Friday, April 30, 2010

Personal advice needed???? Please :(?

Why am i feeling this way? Someone help me?

I am a firm believer of while taking Anti-depressants you have a hard time finding attachment/love/emotions towards anything or anyone. At 23 years old I feel life has become so hard on me. I have been through many tragic events over the past 4 years, from losing my mother, grandfather and being in ICU after a bad car accident life has really been an ongoing struggle. About 3.5 years ago right after my mother passed away I began taking Anti-depressant medication first lexapro and now zoloft. Through these times I have found myself to be cold hearted and emotionless towards my family and my previous and current girl fiend. I am like a walking zombie with my arms out looking to feel some form of emotion. I pack my life with going to school, working and eating to keep away from these ongoing negative thoughts that eat at my brain on a daily basis. These obsessive thoughts are all focused on my girlfriend and I make her out to be someone she is not. When I first met her I was crazy over how she looked and treated me and now that two years have passed, its actually gotten a lot better but my mind and body will not accept it. I tell myself she is ugly, not good enough for me, and this confuses the crap out of me. If I were to draw you a person who I would want to be my wife without question it would be her. We do share the same qualities, outlooks on life and get along very well for the most part. In my past relationships and the current one, i feel the need to push people away and because I have no feelings- Its an escape from having to deal with any of this. I turn to inter coarse and other sexual activities to bring out some type of feelings. I am struggling so bad with this and it hurts so much, you have no idea. I would like to hear what you would have to say about this. I thank you very much for giving me your time. Hope to hear from you soon.

Ps: I got to counseling and my grl is away on vac for a month and the questions of wether or not I love her are still obsessive amongst my thoughts. I let her on great terms. My mind doesnt want me to have a connection- So i constantly look at other girls and compare them to her...always thinking the grass is greener on the other sidePersonal advice needed???? Please :(?
u have faced a lot of life problem and i can feel it in my mind. just ignore your previous problem and let your current matters matter! i know it is easy for me to say but try it!

i hope u will be alright soon.Personal advice needed???? Please :(?
well i've been taking anti-depressants since age 14 (17 now) i hate dthem having to depend on them for emotion an dhappiness sucked and i even thought of suicid eat one point and even no wi'm still lost co zi wonder how i'm gonna get along with ppl for th erest of my life coz i think no one likes me but all u can do is just pray and hope for the best and try to think back to a time when u were happy i know its extremely tough to lose a parent and i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo鈥?sorry about that so very sorry my heartfelt condolences my heart goes out for u and i do know what its like ok i do coz i'm experiencing it right now but most times i take out my anger on my dressing i mourn for the life i never had i mourn for the life i want to have but dont just sit there try to help urself too it works try to tell urself that u are worth it and try to tell urself that soemone is good enough for you thats all i hope i helped a bit
were yyou ever sexuallyy abused? if so this can be a trigger.

the thoughts in yyour head cannot be sent awayy unless yyou make them.

i go through the same thing but much worse. im living in myy nightmare and cannot wake.

yyou need to talk to someone that is not a psycho-analysis-er [:

[im here if yyou do need to talk]

the feelings you are feeling are normal but need to be taken highlyy

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