Friday, April 30, 2010

Friend's work/personal dilemma- advice please!!!!?

This really is a 'friend' (ie not me). She has asked me for advice and I don't know what to tell her. So input from you would be welcome.

She and her boyfriend were given the position as ';host management couple'; at a resort, but only as the backup couple in case the fullterm host couple can;t host for whatever reason. Her boyfriend supplements this income by being a tour guide. they live at the resort.

They soon discovered that the full-time host couple are threatened by them and try to make their lives difficult. Furthermore, the head tour guide has been hitting on my friend from day one. As her boyfriend works under him, she took a long time before complaining. Now that she has laid a complaint, this guy is victimising her boyfriend by not giving him work. Also, the owners of the resort have demoted them as backup host couple ';until the situation is resolved';.

They both really need the cash but are very unhappy and don't know what to do.Friend's work/personal dilemma- advice please!!!!?
Find new jobs.

Really, the owner has chosen sides (the current host couple) and they will never overcome this mess.

Finding new jobs is the way to go.Friend's work/personal dilemma- advice please!!!!?
I think this is a no-brainer, The chips are stacked against them in this particular work situation, The owners of the resort clearly don't want to take their side in this matter - and probably don't know what to think about who is doing what to whom. All the resort owners are interested in is keeping their business running smoothly. Only one realistic thing to do here. Your friend and her boyfriend will just have to pack their bags, call it a day, and find employment elsewhere. Surely this is not the ONLY kind of work they can do. I am sure it's great to be able to work at a recreational resort, but in this very conflictive situation things are only going to go from bad to worse if they try to tough it out under these awkward circumstances.
Firstly you need evidence that this is happening, and witness statements if possible. Don't know which country this is happening in but it is a breach of employment in virtually every western country. Employment tribunals in the UK will always find in favour of the employee if they can substantiate the claim. Get legal advice.
Seek alternative employment
move on quickly, there is no happy ending here, find other jobs. good luck!!!
if u frens work condition is miserable its not fun.... everyday they woke up and the strain shows..... its just waiting for either of them to snap.... and ruins the guests holiday.....

why dont u fren try working on a cruise ship..... plenty of fun on a moving city and the management is more focus...

good luck
If there are many factors depleting this situation as a source of income and comfort... time to look for another job. If there is no hope to repair this...they should seek a new resort, with a fine resume before they get in a position where this resort can ';blackball'; them.
What a horrible position to be in. Their best bet would be to start looking for another job elsewhere as it seems that their boss has reprimanded them instead of the man that could possibly cause a lawsuit with his sexual harassment. In the meantime, they should document everything that happens, especially if the advances are continuing. If they have enough things documented, approach the manager again.

Did their boss ever tell them how he expects to ';resolve'; this situation? If not, I would calmly and politely inquire with him what actions he is thinking of taking or expecting them to take. (But, seeing as it sounds like he has already chosen his side, they need to be prepared that they might not like the answer).

They could maybe try speaking with him about transferring to another department within the resort if that is a possibility.

Best of luck to them.
As hard as it will be, they need to leave their current positions due to the difficult work situation. It's not very easy to work with your significant other in the first place, much less when there's someone else causing problems in the work place. If your friends value their relationship and respect each other then they will leave their posts. It sounds like they really need their job, as well as the extra work as a tour guide, but their private lives are more important than a job. No job is worth being miserable. People spend way too much time at work to be miserable. However, I will suggest that neither of them quit their job before having another one lined up.
Move on.
Tell your friend to outline her complaints in a letter to the owners of the resort. A letter sent registered makes the owners understand that your friend takes this situation seriously. Realistically, this situation can't be resolved to your friends' satisfaction without the people causing the problem being removed from their jobs. Since that's unlikely, your friends should start looking for other jobs asap.

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