Friday, April 30, 2010

Advice from personal experience?

Okay I am 6 weeks pregnant and I was wondering what I have to look/ and not to look forward too. Please be honest lol I want to try to be prepared for this. It's my first child (FI has a little boy) anything can help ease my nerves.Advice from personal experience?
Well look forward too -

baby kicks!

baby shopping - its so fun to look at all those cute clothes -


Hearing the heartbeat

No period

You get to hold your baby after its all over

Not to look forward to -

Heartburn (you may be lucky and not get some of these btw)

Swollen feet and legs

Back pain!!!


Morning sickness


You cant eat everything you used too

Smells might make you sick feeling


Mood Swings!

Theres probably something I left out but I cant remember much lol.Advice from personal experience?
I'll start with the worst first lol -

-possible morning sickness (mine lasted months!)

-aches and pains

-mood swings over the silliest of things

-discomfort when sleeping

-sensitivity to smells

-by your third trimester, you'll likely walk funny and become a little clumsy due to your big 'ol belly

-sometimes you might get unwanted attention

-stretch marks


and the good things:

-growing a cute little life in your belly

-people letting you cut in line at the store/in the bathrooms

doors being held open for you

-family and friends giving you extra attention

-the ability to get your boyfriend/husband to do random things a lot easier, such as rub your back/feet, get you something to drink, be more protective

-feeling your baby kick (that's probably my favorite)

-getting your ultrasound pictures

-picking out a name

-spending hours on end thinking about how cute your baby will be, and how you want to raise him/her

-getting to see what you created once your 9 months have passed

I'm 35 weeks, and it's my first too. We're having a boy. Good luck to you and your family :)
first of all, congratulations on your little one!

here are all the good and the bad things i've experieced so far...


- baby kicks

- baby's hiccups [i was so excited when i first felt them!! about 3 weeks ago]

- people offer me food all the time

- everyone tells me how small im carrying [even if i dont feel that way, the comments still make me feel a little better]

- a couple ppl have let me cut in front of them at the cash register

- when my belly button popped out, i thought that was pretty neat

Not so Good:

- bigger butt

- monsterous, gigantic breasts

- stares from inconsiderate people [its like they've never seen a pregnant woman before!]

- stupid comments from stupid people [you're STILL pregnant??.. why are you eating again?... but you're so young!... wow your feet and ankles are really huge... etc..]

- swollen fingers and wrists

- swollen feet and ankles

- constant back pain [at this stage of my pregnancy, just standing still can make my back really ache]

- when i wake up in the morning, all my joints from the waist down are achy and stiff

- oily skin [i've never even had this much acne when i was going through puberty!!]

- mood swings [one moment i love life, the next im extremely pissed or weepy]

- being 8 months pregnant in the heat of summer has been HELL.

- constantly going to the bathroom is really annoying.. especially when i just went 30 min ago.

- sometimes when the baby rolls, he/she pushes against my tummy and it really feels tight and very uncomfortable

- forgetfulness [once, i forgot my bag at my bf's house and didnt realize i was driving w/o a license until i was already at my drs appt. another time, i woke up to find that i plugged in my radio instead of my fone charger]

- extreme anxiety about the pain of labor.. coming just around the corner..!

yeah.. there are a lot more of the ';not so good'; stuff... but in the end, its all worth it.
Ok, I'm 19 weeks right now. So far:

The not so goods:

Morning sickness...for me I would get sick every morning and then just sporatic nauseau throughout the day. Mostly at the mention of food or if I was around cigarette smoke.

Frequent urination...didn't know somebody could pee so often

Oh, and the hormones...fighting with my boyfriend was prob the worse. Over stupid stuff that I got upset with for no reason.

The Great things:

Feeling baby kicks


Sharing the news



Honestly this has been one of the most wonderful and amazing experiences in my life. Good luck to you and enjoy every second of it.

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