Friday, April 30, 2010

Any advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??

I've just bought some after reading about it but each article varies on the amount to take and when to take it so I was hoping if any of you can give me any advice - ie how much to take and if I should take it throughout cycle.

I'm currently having my period (Day 3) and have today started taking it - 40 drops.

One site said 60 drops per day, another 30 three times a day....??? But I hear its quite safe.

Also, have any of you had personal success in conceiving with this?

My LP is only 10 days after coming off pill and in my 2nd cycle of TTC I think I developed an ovarian cyst and in my next cycle I got a short LP. This figures since I believe cysts are happy in a low progesterone environment and thats why I now think I may be low in progesterone and hoping that this might sort things out.

I know it might take a few months to have any effect but it would be great to hear of any positive stories or info.

Thx so much xxAny advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??
well i was taking it for a while because my cycle was all over the place and we were trying for another baby , i had to stop though i couldnt stand the taste and the smell of it i was taking 40 drops , but read the box that will give you the info you wont , my friend took it for a while and she is convinced thats how she got preganant from taking the agnus cactus there is a tablet form aswell but havent found that myself . good luckAny advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??
i took vitex for monthes and it did not do anything go to the doc.
Hey thought I'd trace you up, and find out how your getting along. Sorry to hear about having a negative pregnancy. I suppose it just takes time I'll keep everything crossed for you this time! lol

I keep getting negatives. I have an appointment in a month time to have some investigation done at the docotors into why I am still irregular and everything. :-( I may be being stupid but I cant help thinking in the worst.

Good luck and a hug to you.x

Kinda personal but i need some advice?

But every time my husband and i get in the shower he constantly tries to put his weiner in my butt.....He says he is just joking and doesn't really wanna do it cause its gross, but I can tell by his voice that he really wants to try it....he just needs me to give the you think i should let him do it?Kinda personal but i need some advice?
Funny enough, i do the same exact thing with my wife. I'd like to start off with saying your husband sounds handsome. Aside from that, he is your husband. With marrage comes trust. He is going to tell you what the real deal is. It sounds like he just likes to do that because its funny and a way to kind of have butt sex without actually doing it. saying that, maybe he really does one day want to do it...just once but by the sound of your question ( and i don't want to jump to conclusions just off of reading a question you put up on line) but again just by the sound of it, he prob just recently had surgery and wont want to for a little.Kinda personal but i need some advice?
well babe that's up to you, depends on how you feel about it, some people thinks it's kinda gay? and others enjoy it? me personally- I have never experienced that because the idea is just a little to fruity o.0

But I do know people that have done it before, they say that after wards your s*** becomes pretty loose, it sound like it just opens you up more than the natural way? you may bleed depending on the size, so yeah if your a little concerned about doing it, do more research if need be, or say what the hell and just do it to please him.
Only when you feel comfortable. If its something that you do want to try with your husband but if you need time and are thinking about it. You two should start off slow and easy. Have him finger your butt. See if you like it. If you don't mind it then go from finger to a toy, then his wiener. Go slow until you feel more comfortable.
Definitely give it a try.

I had a gf once who swore black%26amp;blue she would never do it. After a night drinking I convinced her to give it a try. She never looked back, she found orgasms came faster and with a much higher intensity than normal. She became an anal sex addict lol.

It depends 100% on the guy, if he just rams it in and starts pounding it is going to hurt and probably put you off forever. (unless hes packing a cheerio). The guy needs to take it 'VERY' slow %26amp;tender.

Well you can

Try it once and if you dont like it tell him not to do it anymore.

But you could get a hemroid from it.
did you just say wiener? come on. Don't know if you like it until you try it right!
Only if you are comfortable with it.

If your not,simply tell him.
  • stella mccartney
  • Ok... i need puppy advice/personal opinion?

    okey dokey... I want a really small dog and I always have, I need some advice/personal opinions on what breed I should get . Ive narrowed it down to 2 breeds but I just can't decide! Should I get a Chihuahua or a Yorkie? PLEASE HELP!!!Ok... i need puppy advice/personal opinion?
    I would go for a yorkie. I meet chihuahuas everyday at my work and almost all of them have behavioral issues. They are overprotective of their owners, time, dog aggressive you name it. Yorkie are all around fun and playful. Yorkies are quite a bit more expensive and require daily brushing and routine grooming, but you get what you pay for.Ok... i need puppy advice/personal opinion?
    Check your nearest breed-specific rescues, and try finding a dog through there. If there are none, or none of the available dogs are suitable for you, get in contact with some breeders. When you actually have the opportunity to meet with dogs/puppies, it can make the choice easier.

    Do some research on both breeds and figure out which of the two would be most suitable for your home and lifestyle. Consider the dogs needs and your own, as well as what qualities are most important to you.
    chihuahuas and Yorkies are both very easy to feed and pick up after because of their size. however, chihuahuas can be very selective and bark a lot. so can Yorkies, but not as much. a problem with Yorkies is that their hair grows very fast and needs grooming more often, which can get expensive. so if your willing to brush and pay for haircuts very often, a Yorkie is a good option. Chihuahuas can sometimes be very snappy and emotional dogs. but if you raise them well and somewhat stern, they will turn out to be a very sweet dog.
    Yorkie are very smart. Chihuahuas are affectionate %26amp; crave attention. So, if you want a ';baby'; go with a chihuahua. If you are looking for a companion that is less maintenance, a yorkie.


    I'd go for a yorkie.
    Well chihuahuas are little dogs and are easy to care for but are terrible barkers so I reccomend a yorkie because it is pretty smart and don't bark often.
    deff yorkie! or...

    BOTH! :))

    hmm yorkie they are a little bit more playful

    Advice requarding a personal injury case from almost 4 years ago?

    My daugher was involved in a major auto accident on 5-25-03.

    It was her vehical. First the other kids in the car told the Deputy she was driving. Later 2 of the other kids told her attny. that the other person in the car was the one driving. No charges were ever brought against him. My question is-who can we contact to have things investigated as to why. Our local Sherrifs Dept. really handled things all wrong. We were informed by them last week, that there was nothing they would do because time had run out on the statue of limitations. Is this true? We thought it was 7 years. Please any information would be great. Our daughters mental/physical health needs some closure.

    ThanksAdvice requarding a personal injury case from almost 4 years ago?
    Your question is very unclear. You are asking about a 4 year old case, and talking about injury, charges, and closure.

    Most states have a personal injury lawsuit statute of limitations of 2 years from the time when a reasonable person would have known that injury had occurred. In the case of a major vehicle accident I think the time of injury is very apparent.

    I am confused as to if you are wanting to sue, or simply to find out who was driving. Or if your daughter was charged, and you feel that she was wrongly charged in some way.Advice requarding a personal injury case from almost 4 years ago?
    I dont know if the statues vary from state to state, but here in Illinois, you have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit.

    I'm not quite certain who it is you'd be looking to sue for damages. I know there was a question of who was driving but if it was your daughter's insurance policy that paid out on the damages from the accident, the liability coverage would not cover her.
    if your daughter was driving then it was her fault. if somebody else was driving ';HER'; car it is your daughters fault. closure, there you go. that being said, i charge $225 per hour prep and $400 per hour for trial. i require a seventy-five thousand dollar retainer. it will probably cost about 20 grand for me to determine who was at fault in the first place. then we proceed from there.

    Personal Legal Advice?

    I loaned a friend money which he promised to pay back end of January. Still haven't received it although he keeps saying the money is on it's way and is ';tied up in the bank';.

    I have all the email conversations, and MSN chats that has taken place since he started giving his excuses. I also have statements showing that the money indeed go into his account. (Bacs transfer so I have his bank details as well) What is my legal standing on this? Legal advice pleasePersonal Legal Advice?
    go to small claims court

    keep all your documentation

    good luckPersonal Legal Advice?
    Ditto to caretaker's answer. I am going thru a similar situation with one of my relatives. if you don't awant to go thru court with this buddy, ask him/her if s/he would be willing to do a payment plan (ex: pay $50 per month for the next 12 months on the 5th of each month) and PUT IT IN WRITING! That way if s/he falls back on it, then you can show you even tried to reason with this person. If s/he doesn't want to do the payment plan, take them to small claims court. The longer you wait, the harder it is to file %26amp; still have a good case. Good luck trying to get your money back!
    In most states, a verbal contract is still legally enforceable. You should inform him in writing that you are giving him thirty days to pay up, otherwise you're going to take him to court. If he doesn't pay, take him to small claims court. If you have all the documentation showing that he has been dragging his feet and that he actually has the money to pay you, chances are very good that the judge will rule in your favor.

    Seeking advice/personal experience from anyone who has had all of your teeth pulled w/o being put to sleep!?

    After searching all over the entire county of San Luis Obispo, CA, there is absolutely not one oral surgeon that accepts medi-cal due to me being on SSI for severe Lupus/Fibromyalgia /CFS and all that goes along with that--The only option I have is to go to one of those lovely clinics that has only gas to offer me. Has anyone ever had to go through this with or without gas and what was the experience like for you during the surgery? Also, what can I expect the recovery time to feel like? I am scared of the dentist as it is (more of the shots than anything) for some reason my gums where they put the needdle is the most horrible type of pain. Timing is crucial-I have put this off for a long time and I have heard not taking care of the teeth that need to come out can be very dangerous. Please, if anyone has any personal experience or knows some one that has, please let me know ASAP. Thank you in advance! FmincaliSeeking advice/personal experience from anyone who has had all of your teeth pulled w/o being put to sleep!?
    hi there! i'm a 24y/o female, and i actually just had my wisdom teeth removed two days ago - 3 simple extractions, 1 impacted. My insurance wouldn't cover general anesthesia for the removal; and the idea of going under freaked me out, so i opted for the local, no gas. it was a breeze.

    first the surgeon loaded me up with the lidocaine (about 3 shots for each tooth). they administer local (like ambesol) so that you don't feel the injections as much, and then they stick you. once the anesthesia kicked in, it took him about 2-5 minutes to extract each tooth. for the simple teeth, they wiggle each one out and then they extract them. lots of pressure, but if you know this before hand, you'll be fine. as for the impacted one, they had to drill the tooth in half before removing. lots of pressure for that one too... more so, since it was obviously in my jawbone.

    nothing about the procedure hurt. the impacted wasn't numb enough at first, and i could feel a slight sensation during the removal. i raised my hand %26amp; let him know i was feeling it, and so he administered another shot.

    at the most, the shots feel like pinches. so expect to feel that. just embrace the pain of those shots... as weird as that sounds. don't try to ignore it or shut it out. lean into it.

    i brought in my headphones %26amp; cranked up my mp3 player during the procedure. i think the hardest part of the whole ordeal for anyone would be getting over the skeemishness. i could hear the cracking of my one tooth through my mouth. that was the loudest part. no big deal, but for some it might be a little overwhelming. i just went to a happy place with my music.

    so after the removal, he stitched the one impacted site up %26amp; put gauze over the sites. then they had me sit in the chair for about 5-10 minutes because was feeling lightheaded and shakey (from the epinephrine they give you). meanwhile, they checked my vitals.

    after i was all set %26amp; not feeling so lightheaded, they moved me in a little recovery room where i could lie down %26amp; read a magazine. all in all, it took about 45 minutes to an hour, which included the time it took me to set up my follow-up apptmnt.

    just make sure to keep up on your meds, and you won't feel a thing. it's important to take the narcotic prescription they give you within an hour before the anesthetic wears off. i don't feel any recovery pain today and haven't had to use pain medication at all since last night.

    these guys are professionals, so no worries. if anything, the most unpleasant thing would be changing the bloody gauze ever half hour for the first day. but, the best thing is getting it over with %26amp; being able to eat ice cream for every meal! :)

    you will be fine. ;) it's all about preparing yourself beforehand.Seeking advice/personal experience from anyone who has had all of your teeth pulled w/o being put to sleep!?
    i hope they at least have the shots that num you too. I had really bad teeth all thru school and I had a lot pulled out along the way. When I turned 18 I only had 15 teeth left and they were pretty bad looking, so I decided to just have them all pulled out. There was no way I could ever afford to fix them and I was tired of toothaches and teeth breaking off. I didn't have gas but I did have the shots that make your mouth num so you won't feel pain. I felt some pressure sometimes but no pain really. I was awake the whole time. It's not something I would want to have to do very often, but it wasn't really that bad either. I haven't had any teeth or dentures for 3 years now, but it's the longest I ever went with no teeth problems. Toothless isn't nearly as bad as some make it sound. How many teeth are you having pulled out? Maybe if it's a lot they can do half 1 time and the other half another day. It's worth asking about with whoever is gonna actually do the work.
    Well, I have gotten 4 permanant teeth pulled with only shots when I was 12. I didn't think it was that bad but how many teeth are you getting out? The shots SORT of hurt though. And I had already had 6 baby teeth pulled out prior to this so I already had experience...
    I had to get all four out without being put to sleep. It took many shots of lidocaine before I was numb enough. Those were very painful as they were injected into my palate. Also being conscious of having all of those hands in my mouth was unnerving. They usually have to rock the tooth back and forth alot before getting it to come out. But in the end it was a total relief to have them out!
    I had an impacted wisdom tooth removed with only freezing. The oral surgeon was afraid to put me to sleep, because of the medication I was using.

    How do you grow your hair really long, really fast ? any personal expierences or advice ?

    cheers xHow do you grow your hair really long, really fast ? any personal expierences or advice ?
    These pills are good, along with deep conditioning and good hair care. Every womans inner beauty, take them no more than 1 mounth, country life maxi-hair take for as long as you like, Biotin in pure form, but take twice or three times more as indicated on the bottle, make sure you're taking at least 4000mg a day, any foods with protein also help. ( any biotin pills work, that should help, but a warning it makes your pee really yellow, its normal).How do you grow your hair really long, really fast ? any personal expierences or advice ?
    I got my hair trimmed, and then used Pantene Beautiful Lengths shampoo and conditioner. It kept my hair really strong so it could grow really fast! When I want to grow my hair out I use this one everytime.
    prenatal vitamins make your hair go like crazy.

    i have in intense punk friend whose always shaving her head,

    then she takes prenatal vitamins and its past her ears in a month!
    ok, so there really isnt a fast way to grow ur hair long...unless u have enough money to go and buy expensive hair extentions....but it took me about 2 years to grow my hair as long as it is right now, and it was about shoulder length when i started growing it out. If this is the route u take like i did, then make sure to just take super good care of ur hair, massage ur scalp when u wash ur hair and use a really good conditioner that has avacado oil in it to hydrate ur hair and protect it from damage that could leave ur ends breaking off. take breaks using hot tools on ur hair, they help damage it, if u straighten it, use a protector balm or cream to help prevent breakage also. my hair is super long now, and i am always having to make sure there arent split ends or breakage going on. get regular trims at ur stylist, ask for 1/4 of an inch off every 8-9 weeks. this will help get rid of split ends and help ur hair grow healthier and longer at a better rate. patience is also key when growing ur hair long, it may take a long while.... hope this helps u, good luck!
    I have found some good tips in following link, It may be good for you too鈥?/a>

    Any advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??

    I've just bought some after reading about it but each article varies on the amount to take and when to take it so I was hoping if any of you can give me any advice - ie how much to take and if I should take it throughout cycle.

    I'm currently having my period (Day 3) and have today started taking it - 40 drops.

    One site said 60 drops per day, another 30 three times a day....??? But I hear its quite safe.

    Also, have any of you had personal success in conceiving with this?

    My LP is only 10 days after coming off pill and in my 2nd cycle of TTC I think I developed an ovarian cyst and in my next cycle I got a short LP. This figures since I believe cysts are happy in a low progesterone environment and thats why I now think I may be low in progesterone and hoping that this might sort things out.

    I know it might take a few months to have any effect but it would be great to hear of any positive stories or info.

    Thx so much xxAny advice/personal experience with Vitex Agnus Casta??
    Agnus Castus has an affect on the pituitary gland in the brain and is directly linked to balancing hormone levels in the body. Balancing hormone levels will have the advantage of regulating your cycle and increasing the chances of becomming pregnant. Agnus Castus is very good for this.

    I recommend starting with a lower dose. 30 drops of tincture in 10 mls of water twice daily.

    If there is little or no improvement, in say 3 weeks, then take 40 drops in 15mls for 5 weeks.
  • stella mccartney
  • Personal training advice?

    Your Question

    Personal training advice?

    I am looking to study online to get my personal training certifications but I am confused...there are so many certifications! Which one should I look for to obtain? What is the highest most respected certification in health clubs?Personal training advice?
    if you can i think you should go to school not do the Computer thing. a lot of people are trying to get your money. i don't trust that on line paper.Personal training advice? - these are very good qualifications, and I know that they'll be looked at highly by David Lloyd and Fitness First branches. They're well priced too and very conveinient.

    Personal Blog Website Advice?

    I am a graphic / web designer and wish to create an online blog. Where do I start? I actually do not have much of a clue. I have my own website and hosting - can I use this? or will I just point my url to some third party blog site? Please advise, thanks!Personal Blog Website Advice?
    Blogger and Wordpress are good if you actually want to write article/journal posts.

    A less common, but quicker and simpler, type of blogging is a tumblelog; if you want more of a scrapbook blog for posting individual photos, links, movies, etc. I'd recommend using Tumblr. And Tumblr is very customizable if you like editing HTML/CSS...

    Example of a Tumblr blog:

    Designing your own would take a lot of time; there are many free services out there, such as the ones mentioned above, that have it set up for you.Personal Blog Website Advice?
    Yes, if you have your own hosting, you can install a blog ( is free, but you might have to familiarize yourself with how to set up MySQL databases a bit).

    Otherwise, you can have free off-site blog hosting on (or Typepad or Blogger).
    Have you tried using dream weaver? or blogger ? It's rather user friendly. You can use your own site though. THat's cooL! Just be sure to tell your friends all about it!

    I need some personal experience advice.

    my cycle is only 23 days so I am 3 days late on getting my period and If i were prego than I would only be like 31/2 wks, but my test was negative. my womans intuition says I am pregnant and I have a lot of the symptoms this would be my second child. my question is if you have a shorter cycle would it take like at least a week after your missed period to get a positive pregnancy test? I need some personal experience advice.
    I don't really think the cycle length would matter in how long after you missed your period you could take a test. Whether you have a 23 days cycle, or a 32 day cycle you should still test positive a week after your missed period. But, if you have a feeling that you are, then maybe your HCG levels are just low, and maybe it will take you a few more days, or a week or so to get a positive test result. Good Luck!I need some personal experience advice.
    no I think it would be that same. You should be able to get a positive result as soon as your period is missed (if you are pregnant obviously).

    try a first response test they are more sensitive to the preg hormone.
    It all depends on when you ovulated. If you still suspect and don't get a period within a week then test again.
    i'm not entirely sure give it 24/48 hrs n test again my first test was so feignt i thought it was negetive
    i don't think it would make a difference

    Legal advice on getting back personal property?

    I shared an apartment with a friend, i was deployed on short notice and left my belonging and car with this personal while deployed the friend informed me that he lost the keys and the car dealer wouldn't work on the car without a Power of Attoney so I did a special POA for him to get maintenance done on the car once i found out he wasn't doing the right thing i revoke his rights and now he will not tell me where the car is located. What should I do nextLegal advice on getting back personal property?
    Report the car stolen and let the police find it. Maybe the thought of a crime will scare him into telling where the car is.Legal advice on getting back personal property?
    Call the police, unless there is something else missing from your story. If you legally revoked his power of attorney, he wouldn't even be able to use that against you.
    Call the cops.
    you are screwed... you gave him power of attorney so he could have and probably did sell your car...
    Ask this ';friend'; if he plans on stealing your car. If he says yes have him arrested for whatever charges the detectives think the evidence can support.

    If he says NO he is not trying to steal the car, tell him to present it to you forthwith.

    If no answer or intent is given, just call the auto theft division of your local police department, report it as stolen and give them the info. They will take it from there.
    I'd report it stolen for starters.

    Tell us the real story perhaps we can advice you but you left thing out
    Report it stolen.
    Uh call the cops...

    but i think there is more to this story because you would have already called the cops by now if someone refused to give you your car back.
    Since you gave this person a power of attorney, any transaction he conducted with an innocent third party would probably hold up. This person had a responsibility to you known as a fiduciary duty in the law to conduct himself with honesty regarding anything he did on your behalf. You should bring suit against him for breach of this duty. Depending on the laws of your jurisdiction, you may have the right to conduct depositions and other discovery to determine what he did with the car. If the third party was in on the scheme, you may be able to get the car back through a claim and delivery action against him.

    Skateboarding advice and some other personal stuff?

    I started skateboarding this year and I'm truly not that bad. I can ollie really high at least 2 boards and I steer my board ok. The only problem is that I can't ollie up and land into another obstacle. I can't even ollie off a thing to the ground. My friends can't ollie as high as me but they can like jump off stairs and stuff! AND I can'teven jump off a little step or sumthin.

    OH YEAH%26gt;%26gt; and my parents don't like it when I skate because theuy think I get shorter because I crouch and my spinal cord gets messed up. I kind of noticed that I really did get shorter. My dad measured my height and I grew shorteR!!!! should I quit?????Skateboarding advice and some other personal stuff?
    dont quit just cause your getting shorter i mean if you really like skating then go ahead and keep skatingSkateboarding advice and some other personal stuff?
    Dude, if you love it, keep doing it, and if you don't skateboarding is'nt for you

    Report Abuse

    You're not getting shorter. Your parents want you to quit for different reasons. They're trying to manipulate you into quitting.

    Try to analyze why you're not landing up or down levels. if you're always falling the same way, you can compensate by leaning back, leaning forward, keeping your knees bent longer, etc. Keep trying small changes in elevation, then work your way up.

    Advice for a 24 year old,no cosigner, for a private student loan. any advice, personal experiances?

    credit is pretty good just want to be pointed in the right directionAdvice for a 24 year old,no cosigner, for a private student loan. any advice, personal experiances?
    Start by going to and filling out the online form for federal student aid. After finding out what you are eligible for in terms of subsidized stafford loans, you can figure out if that is enough to finance your tuition and expenses. In most cases, it isn't. If you find that you need more money then you are offered, you may want to try a private student loan.

    The best thing to do is compare the different private lenders out there, which can be done at鈥?/a>

    Most of the rates are very similar but do a little research and pick one that you think is best. I would suggest Think Financial. The application process is very quick and easy, and the check is sent directly to you so you can use the money for whatever you want. The limits are much higher with private student loans, up to $40,000 per year. You can find out more information about a Think loan at . Good Luck.Advice for a 24 year old,no cosigner, for a private student loan. any advice, personal experiances?
    It may be really useful, but don't spend in anything else than school.

    There you go :鈥?/a>

    Good luck !
    Sallimae is a great place to get a loan... try there...
    i got 2 student loans with no cosigner, you have 10 years to payback after you get all ur schooling done and u have a few months to start paying back the loans after ur schooling is done
    Why do you need a co-signer for a student loan.

    It is so easy to get a student loan that you do not need to get involved with anyone but a welknown back. Anyone applying for a student loan must file

    FFASA form for financial aid. Though you may be denied, you still need them. You can do it online. Go to

    Every student who has them, gets the loan. If you don't, you will not get a student loan at all from a trusted source.

    Then get the student loan papers from a bank in your area and file them. You will get the loan.


  • stella mccartney
  • My best friend is getting braces tomorrow, any tips/ advice? (please tell from personal experience)?

    Will she be in extreme pain? I hear people say she will, but will she really. Will her lip get all scrached up? (she is getting top and bottom). And if you have any other tips that would be so helpful.

    Thank you so much.

    Best answer gets 10 pts.

    PS I'm going with her so will I be like able to watch or will I have to wait in the waiting room for 1h. 30m?My best friend is getting braces tomorrow, any tips/ advice? (please tell from personal experience)?
    braces are not TOO painful. there is no pain getting them on at all. it takes about an hour and all you do is sit in the chair while they do it. you dont need to be put to sleep or get a shot or anything. she is going to hate the first night, though. it will feel like all her teeth are moving at once. its not fun at all. tell her to take a tylenol or something and she will be good. she should stick to smoothies, shakes, or other soft stuff like mac %26amp; cheese for the first few days. tell her to brush her teeth really well because her teeth will stain and she will have little spots where the braces were when she gets them off. and also watch what she eats. jolly ranchers, some chips, all stuff like that can break your braces. all of her orthodontist will walk her through this.My best friend is getting braces tomorrow, any tips/ advice? (please tell from personal experience)?
    i got braces in december... so ive pretty much been through it all... i got top and bottom at the same time... soo...

    she wont be in extreme pain.. she will be in pain though.. she wont be able to eat anything besides like jello soup and stuff you dont have to chew... her lips wont get scraped up but her cheeks will... and it hurts real bad... so when they are scratched up try putting wax on and rinsing with warm salt water... it helps a lot... and i think you could probably watch... and tell her to take pain reliever like advil or ibuprofin before she goes and every 4-6 hours after..

    good luck.
    yourll prob be able to watch.

    but yea for the first week or so it hurts a lot. i suggest you give her advil.

    and yea her lips and cheeks will be rubbed raw by the braces at first, but you get used to them.

    if you cant handle the rubbing get dental wax to put on the brackets.

    and another tip is DO WHAT YOUR ORTHO TELLS YOU!
    from my experience you should be able to watch may be a bit uncomfortable for the 1st few days but that will soon go when you get used to it

    I am a personal trainer and just got a new client with MS Any advice for exercise program?

    What kind of workout program is suitable for someone with MS?I am a personal trainer and just got a new client with MS Any advice for exercise program?
    It depends on how advanced the MS is. Fairly gentle exercise to start with and they will need a combination of muscle building and cardiac.

    With advanced MS one of the main problems is contration of the muscles. Keeping active to start with and having 1st, 2nd, and 3rd lines of activity will help them do what they can depending on energy levels. You might want to get some info from a physio too.I am a personal trainer and just got a new client with MS Any advice for exercise program?
    Curling Exercises
    That is definately a question you would have to ask his/her doctor. Ask if they can get a note that states what kind of exercises are recommended, and which ones are a no no! This way you can be certain that you wont hurt your client. Until then try play it safe exercises, or try to google Exercises for Multiple Sclerosis, and see if you can find anything. Good Luck!

    Women~What is the best piece of advice for personal safety you have learned?

    Self-defense is 90% risk reducing strategies, not how to fight back. Prevent something from happening in the first place, ladies. is the course I have taken several times. My kids are also radKIDS.

    My advice...while dating, do not allow the man to drive. If you drive the car, you have control and the ability to get yourself out of a bad situation if the need arises. You could also just meet him at the destination. Which is more important, manners/tradition or your safety? If it were my teenage daughter, I would make sure she has sure transportation to safety if she needs it.

    I just answered a question that really got me thinking about what I was trained to do and wondered if anyone else has good sound advice to share.Women~What is the best piece of advice for personal safety you have learned?
    Constant awareness of your surroundings. As the managing RN for a hospice that is home based my staff goes into some not so safe areas to care for our patients. I have told them that they must be constantly aware of their surroundings. I have also told them that if they arrive at a patient's home and the situation does not seem safe, i.e. teenage boys or men loitering around in the nieghborhood in close proximity to the home. That they are to call into the patients home and ask someone to come out to meet them. We took a safety course that the highway patrol has, an officer came and talked to my staff. He told them somethings such as: when you are shopping park as close to the store as possible, park in a well lit area after dark, never park near a van(especially on of those older type panel or conversion vans) or a large SUV(it is easier for someone to abduct a person from a vehicle like tha)t. He told us to carry our keys in a defensive manner(hold your longest key in your hand in a manner that you can use it as a weapon).Never sit your purse on the hood, roof, or trunk of your car while unloading your packages. While unloading packages into a vehicle look around you each time you remove one from the cart and place it in your vehicle. Be aware of who and what might be behind you.If someone does try to abduct you from a busy street, parking lot, etc. yell and scream and fight, most people attempting to abduct a person want to be anonymous. He said that the best chance is to fight back and fight back hard. Hope this helps.Women~What is the best piece of advice for personal safety you have learned?
    I think it's important for women to not get drunk, especially at clubs or parties. They are less able to defend themselves when they're drunk and a lot of women have been raped while they were very drunk or after they passed out after too much drinking.

    Also, when you're with someone you don't know well stay in public places where there are people around or open places that can be seen from far. Don't go with anyone into an alley or such places where there are no people around to help if something happens.
    I was told that my best defense is to plop my butt down on the sidewalk and to kick out with my legs - (aiming for knee cap, groin, face). I'm a large woman - so the trainer said that it would be a miracle if a kidnapper could lift my butt and carry me away. LOL He said you have better chances of surviving if you just refuse to go with them to a more secluded place, even if they threaten you - just sit you butt down and wait for them to get close and kick the hell out of them, and keep kicking them.
    The best piece of advice ???? hmmm... none because you wont know what the true worth of it is unless there comes a time you will need it .... Everthing has its time and place so if you want to take martial arts go ahead !!! Personaly I take karate too but if you dont want to there's always power in numbers !!!

    I am a bit depressed, can someone cheer me up with some happy life quotes or their own personal advice?

    i am depressed all the time and i want to go to another country and start a new life but i am only 14 so i can't do that. it seems everything i do is useless besides attending school. even attending school is depressing for me. actually that is the most depressing part of my life. i wasn't depressed before 2005 though. we had to move to Florida from Louisiana and i really miss Louisiana and the little friends i had there. but that's not the point. i can't go back there because it will never be the same. katrina just basically ruined my life. i want to be myself around people but my true self is annoying, loud, and hyper. i started high school this year and for the past years i have been quiet at school and i don't talk to anybody. i feel like i can't talk to anybody because i had a few friends once and they both became victim to the world today. i am to the point where i don't want to live anymore but i wouldn't commit suicide because for one i am christian and God created me the way i am and I'm sure he wouldn't want his creation destroyed. also i actually like myself. it's the world i don't like. i think i am beautiful the way i am although most people might not and i get along great with my mother and grandmother and most of the time my sister. whenever i go out in a crowd i get ';butterflies'; in my stomach and i just want to go right back home. i think i am a social person but i am so scared to make friends with anybody because i am afraid that they might make me sad somehow or will turn out to be someone i am not. another issue with me is that all of the people at my school are immature spoiled rotten selfish kids. the boys are raucous and immature and they are not gentlemen at all. none of them! i guess it's the generation we're living in today. Also in algebra my teacher goes way to fast and i feel stupid because i don't get anything he is teaching. i asked my mother if i could attend online schooling but the good ones cost a lot of money. oh my goodness there is so much i could type here it would take all night..also another thing that totally depresses me are the girls today. they all seem to be slutty if i may say so myself. even the girls in intermediate school! also what's up with ';boyfriends and girlfriends'; these days?!?! it seems if someone doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend they will die or something! it's ridiculous. I mean who wants a boyfriend anyway? they are all totally rotten in today's world. I could go on and on but to the person who is reading this i will spare your time. I guess the real problem is that i shouldn't worry about the people around me and i should just worry about myself but i can't do that for some reason. i guess until i am an adult and free of school and immature people i will always have my doubts. if you're reading this thank you for taking the time. good night.I am a bit depressed, can someone cheer me up with some happy life quotes or their own personal advice?
    Courage is fear holding on a minute longer!

    One of my favorite quotes, and it has gotten me through some rotten times. I realize how depressing things can be as a teen, especially the devastation that you have been through. One thing you have to remember is that things can ALWAYS be worse. You look around and you will see a lot more people are a lot worse off, even though it doesn't feel like it. Try to find the positive in every situation. Even if it is just... Katrina destroyed my life, home, and I am left with nothing... but I am still alive and so is my mother! You will be surprised how much you can change your thinking, and how quickly the depression will start to go away.

    Good luck with everything you do!I am a bit depressed, can someone cheer me up with some happy life quotes or their own personal advice?
    i thick you are going to be ok .look for the good in people and you can see it just try it .
    I completely understand how you feel. I think life does go on though. I am not trying to be mean or anything, my English is not perfect, I may say retarded things, but bear with me, kay?

    I know that you feel like things just need to change, I see things the same as well. When I was your age, I felt so low that at one point, I actually asked God to take me away, not suicide I guess for I am, like you, a Christian. But that's just it, God gives you everything you need as long as you ask Him. He will bring you the things you need. Also, don't do that to yourself, you should stay in school, you need a friend and it would be great to start somewhere. I know that the people in your school may not seem to be the people you can picture yourself hanging out with, or even talking to, but not everyone is like that and you'll see, that eventually, somehow, something will filter the good people out and you'll find people you can be comfortable around... And about the Algebra thing, you seem smart, just umm, ask your teacher, see him during your free time if you can to see if he can help you. If not, I can attempt to help... By the way, not all girls are that way, maybe in your school, but not in mine... I'm free to talk anytime if you are willing to talk to a stranger getting through high school... By the way, it's a sin to worry. (Working on that too)
    Hey! Its very courageous of you to write what you've written. I just want to say that I'm Christian as well. Firstly, if i was in your position I would get on my knees and pray to our Lord. He knows everything and He wants to help us. He wants us to come to him and tell him everything. He loves us sooooo much, he wants to hear about our life, He wants to help. Look at these 2 quotes from the Bible:

    ';Here I am! I stand at the door %26amp; knock. If anyone hears my voice %26amp; opens the door, I will come in %26amp; eat with him and he with me';. Rev 3:20. This is 1 of my fav quotes. It shows us that God is waiting for us to go to Him. He loves us so much that He wants to spend time with us.

    The 2nd quote is another of my fav ones and it shows me that God has something amazing planned for everyone:

    ';For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope %26amp; a future';.

    I believe that God has you here in this world, wherever you may be, for a purpose. He has you there to help others, even when you don't know that you're helping someone.

    Life is here for us to grow, to become stronger as a person, to become like Jesus, to have all his beautiful characteristics. I believe that the more you go to God, whether it be praying, dwelling, thinking of Him, the more your bad characterisitcs dissappear the more your good qualities show up.

    Life is hard, I know from experience, but turn to God and He will make things right in your life, from your friends, to the social side of things, to your confidence....everything, God makes things work for good. Don't give up, because like I said, God has you here for a purpose.
    everyone feels the same way your feeling right now in there life.

    ';everything happens for a reason';

    if you are a christian than you've prolly heard that, and should believe it.

    it may not be the happiest feeling quote, but it always makes me wonder and feel better about my life.

    Advice needed (personal experience is best!): wedding emergency kits?

    We have a wedding coming up in a few months and we're making a emergency kit. For anyone who does not know what it is, it's basically a bag/kit filled with fast-fix tools for anything that may go wrong. We have researched this on many websites and compared lists to make sure that we have anything and everything that may be needed.

    And here's my question: does anyone have any ideas for items(maybe from personal experience) that are a must-have that may be overlooked? Any ideas would be wonderful!! I think we have the basics, but you can never be too sure!

    Thanks for you help!!Advice needed (personal experience is best!): wedding emergency kits?
    Great question! I am in the event business, so I've been carrying my own go-bag with this sort of stuff for a long time. You've got the basics from other answers, think about these things:

    Duct tape for emergency pant/dress hems and clothing fixes. Combined with safety pins, you're good to go all night.

    Little hand wipes. Not baby wipes, but the individually wrapped kind. Wet naps, you know. That goes in the ';never let 'em see you sweat'; file.

    Batteries. Wireless microphone batteries like to fail right before big events. (Even if the a/v guy just changed them.)

    Pens and notecards. For anything!

    Anything you'd want in a basic first-aid kit.

    Tide Stain-Stick. Amazing, space-age technology.

    Crackers. Defeat the wedding day jitters and their effect of the stomach.

    Along the same lines, maybe a pack of Tagamet.

    List of contact #s for all wedding vendors. Where's the florist? I don't know, but if you have her number you can find out.

    Cash. For tips/bribes. When some valet attendant won't let you leave the ';just married'; car on the curb for more than a few minutes, a few bucks can probably get him to look the other way.

    Scissors, a pocketknife, a nail clipper. Cutting implements of all sorts for things that suddenly need to be cut. Don't give them to a freaked-out groom, though!

    Add those items to the ';standard'; kits and you'll be REALLY prepared.Advice needed (personal experience is best!): wedding emergency kits?
    stain removers (goof off, oxy clean in a small bottle, etc.)

    band aids



    protein bars

    bottled water

    florist tape

    florist wire

    nail polish remover

    emory board/nail file

    permanent marker

    ziplock bags


    black socks for the guys

    hose for girls

    feminine supplies (you never know who's gonna start when)


    needle/thread -- white, color of all dresses in wedding party, black--probably easier to thread several different needles

    small scissors

    duct tape (you'd be surprized what you can do with it.)
    safety pins you always need a safety pin ive been in so many weddings and almost every wedding some one needed one good luck
    Since you have the basics covered, I won't go over them again. One thing you might want to add is needle, thread and small scissors. At my wedding just a few weeks ago, the zipper in the back of my dress busted just after I put on the dress. Fortunately, I had transparent vinyl thread and needle (from making my own veil) and my mother was able to sew me up. You couldn't even tell, unless you looked up close.

    Good Luck!
    Clear nail polish to stop a run in hose

    Extra hose

    Travel garment steamer to touch up gown/suit wrinkles

    Makeup Remover

    Safety pins

    Sunscreen for an outdoor wedding

    High-protein snacks (protein/workout bars are good)

    Low-sugar drinks (no sodas- milk or water is good, if you can find no-sugar energy drinks with B vitamins, even better, B12 is a mood stabilizer).

    Avoid refined sugar (including high-fructose corn syrup)- it will set off a jittery bride even further. Make sure the wedding party and particularly the bride is well-hydrated. I had an outdoor wedding, and if I hadn't kept hydrated, I would have not done well in my great big heavy dress in the sun...
    Here's a link to a Microsoft Word template for a Wedding Day Emergency Kit鈥?/a>

    Good luck!
    A great wedding planner
    A wet wash cloth in a ziplock bag saved my cousin's wedding gown. We were drinking Kir Royales in the limo, dropped the bottle of chambord and it splashed all over her gown. Her mom had packed us a wet cloth and it cleaned the chambord right off the gown. We were very lucky.
    well...i had my reception at my parents house so I had basically everything I needed there, but maybe make sure you have some makeup on you just because yours could get messy. i know my makeup got all smudged so I had to touch it up for pictures or else they would have looked pretty bad. also a lint brush if the suits are black because everything sticks to them.
    safety pin

    bobby pins for hair emergencies (small brush or comb as well)

    2 extra earring backs if you're wearing earrings



    lipstick or gloss

    tide pen (these are magic)

    dental floss! in case you eat anything :)

    powder (for shine) or blotting papers (they take up less room) Sephora has them. you can probably get them at any beauty supply.

    tip: if you have a heavy dress-or it will be hot- put a swipe of deodorant on your lower back and behind your knees. this seriously works!

    hope this helps :D
    Here's what I had:




    -sanitary napkins

    -bobby pins, extra pins for bridal party

    -low-sugar drinks

    -power bar


    -orange juice


    -needle, thread

    -glue gun, sticks

    -extra cards, gifts for tables

    -emergency contact lists (cell phone#'s for bridal party, parents, family members -brother, vendors, catering, etc..)


    -extra film

    -extra pantyhose
    At my wedding, I didn't eat anything before I went, and when I got nervous, I got either eat something, but I was sort of afraid to eat!

    Saltine crackers %26amp; peppermint candies cured my nervous stomach. Batteries...the power went out during our reception and if we had brought batteries for our stereo we could have at least kept music.

    That's all I can think of to add from my personal experience.

    Any words of advice or personal experiences you'ld like to share on BUNGEE JUMPING?

    so im going bungee jumping for my birthday at the end of the month


    im pretty sure ill do it, just wondering if yould like to share advice or personal experiences :DAny words of advice or personal experiences you'ld like to share on BUNGEE JUMPING?
    Make sure that the cord's not to long. Also make sure that it's attached at the top.

    Other than that you should be good.
  • stella mccartney
  • Advice from personal experience?

    Okay I am 6 weeks pregnant and I was wondering what I have to look/ and not to look forward too. Please be honest lol I want to try to be prepared for this. It's my first child (FI has a little boy) anything can help ease my nerves.Advice from personal experience?
    Well look forward too -

    baby kicks!

    baby shopping - its so fun to look at all those cute clothes -


    Hearing the heartbeat

    No period

    You get to hold your baby after its all over

    Not to look forward to -

    Heartburn (you may be lucky and not get some of these btw)

    Swollen feet and legs

    Back pain!!!


    Morning sickness


    You cant eat everything you used too

    Smells might make you sick feeling


    Mood Swings!

    Theres probably something I left out but I cant remember much lol.Advice from personal experience?
    I'll start with the worst first lol -

    -possible morning sickness (mine lasted months!)

    -aches and pains

    -mood swings over the silliest of things

    -discomfort when sleeping

    -sensitivity to smells

    -by your third trimester, you'll likely walk funny and become a little clumsy due to your big 'ol belly

    -sometimes you might get unwanted attention

    -stretch marks


    and the good things:

    -growing a cute little life in your belly

    -people letting you cut in line at the store/in the bathrooms

    doors being held open for you

    -family and friends giving you extra attention

    -the ability to get your boyfriend/husband to do random things a lot easier, such as rub your back/feet, get you something to drink, be more protective

    -feeling your baby kick (that's probably my favorite)

    -getting your ultrasound pictures

    -picking out a name

    -spending hours on end thinking about how cute your baby will be, and how you want to raise him/her

    -getting to see what you created once your 9 months have passed

    I'm 35 weeks, and it's my first too. We're having a boy. Good luck to you and your family :)
    first of all, congratulations on your little one!

    here are all the good and the bad things i've experieced so far...


    - baby kicks

    - baby's hiccups [i was so excited when i first felt them!! about 3 weeks ago]

    - people offer me food all the time

    - everyone tells me how small im carrying [even if i dont feel that way, the comments still make me feel a little better]

    - a couple ppl have let me cut in front of them at the cash register

    - when my belly button popped out, i thought that was pretty neat

    Not so Good:

    - bigger butt

    - monsterous, gigantic breasts

    - stares from inconsiderate people [its like they've never seen a pregnant woman before!]

    - stupid comments from stupid people [you're STILL pregnant??.. why are you eating again?... but you're so young!... wow your feet and ankles are really huge... etc..]

    - swollen fingers and wrists

    - swollen feet and ankles

    - constant back pain [at this stage of my pregnancy, just standing still can make my back really ache]

    - when i wake up in the morning, all my joints from the waist down are achy and stiff

    - oily skin [i've never even had this much acne when i was going through puberty!!]

    - mood swings [one moment i love life, the next im extremely pissed or weepy]

    - being 8 months pregnant in the heat of summer has been HELL.

    - constantly going to the bathroom is really annoying.. especially when i just went 30 min ago.

    - sometimes when the baby rolls, he/she pushes against my tummy and it really feels tight and very uncomfortable

    - forgetfulness [once, i forgot my bag at my bf's house and didnt realize i was driving w/o a license until i was already at my drs appt. another time, i woke up to find that i plugged in my radio instead of my fone charger]

    - extreme anxiety about the pain of labor.. coming just around the corner..!

    yeah.. there are a lot more of the ';not so good'; stuff... but in the end, its all worth it.
    Ok, I'm 19 weeks right now. So far:

    The not so goods:

    Morning sickness...for me I would get sick every morning and then just sporatic nauseau throughout the day. Mostly at the mention of food or if I was around cigarette smoke.

    Frequent urination...didn't know somebody could pee so often

    Oh, and the hormones...fighting with my boyfriend was prob the worse. Over stupid stuff that I got upset with for no reason.

    The Great things:

    Feeling baby kicks


    Sharing the news



    Honestly this has been one of the most wonderful and amazing experiences in my life. Good luck to you and enjoy every second of it.

    Going back to college when you have kids... advice/personal input please.?

    I have a 14 month old son and I am currently going to school mainly online, but I also have an on-campus class one day a week (my Mom watches him then). This summer I am going to be taking 2 courses and will be away from him two full days a week. I am considering going to school full time after the summer... I'm hoping to work it out so that my classes are only 2 days during the week so that I can be with him the majority of the time. My question is... if I get accepted into the nursing program (when he's around 2) I will have to go Mon - Thurs from 8 to 5. I think he'll be with my Mom but I might have to use the college day care sometimes. So, I will be with him all day 3 days a week (plus holidays and summer break). My hubby says go for it but I really love being there for him and am really concerned if this will be too much time away. Do you think it will negatively affect him in some way? Do you think this is too much time away at that age? Input?Going back to college when you have kids... advice/personal input please.?
    Being a good mom is more than being physically there all the time. You are setting a wonderful example for your son. Education is important, and he needs to see that.

    Placing your child in day care is also important whether you work/go to school or not. As long as the care is good, the child needs to learn that it is okay to be away from you. He needs to learn social skills and things that you can't always provide for him.

    There a lot of children that spend all of their childhood in care, still have a great bond with their parents, and are well adjusted, awesome kids.

    Sounds like you will find the perfect balance for you and your family. You understand the importance of spending time with your son, and you will find a way to make every second with him count.

    Good luck. I know you can do it!Going back to college when you have kids... advice/personal input please.?
    I think as a parent you have to think in terms of quality time and not quantity time. I am in school about 20 hours a week and my 7 mo. old is in daycare. I have had to make a conscious effort to make sure that I am really paying attention to her, and then doing homework after she goes to sleep at night. If you have daycare on campus, it is generally more expensive, but you can pop in on him and say hi, so that will be nice!
    Ok here is my answer, I agree with your husband. Go for it, there won't be any negative affect to him, in fact it would set a great example for your son. I know for I went back to school after my last son was born and he was about 3 yrs old. It set a good example showing him that you are never to old to go to school, to learn, and be able to do something in your life. If you feel that full time is to hard go part time.. Most colleges have it to where you can take up to 11 credits before full time sets in. Going into nursing is great for you and your family. Don't throw this opportunity away
    You have a good mum. She is willing to take care of your kid while you study. My mum just wants to lead her own life. She the shits.
    Just wanted to say that your having chosen a nursing career - you're gonna be golden in the next couple years.
    I think that you will be fine leaving him. I know that my parents worked a lot when I was little, but my brother and I understood and the time that we did spend with them made up for the time apart. Just make sure that you are taking full advantage of the time you do have to spend with him!
    Your child will be just fine and so will you. He will always be so excited to see you when you get home. He is young enough that it won't leave any negative marks on his little baby brain. You should be proud of yourself for doing something to better asure your childs future, college isn't cheap. Go to college, he will respect you for it. Just make the days that you are with him very special. Good luck

    Anyone had this? Any personal or professional advice please?

    We're trying for a baby with out any luck. Had a HSG examination on 3 Sept and blead for 4 days after that til the 7th Sept. Saw gynae one the 7th who prescribed clomid. Now 18 days into my cycle and have a very light period. not enough to use tampons only very light. Is this my peroid or not? this is now the second day. I am supposed to take clomid tonight if it is any halp please????Anyone had this? Any personal or professional advice please?
    DONT take it.

    the light period can be symptoms of ovulation or implantation. contact your doc, she might suggest pregnancy test after 14 days.

    worst case is clomid might not be working for you, did your doc track your ovulation?Anyone had this? Any personal or professional advice please?
    Call your doctor to know for sure.. They should have an answering service and a doctor on-call just for this reason. Best of luck!

    Girls, help with personal girl advice?

    Well the other day my girlfriend and I were fooling around on her bed, and then I asked what I could do to turn her on, and she replied with ';try anyhting';.. After that I really didnt know what to do.. so my question is: What can I do to, you know, be good before the sex? things I could try on her. And I'm not a 40-year old perv or anyhting, I just want to satisfy my girl. Thanks a lot.Girls, help with personal girl advice?
    well i like when my boyfriend kisses me all the way down, from my neck to my hip bones. and i love when he tugs at my hair. i have no idea why, but it gets me agressive and into it.Girls, help with personal girl advice?
    My bf. first hugs me and then makes me sit on the bed, he slowly comes closer between my legs and then stays like that just holding me and talking to me and it is really a good feeling for anyone to experience. After a while, he kisses me and kisses me and he compliments me from time to time which makes me even more into what he is doing. I think your girlfriend is acting a little immature thoughi she should help you instead of just sayin try again. I mean, you are trying to please her arent you.

    So I mean maybe you should re-consider the sincerity in you relationship.
    In my opinion, your question kind of made her nervous.

    I myself am not one to talk dirty in bed, and get intimidated by questions like these.

    It is hard to give advise without knowing your girlfriend- all women like all sorts of different things.

    Some things with less risk of turning her off or freaking her out? Lets see...

    Ice Cubes,

    Sensual Massage,




    If she is the kinky type, there are many many more ideas running through my head, but I guess I will leave those for someone else to suggest...

    Good Luck!
    watch diane lane in the movie unfaithful.
    try kissing her legs and go up to her back and neck

    or give her a great bjob :]
    try tickling her

    Why is it instead of listening to educated advice christians resort to personal attacks?

    like this one: Crissy Jennifer D, I agree with you. What an ignorant b*tch.

    If she knew anything, she would know that Christianity is definitely against slavery. Really, the questions some people ask...Why is it instead of listening to educated advice christians resort to personal attacks?
    Yes, when someone has no good argument they often resort to personal attacks. They also resort to point gaming. Take a look at the last 10 or more answers made by Jennifer D, all the same, word for word.Why is it instead of listening to educated advice christians resort to personal attacks?
    People can be so insensitive, can't they? I would never be like that.
    What is your point?
    Christianity is against slavery???

    Are you completely oblivious to what is actually in the bible?

    1 Corinthians 6:20 YE ARE BOUGHT WITH A PRICE!!

    Only a slave can be bought! Someone that can make up their own mind can not be considered to have been bought!!!
    I see no educated advice. Dolly posted a very mean-worded question, which was very condescending toward Christians. MANY of us gave her helpful and comprehensive answers. She turned around, ignoring everything we said, and posted the very same question literally five minutes later.

    What are people supposed to do when their answers fall on deaf ears, literally by the person who willingly brought up the question?

    This has been addressed time %26amp; again. It works both ways. There are self righteous people on both sides of the fence. I've seen Christians go out of their way to post baiting questions for Atheists and vice versa. Last night was a prime example of both (though that's every night here! lol) I've seen both call each other names and attempt to belittle each other.

    It's funny really. How bad a** are you if you fight with someone online. It's not like you can ';win';. I'll defend my beliefs but I won't get into a pi**ing contest with a troll. Everyone can get their point across without childish name calling. Then again, it wouldn't be as entertaining if there weren't a few nutters on here. We all need a barometer of insanity. That's how you gauge your own kookiness. lol

    Should we only give advice from our own personal experiences?

    how would we know its legitament (sp?) without actually doing it ourselves?Should we only give advice from our own personal experiences?

    I think I helps in some cases, if the advice you are getting is coming from an experience person. Only someone who has went through something, really understands or knows the feelings and maybe able to relate to someone better. On this site I try to only give answers to those questions, which I can give something valid too and it's usually because I have had some experience of it. However, being as objective as possible and taking in all possible answers, when giving advice is always the best idea, because sometimes people get so soaked up telling their own experiences that they don't really answer the question in hand, but overload the person with their own life details.

    Hope that helps

    xShould we only give advice from our own personal experiences?
    Actually, you don't know if advice is legitimate even if you DID experience something similar, because everybody is different! What is right for you based on your own experience might not be right for another person with the same experience. So just giving advice based on that is actually bad advice-giving, because that assumes their situation and experience is the same, which is unfair and inaccurate. Common sense, sampling, study, statistics, reading, etc. etc. These things are just as important (though not necessarily more important).
    Our 'experiences' are comprised of much more than what we have, personally, gone through or done. We can draw upon the experiences of those close to us. We also hold strong beliefs, based upon our upbringing, religion and other socializing influences, which we draw upon for our every day lives. As long as we qualify our advice, explaining the relevance of it, I think that many people are qualified to offer their thoughts without having had to have gone through it ourselves, personally.
    u can give advice from others expericance, but the best advice comes from those that have lived it.
    Not necessary. People acquired knowledge from many sources, one of them his personal experience.
  • stella mccartney
  • Have you ever used the Personal Name Advice from

    How was your experience?Have you ever used the Personal Name Advice from
    I went there after I had already named my kids to see the meaning of their names. I think it would be a great place to get ideas for cool or unique names too! I like how you can type in a couple of letters and get all the names that start with that letter. We knew we wanted names that started with an M, so that would be very helpful. Good luckHave you ever used the Personal Name Advice from
    never did, but a lot of people do
    I have not but people do!!

    Why is it easy to give others advice re personal issues and not be able to sort your own problems out?

    becuase when you're giving advice, that is all you're doing. You don't have to take the difficult steps of action that will accomplish what you advised.Why is it easy to give others advice re personal issues and not be able to sort your own problems out?
    A person can see when something is wrong with someone else. but when it comes to themselves, most of the time they are in denial, or they just don't want to admit that something is wrong.Why is it easy to give others advice re personal issues and not be able to sort your own problems out?
    My problems are entirely different.
    Usually when you give others advise your drawing off of personal experience. Either it has happened to you or someone your close to.

    When it's your own problem you don't have that experience because if you did then it wouldn't be a problem to you, you'd know what to do.

    Experience is the best teacher...

    We don't always learn from our mistakes...
    I couldn't agree more. I answer lots of peoples questions but never take the advice I give to them. I should though
    I feel the same way also. But i realized that your advice you are giving out to other people doesnt incorporate your feelings. But your personal issues deals with mixed feelings and emotions so therefore you will act differently in your situation then giving advice in other situations.
    Because your own experiences might have shown you the answer to the question asked. Been there, done that. I've got lots of problems I don't know the answers for. Or if I actually do, deep down, know them, I don't have the courage to do it.
    Because we are objective when it come to other peoples issues but when it comes to our own it is much harder to leave feelings out when assessing a situation or problem.
    because you see people problem first before you see your own that's why
    it is easy, we never all take our own advice because we always think it's different than everyone elses.
    it's much easier to be objective when it's someone else's problem
    Your own emotions aren't involved and going to cloud your judgement.

    Sure its easy to look at someone who just got beaten and say ';you need to leave him right now.'; but put yourself in that person's shoes and this is a man who's they love and understand and believe can be better(and possibly be right about, but still shouldn't stick around to find out for their own health/sanity's sake)

    And the saying ';Love is blind'; is very true. I was reading about research done by two UCL neurobiologists that there is biochemical changes when you are in love that blocks frontal lobe function which is where social judgements are made. And therefore you won't be able to think clearly when it is about your loved one- you can't judge them socially- and well, that is what we base these pieces of advise on right? He beats you you should leave. He cheats you should leave. Etc Etc.
    it is always easier to help someone else than to deal with are own problems
    honestly its really ironic I know a few relationship specialists who have saved thousands of other people's marriages and theyve been divorced twice.
    not really sure the answer to this one but i can relate to it fully as i seem to be the agony aunt all the time.i think its just one of those things! i think the problem is that you can see the rational side of things when it is somebody else,but our judgement is cloudy when it is our own and anger,despair,hatered,confusement,etc all come into play depending on the situation. dont worry your not alone in this predicument
    Because you cant be objective when it comes to you. When we look at others problems we see things as cut and dry. It seems so obvious what they need to do to fix things but when it comes to your own things its not so cut and dry. We tend to make excuses and think our situation is different from others. We use our head to fix others problems but we use our heart for our own.
    There is a *big* difference between knowing the right thing to do and actually practically doing it

    also, sometimes people find it easier to deal with other people's problems than facing their own.

    I don't think it's always easy to give people advice, but it helps if you can put yourself in their position and try not to be too judgemental.

    For me answering questions around here is just my attempt at being helpful. Ive had plenty of problems of my own, now I'm happy and probably pretty even minded. It's nice to feel like maybe you helped somebody in a small way, learned something or to just take part in an interesting discussion every day.


    Probably because you're more distant from it if you're talking about on here for example. When it's closer ie yourself or family, you tend to have an emotional rather than a rational input which can cloud your judgement.

    I do think some ppl are rather flippant on here and give inappropriate advice or sarcasm at times!!!
    I am pretty good with my own issue, too. At least know what I need to do ... doing what I need to do is sometimes the hard part. Like since I work nights, I should be in bed now.
    It's always easier to see problems from an outside point of view. When you are involved you get mixed up with emotions and can't really see the whole picture. It;s the same thing as when you look back in hindsight. The problem is resolved and you can view it from a different angle.
    I wish I knew I honestly do.

    I guess we see our advice as bad advice.
    giving advice is different from enacting is up to the person who seeks advice to decide whether they really require it........anyway the person giving advice will be able to solve their problems if he has a good insight......such people will be able to sort out their own is easy to give advice for others because there is no pressure for the advisor......the person who is suffering from the problem is so confused that he cannot solve his problem.....
    its easier to help others than yourselves
    That is the best question I have read in awhile.......Practice what you preach.....and on and on and on............I guess its just easier to see solution for others and not so easy to find solution that will help us with our on personnel life's
    because your biast about your own life. but looking at a situation frm the outside at a different agle you get to see things more clearly
    You don't see things objectively. Your always taking your side.

    Do you take criticism as a personal attack or helpful advice?

    Honestly, it depends. If it iscoming from someone that seems to have a chip on their shoulder, then no. Some people are also arrogant and like to criticize other to make themselves look better. Some people just like to hear themselves talk. Hence, the critism from these sources is not warranted.

    If I get critism on how to improve something, and it comes from a reliable and trusted source, then I'll gladly take it. In this case it is helpful advice.Do you take criticism as a personal attack or helpful advice?
    It depends because some people criticize you to attack you personally. But if their giving me criticism to help me than I'd take it as helpful advice.Do you take criticism as a personal attack or helpful advice?
    Personal advise is always helpful to an individual. Criticism is of no use whatsoever.
    what have you got?
    It depends on how it's used %26amp; who says it because I can take criticism pretty well, but if it's from someone I don't like I let my feelings known.
    When I was young, yes I felt attacked and insecure. Now that I am older and wiser and I agree with the criticism, I can deal with it. If I don't believe in it I let it roll off my back and don't dewl on it.

    It takes maturing to be able to get to that place of not feeling personally attacked.

    Just because words come out of someones mouth doesn't mean they are true or that anyone believes them.

    Just like every thing that goes through your brain doesn't have to come out of your mouth.
    Constructive criticism from a close friend or a family member I can take as helpful advice.

    Personal, but advice is much appreciated?

    Over the last 3 days now I have had some itching and burning from chaffing in the area between the vagina and the anus. (I know it's personal and may be TMI, but I would like some feedback on this). It's not in or on the vagina or the anus, but it's kind of on the butt cheeks right there in that area where they meet by the perinium. I had my husband look at it (he's really great for doing that without saying I'm gross) and he said it looked like chaffing and that it was red and irritated looking. Has anyone had similar happen? I'm not exactly small, but I'm not large and overweight either. It also didn't start until after i went to a tae bow class Monday night. Do you think the skin got irritated with doing the class?Personal, but advice is much appreciated?
    Jock itch is caused by the same organism that causes yeast infections. Yeast can cause raw itching around that general area, especially if you got a bit chafed from the tae bo.

    I would try some female yeast cream like monistat. Don't get the really fast acting kind - just the normal strength. Try applying it to the affected area. You probably want to take it vaginally too.

    Make sure you don't sit around in your workout clothes. Shower and change into something dry. Also avoid wearing workout clothes with a big seam that will chafe.Personal, but advice is much appreciated?
    thats possible that you irritated the skin during tae-bo. That has never happened to me but maybe it was caused by the type of underweare/work out clothes you wore.

    I would stay away from the thong while tae-boing since it may be in the area that chaffed. If it doesn't get better soon, call your primary doctor and they can give you a creme...if not I'm sure some Balmex would work. I know its diaper rash creme, but we prescribe that to our patients with sore rectums and itchy butt....but then again, i'm no expert.

    Guys/Girls-Do you need personal advice?

    I've started an advice column on youtube. Originally it was only meant for girls, and although I still do cater my videos to girl stuff I've helped a lot of guys through email.

    So far I have 7 videos uploaded. An introduction, race and beauty, flirting, an eye shadow tutorial, how to get rid of undereye bags, best friend break ups and finally eyebrow tips. Let me know what you think and if you have any questions for me to answer. Thanks! :)

    Just go to youtube and type in thatbrowngirl890 or go the link directly you need personal advice?
    i saw the video on flirting tips anf i think your good at it...keep up the good qwork and i need some advice on guys ( i have a crush on rhis really cute guu that just started working where i work and LOng story....but he thinks i was talking bad about him.....and everytime he sees me he looks at me weird......Guys/Girls-Do you need personal advice?
    Are you Indian? aap ko hindi samaj aati hai?

    Guys/Girls-Do you need personal advice?

    I've started an advice column on youtube. Originally it was only meant for girls, and although I still do cater my videos to girl stuff I've helped a lot of guys through email.

    So far I have 7 videos uploaded. An introduction, race and beauty, flirting, an eye shadow tutorial, how to get rid of undereye bags, best friend break ups and finally eyebrow tips. Let me know what you think and if you have any questions for me to answer. Thanks! :)

    Just go to youtube and type in thatbrowngirl890 or go the link directly you need personal advice?
    Woah... thanks. that's kind of you! lol
  • stella mccartney
  • Speech Development- 18 month old daughter is behind. Any advice? Personal experiences?

    My daughter, who is very bright in all other aspects, is behind in her speech development. I read that at this age that she should be saying 6-10 words, but the only ';word'; she really says is ';bye-bye';. She communicates with gestures mostly, like using the gesture I always did when I would ask her ';all done?';. Instead of saying dog, she pants like our dogs do. She ';talks'; all the time, and her inflection is right on, as if she was talking, but in a language I just don't understand. If she's angry, sad, happy, etc., her inflections and pitch are right. We're 99.9% sure it is not a hearing problem.

    One theory is that she regressed when my son was born. They are a year apart. Anyone with kiddos this close together, please let me know your experience. She is an excellent problem-solver and very smart in every other aspect, but she babbles like a baby, and it is very frustrating. Would playing with other kids her age or slightly older help motivate her to talk? Ideas, advice???Speech Development- 18 month old daughter is behind. Any advice? Personal experiences?
    I had, and still have because it is a work in progress, the exact same problem. I would describe our daughter almost exactly as you did. Clearly smart and almost considered advanced in other areas, but speech.

    I ended up taking her to a program we have here called ';Help Me Grow.'; It's actually through the Health Dept and they do not charge you anything until they are 3. I found out about a similar program through my cousin in TN, while I am in OH, so that tells you that you probably have something within your area. Try the HD first, then maybe if you have something like Job and Family Services.? Work with her everyday as well. Read lots of books and play educational games with her on the daughter loves those. And kids, playing with other children is definitely key.

    Don't get too upset just yet...she'll get there in her own time. Everyone did in fact tell me this, but it's hard to believe when you don't see any progress.Speech Development- 18 month old daughter is behind. Any advice? Personal experiences?
    You need to have her evaluated by a speech therapist. Most states have agencies (child development) to provide free screenings and therapy if needed until the child is of school age and the school system takes over from there. When my oldest son was little, even though my pediatricain said all was fine, I was concerned with his speech delays, and had him evaluated. Found that he indeed needed therapy and started treatment within a couple of months. He recieved speech classes through the end of third grade and now you would never know he had a problem. The earlier treatment is started the better. Good Luck.
    yes I think that playing with other children would help immensely but the thing that would help the most is talking to her allot and get her to talk as well even if it is not sensible correct her and then move on. The more you engage her to speak and really talk to her the better she will get, it is that simple. Talking is a motor skill and it needs to be practiced to improve. The other thing that many parents overlook is that there is a definite mind body connection to learning kids who are delayed in their motor skills (walking running jumping climbing etc..)Will have delays cognitively as well; so take your child to the park play with them often and get them moving this helps the brain with problem solving and will help your child learn. Reading is very important as well read to your child use flash cards identify everything, they are little sponges and they will surprise you and say something days or weeks later that they only heard once. Good luck.
    My doctor has told me that they don't test kids for speech delays until two. I guess that kids really vary a lot between 1-2 with their language development and until 2 it is totally normal for them not to speak at all. It sounds like she hears you and can make sounds, which indicates she is physically fine. It also sounds like she understands you and what is going on, which shows she is cognitively okay as well. My guess would be that she is still just working out the fine art of speaking. Some day you will likely wish she would just shut up! But seriously, if she is still not using words by her second birthday, ask her doctor to refer you for a screening and early intervention. But in all likelihood, one of these days she will have a ';language explosion'; and begin saying lots of words.
    One of my nephews was the same way (except for panting like a dog) until well over 2 years old. He was such an expert at ';echocentric babbling'; you got the feeling that whatever he was saying, it must have been very intelligent, if only we knew his language. He would have all the mannerisms of a scholar debating great subjects. But he would hardly ever use real words. (He also had a little sister born when he was about 18 months.)

    He grew out of it before the age of 3 years. Now he is in college. My suspicion is there is nothing for you to worry about. Give her time. Try not giving her what he wants unless he tries to say the word for it. (Why talk if you can get everything you want without talking.) Be patient %26amp; do not worry.
    My son had the same problem. Everyone kept reassuring me that he was fine but I had that mother's instinct something was wrong at 18mths they introduced us to birth to three. They brought in specialists and therapists. At 2 1/2 they diagnosed him autistic. There are reasons for concern. Best advice talk to a qualified pediatrician and good luck.
    It may interest you to know that my brother had EXACTLY the same symptoms... very bright, active, smart... he just didn't talk. One day, when he was three or four, he suddenly just started talking in complete sentences, like a little adult. He is now 19 years old and extremely intelligent and talented.. he's a freshman in college.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it... every child figures out language their own way.
    As a parent, and as a special educator, please get that child tested. It sounds to me like he or she needs and evaluation for speech. Better to get this done while they are young before it gets worse. Believe me, my daughter did the same but, we had her evaluated at 2 1/2 and she got speech. She now speaks beautifully. I would also get his or her hearing checked out. My child also got tubes at 2 1/2 with the speech and what a difference. The procedure is only 10 minutes and the child doesn't feel a thing before or after. Good luck
    My son was almost 3 years old when he started to talk more.. At a young age, he didnt talk, but mama.. and little little words. My mother and I started to teach him sign lang. for things like, drink, yummy, ect.. things that he wanted and needed and couldnt say... This worked greatly and today he still knows them.. And he started to talk shortly after learning the sign for them...
    I have been a mom for nearly 27 years plus I have operated a home day-care for over 19 years. In addition, I have a teaching degree. The guidelines you read about are just that, guidelines - some kids are far ahead and some are way behind. At 18 months, your daughter is learning so much every day. If she is functioning in every other area at or above average, than the language issue will resolve itself over time. My first bit of advice is not to fret over it. After that, spend plenty of time reading to her and talking with her. I have one daycare child who did not say any words until she was 2 years, 2 months old. She is now 4 1/2 and talks ALL the time. She will be going to kindergarten in the fall with absoloutely no delay in language whatsoever. I also have a nephew who had about 5 understandable words in his vocabulary when he was 3, but understood everything you said to him. He is now 7 and has been having speech therapy for 3 years and is also doing remarkably well. Enjoy your children and their unique talents and gifts. If your daughter turns 2 and has not aquired any new words, than I would make an appointment with her pediatrician for an evaluation. Give your children many hugs and kisses and say ';I love you'; every day. A day will come when those precious babies have moved on with their lives and you will cherish those memories.
    Being the parent of 5, three of which are 16,15,13 now, never let people speak ';baby talk'; to them. I found this very important because since there were 3 of them, they talked enough in there laungage. Childern mimic all most everything, so the more adult speach(of the right kind) they hear, the better they will learn. I would'nt worry she'll just start in her own time.

    Need advice from some personal trainers/fitness gurus out there, please?

    I'm 28 and currently do aerobics classes 3 times per week for the last year with 2 resistance classes a week. I lost weight at first and without changing anything I've gained it all back. Currently I'm at 195 and 5'6';. I measure 41 bust, 36 waist, abdomen 42, hips 44, thigh 27. Most people think that I weight in the 160's the way my body is proportioned but I want to lose 40 lbs and tone up. My major problem areas are my legs and abdomen (like most women) What is the best way for me to start a good weight loss routine that includes running without having to pay for a gym membership. Any diet hints would be nice also. I've started eating all natural/organic meats and dairy and eat salads and fruits. Is that ok? Thanks in advance. :)Need advice from some personal trainers/fitness gurus out there, please?
    K. I will address the diet first. Stay on the low end of the ';gylcemic index'; This is how fast the sugar gets absorbed into you blood stream. Stay away from starch like white rice, bread, potatoes. You need to consume about 70kg of protein per day for your weight. You need to jump start your metabolism. Try treadmill or eliptical. Fast walk followed by several short bursts of runs for about 30 minutes not including a warm up of 15 minutes. You should work out about 5 times a week and watch how much exercise you do as you may overtrain and begin storing fat. Good luck.Need advice from some personal trainers/fitness gurus out there, please?
    i don't have to know anything except how to find out who does. go to site below. the man works out once a week and does less than 30 mins. of cardio once a week(including warmup) and has looked this way for thirty yrs. if you can't find something in his fitness and diet articles that can help you i'd be truly suprised.good luck
    if you are gaining weight while exercising 5 days a week the problem lies in your diet. there would have to be a caloric excess in your diet for the body fat to increase while getting regular exercise.

    you need to start counting calories and start at a daily intake of around 1750. you should see if you can get your BMR tested at your gym they may be able to use indirect calorimetry for an accurate reading of your BMR. increasing the fiber intake to 30 grams daily helps to keep insulin levels low and stable. eat carbs like lentils, beans, whole oatmeal, barley, etc. consume protein/carbs in the first 2-3 meals of the day then only protein/veggies/healthy fats in the evening and night time
    Thats great! Cut back on red meat though. You dont have to eliminate it, but eat it in moderation. As far as loosing weight, maybe look into ayurvedic health. They focus on balancing things out in your body and by doing that, your body should take on its natural healthy weight. Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water, like at least 8 cups a day. This helps flush your system and keep you healthy. Good luck!

    Personal training advice?

    I am looking to study online to get my personal training certifications but I am confused...there are so many certifications! Which one should I look for to obtain? What is the highest most respected certification in health clubs?Personal training advice?
    1. NASM (

    2. ACE (

    Both very well respected, but I think NASM edges out ACE.

    Louey, speed? anyone used it i need some personal advice about it?

    have you been on speed/loey? are you affectionate? angry? or what? i have a new guy in my life and i dont like drugs but this is who he is - he doesnt take it all the time - maybe once every three weeks - and hes ok when hes on it hes fun, energetic, and really affectionate - if youve had this what are you normally like? because when hes on it hes all over me - calling me wanting me to come where he is etc: but then during a normal week he wants to take things slow etc: getting mixed signals - whats your experience and what are you like normally? also see my question on new boyfriend... ThanksLouey, speed? anyone used it i need some personal advice about it?
    ok...speed is not your buddy...

    it all starts off that line once a month then one line once a week then one line a day..etc...

    he is probably lying to you about the amount of drugs he is doing. Feeliing spontaneous and feeling extra horny are common sideffects....When he's on drugs he lets go of all his inhibitions and lets loose....I suggest you stay away because he might tempt you to do drugs or he can become violent and volatile...I was psycho on speed...I saw ghosts coming down from my ceiling and pointing at me...they sat on my bed while I prayed to god and promised never to do it again...they pulled my sheets, my bed caught fire and then I blacked it's not the beginning I was energetic, out going...wanted to clean,run, walk, jump and dance at the same time...but then it all goes you might not think it's a big deal right now...but it is...

    so please stay away from a druggie myself....I feel safe to say things don't get better while on's no way to live..

    Advice on personal mission statement?

    Have you written a personal mission statement? What is in it? What are good websites/books to use for creating a personal mission statement?Advice on personal mission statement?
    I would start by reading other personal mission statements that are similar to the one that you want to write.

    I don't know if there are any websites that will help you do it, but there are probably plenty of mission statements on the internet.Advice on personal mission statement?
    A mission statement should reflect your own opinion/s on where you want your future to go!@
    brown nose