Friday, April 30, 2010

Women~What is the best piece of advice for personal safety you have learned?

Self-defense is 90% risk reducing strategies, not how to fight back. Prevent something from happening in the first place, ladies. is the course I have taken several times. My kids are also radKIDS.

My advice...while dating, do not allow the man to drive. If you drive the car, you have control and the ability to get yourself out of a bad situation if the need arises. You could also just meet him at the destination. Which is more important, manners/tradition or your safety? If it were my teenage daughter, I would make sure she has sure transportation to safety if she needs it.

I just answered a question that really got me thinking about what I was trained to do and wondered if anyone else has good sound advice to share.Women~What is the best piece of advice for personal safety you have learned?
Constant awareness of your surroundings. As the managing RN for a hospice that is home based my staff goes into some not so safe areas to care for our patients. I have told them that they must be constantly aware of their surroundings. I have also told them that if they arrive at a patient's home and the situation does not seem safe, i.e. teenage boys or men loitering around in the nieghborhood in close proximity to the home. That they are to call into the patients home and ask someone to come out to meet them. We took a safety course that the highway patrol has, an officer came and talked to my staff. He told them somethings such as: when you are shopping park as close to the store as possible, park in a well lit area after dark, never park near a van(especially on of those older type panel or conversion vans) or a large SUV(it is easier for someone to abduct a person from a vehicle like tha)t. He told us to carry our keys in a defensive manner(hold your longest key in your hand in a manner that you can use it as a weapon).Never sit your purse on the hood, roof, or trunk of your car while unloading your packages. While unloading packages into a vehicle look around you each time you remove one from the cart and place it in your vehicle. Be aware of who and what might be behind you.If someone does try to abduct you from a busy street, parking lot, etc. yell and scream and fight, most people attempting to abduct a person want to be anonymous. He said that the best chance is to fight back and fight back hard. Hope this helps.Women~What is the best piece of advice for personal safety you have learned?
I think it's important for women to not get drunk, especially at clubs or parties. They are less able to defend themselves when they're drunk and a lot of women have been raped while they were very drunk or after they passed out after too much drinking.

Also, when you're with someone you don't know well stay in public places where there are people around or open places that can be seen from far. Don't go with anyone into an alley or such places where there are no people around to help if something happens.
I was told that my best defense is to plop my butt down on the sidewalk and to kick out with my legs - (aiming for knee cap, groin, face). I'm a large woman - so the trainer said that it would be a miracle if a kidnapper could lift my butt and carry me away. LOL He said you have better chances of surviving if you just refuse to go with them to a more secluded place, even if they threaten you - just sit you butt down and wait for them to get close and kick the hell out of them, and keep kicking them.
The best piece of advice ???? hmmm... none because you wont know what the true worth of it is unless there comes a time you will need it .... Everthing has its time and place so if you want to take martial arts go ahead !!! Personaly I take karate too but if you dont want to there's always power in numbers !!!

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