Friday, April 30, 2010

Personal Advice, want to find my father.?

So basically I'm 19 years old, an only child, and have never met my father and don't know who he is. I have always been afraid to ask my mom out of fear of hurting her or embarressing her. It's more complicated than just flat out asking her because she had no idea she was even pregnant with me until she gave birth! So I highly doubt my 'dad' even knows that I exist. I have asked several family members, all of whom have 'ideas' but either don't know the guy's last name or just don't know for sure. I want to know and think that I have a right to know, I just don't know how to ask. Am I being selfish for wanting to know??Personal Advice, want to find my father.?
No, everyone deserves to no who there father is. Your not being selfish at all. There is also a show called the tracker, e-mail them.Personal Advice, want to find my father.?
how on earth can u call that selfish! u have every right to know and i think if u really want a chance to see him again u have to ask her. u can try asking some of her old friends, maybe u can ask her if she kept a diary, u can also ask her sisters. if none of that works i guess u can try her old boyfriends. i am sorry if i did not help but these are the only things i can think of i really hope u find him. best of wishes : )
spend 10 dollars and get a copy of your certificate,you can do it online,lists mommy and daddy
how the hell do u not know ur prego until ur giving birth?
NO, your curiosity is natural and everyone has a right to know their bloodline. I would ask my mom and be honest about it and tell her why you want to know. Heck, you could be dating your own bro/sis and wouldnt even know!!!!
No, you're not's natural to want to know where you came from. Don't do it behind your mom's'll seem should talk to her, but when you do, reassure her that she's been a great mom %26amp; the reason you want to know about your dad has nothing to do with her shortcomings. It's awkward, but she'll understand.

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