Friday, April 30, 2010

How do you grow your hair really long, really fast ? any personal expierences or advice ?

cheers xHow do you grow your hair really long, really fast ? any personal expierences or advice ?
These pills are good, along with deep conditioning and good hair care. Every womans inner beauty, take them no more than 1 mounth, country life maxi-hair take for as long as you like, Biotin in pure form, but take twice or three times more as indicated on the bottle, make sure you're taking at least 4000mg a day, any foods with protein also help. ( any biotin pills work, that should help, but a warning it makes your pee really yellow, its normal).How do you grow your hair really long, really fast ? any personal expierences or advice ?
I got my hair trimmed, and then used Pantene Beautiful Lengths shampoo and conditioner. It kept my hair really strong so it could grow really fast! When I want to grow my hair out I use this one everytime.
prenatal vitamins make your hair go like crazy.

i have in intense punk friend whose always shaving her head,

then she takes prenatal vitamins and its past her ears in a month!
ok, so there really isnt a fast way to grow ur hair long...unless u have enough money to go and buy expensive hair extentions....but it took me about 2 years to grow my hair as long as it is right now, and it was about shoulder length when i started growing it out. If this is the route u take like i did, then make sure to just take super good care of ur hair, massage ur scalp when u wash ur hair and use a really good conditioner that has avacado oil in it to hydrate ur hair and protect it from damage that could leave ur ends breaking off. take breaks using hot tools on ur hair, they help damage it, if u straighten it, use a protector balm or cream to help prevent breakage also. my hair is super long now, and i am always having to make sure there arent split ends or breakage going on. get regular trims at ur stylist, ask for 1/4 of an inch off every 8-9 weeks. this will help get rid of split ends and help ur hair grow healthier and longer at a better rate. patience is also key when growing ur hair long, it may take a long while.... hope this helps u, good luck!
I have found some good tips in following link, It may be good for you too鈥?/a>

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