the brackets.

and another tip is DO WHAT YOUR ORTHO TELLS YOU!
from my experience you should be able to watch may be a bit uncomfortable for the 1st few days but that will soon go when you get used to it

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