Friday, April 30, 2010

Personal advice needed about my partner's private parts?

sorry I do not want to be explicit but do need some advice.

Sex has proved to be quite an unfulfilling experience for me as my partner has quite a small member - about 4.5 inches.

I came on this site before and asked about alternative positions but none of those work for me either. My partner mentioned to me that other women have never had orgasms with him and that his last partner found sex unsatisfying and he could not work out why.

Obviously I am not going to point out this shortcoming to him but I am at a loss as to what to do. For people who say that this sort of thing should not matter they are wrong. I do love my partner but it is clear that this has been a problem for the other women in his life as well as he has told me that did not enjoy sex.

I wish that I could talk about this with him without hurting his feelings.

Personal advice needed about my partner's private parts?
Well the average for a male is 10.5 inches.

As this is average there will obviously be some of us bigger and some, like hubby, smaller. Seems your hubby comes under the category of smaller.

.Personal advice needed about my partner's private parts?
Open comunication= adult relationship, if you can't talk then your in a childish relationship.

just talk to him about it, and their are many other sexual things he can do to you other than vaginal intercourse.

BTW, the average adult male penis is 5-6.5 inches, just be glad hes not superrr small.
Technique and not size is the key to this. A guy with a small penis is just as good at sex as a guy with a huge one provided he knows what to do with it. Anyway 4.5 to 5.5 is the average, anyone who says diffeent is lying.
I think it's time to Upsize your combo meal, if you know what i mean.
well you could talk about it with him but with almost all men , their ego lies in their member as you put it. If it was something you COULD work out then you could try chatting to him, but there is no solution.

Like someone said on here, you dont need a big member to have a good sex life. He could compensate with his hands, his toungue ...u know...

Dont mean to put you down but the love you have for him isnt unconditional, if this problem isnt sorted out soon then i feel your goina break up with him (otherwise you wouldnt have come here and posted this issue). Indirectly suggest ways to spice up the sex life, while hes doing it you could...give a few pointers? he might get offended by no matter what you do his feelings are goina get hurt.

Choice is yours.
Well, love and sex are seperate and different.. Can you sacrifice not having what you want? Ask for more oral pleasures.. and buy yourself a nice TOY.. any size you want and ask your lover AFTER he does his unfilling job..( dont SAY THAT TO HIM..... EVER.. I MEAN NEVER)

and ask him to play with you .. with it..

Keep it going and do say to him you want him to keep going.. with the toy.. until the job is finished..

You need to be creative and not expect the satisifaction from just the part. you need to figure out how to get where you are going.. by doing other things. otherwise honey.. move on and find what you want.. out there..

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