Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I really need some personal advice. Please help me.?

Ok so Im a 19 year old really nice girl. I have a big heart and am always myself and I may be a little naive at times but that's just me I guess. I had an affair with a married man from my work for around a year when I was 17 up until around 18. I met a great guy from college and forgot all about him. I know it wasn't right, but honestly, at the time, I saw nothing wrong with it and I think it was because I was so naive.

But this great guy I met at college, he stopped talking to me after awhile and I was CRUSHED. I really thought he was gonna be the right guy or at least for the time. He told me he changed his mind about liking me because of things he heard about me and then he asked me about the guy from work.

I had told him I was seeing a guy from work, but nothing more. It's no one's business and I told my one guy friend at college that I had been seeing him too, but no one knew he was married. But this guy I was talking about it with assumed for some reason that he was married, even though I never told him. I found this out on a later date when we hung out and I told him no hes not married!!!

I just dont feel right telling anyone at this point. Its over, its done with and I have learned trust me by god. But Idk if the guy I really liked might have heard about that.. I mean hes not even friends with the guy I told but you never know. I just cant take this anymore. I liked him so much and we just aren't compatible because he doesn't ask me anything or believe me.

Girls, do i deserve a good guy? I feel like if i tell any guy esp at this age, he will say oh you're such a homewrecker or something even though I was so much younger when I did it. I dont want my mistakes to ruin my future with someone and I just want him or someone to understand that I was naiive. Please help Advice. Thank u so much:(I really need some personal advice. Please help me.?
Every women deservs a good guy wat u did was wrong but every1 makes mistakes i think u should just start over with a bradn new guy and if the dudz from college rnt working out then mayb u will meet ur man after college when ur completly free!!! :DDD Thats when most ppl meet the 1 for themI really need some personal advice. Please help me.?
now is the wrong time to fell sorry for yourself. you did a bad thing and there is no excuse. you have to tell every guy you get sirius with that you did this awful thing they deserve the right to know who you are and who you were

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