Tuesday, April 27, 2010

In need of personal advice.. can you plz answer this?

Not even the first few days of school had passed.. and rumors had already developped against me. What do you do when nearly most of the school dodesn't want to speak to you at all? I used to be VERY antisocial.. and had big hopes of making a change in myself this year... but their rude remarks are a big setback for me. I'm planning to have a weekend-job soon.. and I don't want to endure to endure the same things over there as well..

how can i feel good about myself when Im stress about not being social enough as my friends are.. or when many others dislike me?In need of personal advice.. can you plz answer this?
Who cares what they say, enjoy your life.In need of personal advice.. can you plz answer this?
It's Ok, I was really anti-social too. You can't care what other people think.

Most people that start rumors are jealous of something you have or are too dissatisfied with their own life they try to ruin yours. As long as you smile even through you un-confident times people will be drawn by your allure and want to talk to you.

Also if you join school group it will be really easy to find other people interested in similar things as you are, and thus more interested in you.

People can either reject you or accept you, but you will never know until you try.
1. Stop the rumors where the came from, if you can find the person who started it and tell that person that the rumors aren't funny, if not then tell, explain, prove that the rumors aren't true, either way tell a teacher or the principle or both. 2. A job is no easy task especially when the economy the way it is people hardly get any hours and when you got homework to do too. My suggestion take it one day at a time. That's all you can do, just try to do the best each moment and you can't fail. Good Luck!
Rumors suck, I agree, but the only way to combat them is to ignore and carry on. Work on acting in a way that is contrary to what the rumors say. If they say that you're a ****, for example, carry yourself with pride and dress in a way that's not suggestive at all. If they say that you're a liar, work hard to be honest in everything that you do.

What this will do is you will gain supporters that matter, people that will listen more to your actions than to the words of your peers. And these are the friends that you want.
First of all you want them to respect you and then like you, because deep down none of us likes what he disrespects. Try to be yourself (and I know that IS hard) and not something that you are not. Don't panic, don't lose your temper and try to stay calm. Standing in your place is always appreciated.
Even when people seem more powerful when they start rumors about you, remind yourself that they are the low ones. Not you. Try not to let it bother you too much. It may be hard but in a few days it will all blow over and everyone will move on.

Hope this helps!
Your asking this in the wrong section. But just ignore it, because they'll eventually find something else to talk about. It's pretty obvious, and honestly... focus on your school work. Because unlike those people you could do something more important with your life. High school reunions are the best ;)
you shouldn't care but you find one group and if they like you join and they will show you to there friends and you will become more social
as hard as it may be....just do your best to stop caring.

and know you are above their snide comments.

smoking weed helps
just 3 words: enjoy your life!
plz ignore whatever the person said above me. ok not being so social isn't bad im antisocial to an extent so what i do is get new things going. no body wants to talk to u ok let it be that way cuz they dont take of u. u have to show that u r u nd if no one wants to talk to u then read a great book or do something that gets ur attention away from them. now the job dont be too open but start making friend with the people u work and get to know them well as they would want to get to know u. all u can do is ignore those who ignore u.

hope this is can be any of help to ya

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